
Death’s Lover: The Object of Death’s Desires

Delilah never expected to be the object of Death's affection, but when the mesmerizing Doctor Morian (Death) appears, she can't resist his allure. Despite the consequences, Mori risks everything for a chance at a life with Delilah, hindering her reunion with her soulmate Ciaran. Delilah is plagued by blackouts and nightmares from her past lives, struggling to uncover the truth of her existence. But Delilah soon discovers the truth about Morian and her complicated love for Death. With Lance's help, she fights to free Ciaran's soul and faces an impossible decision. **Mature Content** New episodes are updated everyday

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44 Chs

A lover from a past life

"My name is Delilah, and I don't know how I got here" She looked around scared.

"No, that must be your name in your present incarnation but your soul is called Mortala"

"I got flowers and a gift yesterday addressed to that name; I thought it was a mistake. Was that from you?"

"No, I am dead, I cannot send flowers. Sadly, I didn't reincarnate into this lifetime with you. That was probably from Mori, the one who imprisoned me. That means he has begun his plans to get you."

"Ok…, this is a dream? Because this can't be real"

"Yes, we are in a dream, we are in the astral plane, your body is safely asleep in your house, but I called your spirit here."

"And you chose this creepy forest of all places to summon my spirit, and I'm supposed to believe you mean well?"

The cottage began to rattle.

"We don't have much time, your body is waking up," Ciaran said, looking around.

"What exactly do you mean? "What exactly is going on?"

"Listen, Mortala, you're about to wake up. We've been soul mates since the moment we were forged at the pillars of creation. Destined to be together for the rest of our lives."

Delilah tried to listen to him, but the earthquakes were too loud. Ciaran approached her and held her face.

"It's vital that you listen and comprehend what I'm saying. Mori has trapped me in the Nether realm."


"He is Death. I have been imprisoned for several eons. Mori is determined to keep us apart, which is why you must remember me."

"What? I don't understand" Delilah was confused, nothing he said made sense to her. This dream was fast becoming a nightmare she wanted to wake up from.

"I'll bring your spirit back here once I regain my energy, which will take some time. However, when you awaken, you will be perplexed by this dream, which will not appear real. Your mind will forget, but you must remember me, and you must remember Mortala."

Delilah touched his face, trying to remember the details in the dim light. He was stunning as if the creator had sculpted him from the finest brown clay. His entire face was a reflection of perfection. His eyes are the mirror n of love and warmth. Suddenly, she began to experience flashes, and her head felt as if it had split open.

"Ciaran? "My eternal love?" she asked.

He cradled her face, tears streaming down his cheeks. Despite touching her, he and she couldn't feel each other.

"Do you remember me?"

"I am getting images, Mori? That's why I have felt so empty, you didn't reincarnate into this lifetime with me. Where is he keeping you?"

"In his palace, in the nether realm. He is determined to keep us apart, every time you die, he sends your spirit into the next life. Because he knew you would look for me." said Ciaran as he touched her face again.

Tears streamed down her face; "my life has felt so empty because it is missing you. I can't leave you, I won't. Tell me how I can help you."

"By remembering this, remember me, I tried to send you a message for so long, but didn't know if it worked."

"I have symbols etched down my spine, that was you?"

"Yes, I have been doing everything to contact you. but being trapped in the nether realm is draining me of my life force. The symbols etched on your spine holds the answer. It's the language of souls and holds the key to freeing me. You must find a mage or sorcerer. There are a few who survived persecution but live on earth in secrecy. The last mage I knew was Lance the immortal an ancient sorcerer with access to incredible power. I knew him from the 9th century when we lived in Mesopotamia, since I've been trapped, I have no idea where he is now. He can travel between realms. Find Lance the immortal he can help us, he can help free my soul from this eternal prison but you must remember this dream Mortala."

"I'll find him and help you, I promise, I won't forget, we will be together again my love." She bit her bottom lip as tears fell from her eyes."

"Do not cry my love, this is but a momentary setback, like the moon that illuminates the night, I will never stop loving you Mortala, no matter what phase our connection goes through. No prison is strong enough to keep me away from you."

Delilah's heart clenched at the promise of his eternal love.

The dream began to unravel. A strong wind tore the roof apart. Ciaran gripped her hands tightly.

"What's happening?" asked Delilah as she struggled to hold on to him.

"Your physical form is awakening and my spirit weakens, I can't hold this dream together much longer."

"No, no, I don't want to let go, Ciaran do not let go."

"It's ok my love, we will see each other again, Our love is eternal."

Delilah's grip became tighter. "I can't live without you, Ciaran," she sobbed as she hugged him.

They were separated by the wind. Delilah took to the skies. Ciaran stood in the wrecked cottage, watching her disappear.