
Death Insanity Agony

A broken shattered man, is given the chance to live life the way he wanted to. To no longer have to hold back, to let out the monster that lives inside him. He is no hero, nor is he a villain. He disdains the labels that people use to define what they believe. He is no saint, and he is no demon either. He is whatever he wants to be, and whoever tries to stop him from achieving what he desires. May the gods have mercy on their souls, for they will die horrendous deaths. He will try to gather people to his name,he will build a mighty following. It will all begin with the gods arrogance and their mistake.

Burning_in_Hades · Fantasie
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32 Chs

6 new prey

after packing the two rabbits I looked around. I didn't manage to find anything snooping around. I decided to check my stats. thankfully it seems I managed to level up once to level three.

seems I'm 15 exp from the next level. so I guess it does double as you level up. I decided to allocate my free stat points. thankfully it seems I don't need to pull up the whole status screen I can just pull up attributes.


MP: (36/36) -> (49/49)

body: 8 -> 11

mind: 6 -> 7

magic: 6 -> 7

I allocated my stat points I'm still putting more into body because right now I'm still focusing more on physical attacks. my stats are at least looking better after my two level ups. well anyway it's time to start looking for new prey.

I managed to find a new trail to follow. it took about 20 minutes of tracking thankfully I didn't find anything else on the way.

I managed to find what I was looking for, it seems to be a new breed of rabbit. this one was a shade of light green. I decided to use the inspect skill on it to see what type it was.

species: gust rabbit

level: 2

MP: (4/4)


body: 1

mind: 2

magic: 2


(bite) (air step)

it's skills seems pretty self-explanatory. I'm guessing airstep allows it to step on the air as if it's solid. I really need to use devour on this rabbit. with the skilled air step Plus jump I should be able to make very impressive maneuvers.

I will have to see how it goes with this thing being level 2 I'm sure it has higher perception. I also noticed that inspect might not be able to give me their information on their species unique skills. I'm pretty sure the horn rabbit I devoured has a special skill called horn growth. I meant to get the skill as well but it seems like it only show up when I turn into the rabbit.

if I'm right this rabbit should have some special skill in its fur it either makes it faster or add some type air barrier that flows around its body. anyway it seems I won't know until I attack. well screw it let's see how this goes.

using stealth I crept in as careful as I could. thankfully my added stat points into body help me have more control over my movements. it didn't sense me coming. I got as close as I thought I could.

I charged in and used jump, I thought I'd be sure to catch it by surprise. but it seems I was right even with its body stat only at one. it managed to use an incredible burst of speed, and used air steps to get away from me.

it seems it does have an innate skill in its fur that allows it to have a speed boost. I guess someone's got to bait it. I stood there staring at it with my sword ready.

just as I thought it watch me for a moment and then charged. even though it's not a predator it seems to think I'm pretty slow and not a threat. I waited till the last second.

are you jump and impale at the same time. it seems when I use impale when a coach the tip of my sword it also lessens the air resistance and makes the sword faster.

the Gus rabbit open its eyes and surprise as my sword managed to pierce straight through its throat faster than it could move. it didn't even manage to use airstep before it died.

I pulled my sword out of its throat. I decided just that like with the others I'll dissect it before I use devour on it. after I dissecting it I managed to actually get a level up on my dissect skill.

it may not be useful to me yet but it seems as the skill levels up it helps me to be able to know what's valuable on whatever I'm dissecting, and how to remove the valuable parts without damaging them.

this will become very helpful later on. anyway after checking the description on the level of dissect. I decided you was devour on the gust rabbit. it seems I was right higher level stronger creatures seems to take more mana.

the horned rabbit managed to take 15, but it seems a gust rabbit even though it was only one level more managed to take 25. I believe five may have been for the level and then another five because it was a creature with an innate element.

it'll take more study to be able to know, I'll just have to find out about it later as I go. it seems I left the rabbit out too long something's in the bushes on my left. from the sounds of it seems pretty large. at least compared to what I've met so far.

it came through the bushes and it's exactly what I expected to see. after all where there's prey there's predators, it seems the blood from the rabbit managed to attract a wolf, and it's definitely not like the wolves from my world.

species: Rock wolf

level: 5


MP: (4/4)


body: 7

mind: 2

magic: 2


(vicious bite) (charge)

it didn't seem interested me right away so I took the time to analyze what I found out about it. so far from what I've seen it seems that low tier creatures only get two stat points per level up.

it seems the rock wolf is a pure physical fighter, even though it has mana available it doesn't seem to have any abilities that use it. and even those level five it only has two skills. I think it has to do with its mind stat.

if I'm right the mind stat should have to do with intelligence among other things. it seems that in order to get skills that you're not born with you have to have a higher level of mine stat.

at least that's what I think based on the information I have so far. I'll have to wait and see until I run into higher level creatures and see. although it could also be that as they level up they unlock more abilities through their bloodline or something similar.

at least it seems as rockwolf is in that bright and since it has the charge ability I'm going to test out a new idea I had. it seems The Rock will finally notice me,it was too interested in the puddle of blood first.

it seems to think that I was a better meal since it couldn't find whatever had died there. I stood still with my sword ready, and just like I thought it was stupid enough to charge at me.

if I'm right this rock will should have incredible defense, and it should be aligned with the Earth element. it seems like to rely on impale for this. I waited till it got close enough and then I used jump to jump into the air.

as I jumped I turned to where my head was facing down and my feet were facing toward the sky. then I use the skill air step and you jump again from The leverage it gave me.

with everything I had I jumped straight at the back of its neck. I use the skill impale and manage to drive my sword straight through its spine. surprisingly it wasn't dead even with its spine snapped and paralyzed.

I ripped my sword out of its neck and even then it was still breathing, so I used impale again and this time ran my blade into its skull. it seems things with the Earth attribute also have very higher levels of vitality.

I tried to use devour on the wolf corpse, but it seems I don't have enough mana. it seems I was right the amount of man a consumption has to do with the type of beast the level and its element.

I need at least 80 mana to devour it. so for now I threw it into my personal dimension so that it didn't attract more predators. I managed to get a different amount of exp that I expected.

I thought I would only get one XP per level of the creature. but it seems it was because the rabbits are so easy to kill that they give less XP.