
Dearie System

After a recent breakup with his girlfriend, Claudio falls into deep depression. While he's wasting his life away, he encounters a woman at a bar who gives him a business card due to his strifes. "Dearie Corps. This is where all your dreams will come true. Thousands of women in the palm of your hands. Come visit sometime." Such a deal like this is too good to go to waste so Claudio takes the offer. He has nothing else to lose as his depression makes the decisions for him now. What will go down..? What's the worst that can happen?

WonderSuru · Fantasie
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45 Chs

Battle at Woodcrest Park

The days go by as I hang around with Yuki and Addis. Dearie hasn't really been tracking anyone, but she tells me that she's being picky and choosey this go around. Addis has been teaching me how to strengthen my Angel Mode and truly resonate with my Spirit. As we trained, we noticed someone walking toward us.

I looked at the person then calmed down. "Leo."

Leo looked at me then Yuki. He finally looked at Addis then grunted softly. 'Who is that..?'

Addis stood up straight then closed his eyes. "My presence leaves you in awe doesn't it? I'm sure Hannah had the same effect on you didn't it? Is that why you were hesitant on saving her that day?"

I looked at Leo. "You were there?"

"I was...but when I saw her, I sensed a strong presence from her. A presence similar to yours, a presence similar to his." Leo said.

Addis crossed his arms then opened his eyes. "She is a direct descendant of Evie, one of the original humans of the Garden of Beginnings. My memories are serving me correctly...she was Corrupted."

"Who are you?" Leo asked.

"I am the Reincarnation of Adam. My name is Addis Eden." Addis said.

Leo grunted softly. 'No wonder his energy was so strong...yet it explains why his energy felt Godly. Maybe I can test his strength to make sure he's legit. If this is the same Addis Usagi reported to me, Luke is playing a dangerous game...'

Addis sensed Leo's intentions then closed his eyes. I watched how serious Addis got then looked at Leo. I grunted as Leo suddenly attacked Addis. Yuki gasped as well.

"Leo! What are you doing?!" Yuki asked in shock.

Addis dodged Leo's strike then caught his fist. "Lion's Bash..."

A symbol of a lion shined on Addis's palm then he went for a strike at Leo. Leo barely managed to dodge Addis's strike then created distance between them. Leo panted softly and wiped his nose. He looked at his hand, noticing blood.

'What...is Luke planning..? This is the guy he wants to capture..?!' Leo thought to himself.

"Leo, what the hell is wrong with you? We're just training." I said as I hurried over to him with Dearie at my side.

Eve looked at Adam then looked back over at Leo. "No need to be alert. Mr. Reigns is an ally. I assume he took it as a misunderstanding."

Addis calmed down then heard the sounds of nature becoming silent quickly. Yuki and I were also alert to the presence.

"Alert." Dearie said.

"Warning." Eve said.

"Powerful threat nearby. Multiple Nexus presences in the area." They both said.

Addis looked at Leo. "You led Nexus Members here?"

Leo grunted softly. 'He had a spy on me..? No...Luke wouldn't make such a risky play...that means...'

"Alert: System Wielder inbound." Dearie said.

"What..?!" I asked in shock.


A beautiful woman sat in her church and prayed. She heard her elven guards rushing into her domain. She stood up and looked back. "What would be the purpose of you rushing into my domain in such a manner?"

"Lady Rapunzel...They found him! The reincarnation of Askr! Aryn!" The elven guard said.

Aria looked at the guard then grunted. "Ryan..!"

Rapunzel watched as Aria rushed out of the room. She smiled and summoned her spear. "If that's true that means his girlfriend, Elma is gonna be there and if that's true...Suxen. Everyone we are going to Woodcrest!"

"Right!" The Elven Guards said.




"You led the Nexus to us, Leo. What is your intention with me, Leo?" Addis asked.

"It wasn't me." Leo said, trying to explain himself.

"It wasn't Leo..." I said then turned around to see Ryan behind me.

Ryan smirked then dashed toward me immediately. I grunted and blocked his strike then our auras began to clash. Ryan's eyes grew wide with shock at how stronger I became. I bellowed then struck him with a body blow, staggering him then I struck him with a spin kick. Ryan grunted as he was knocked back. He recovered and stared at me.

"Things are different now, Ryan." I said then formed two Light Blasts in the palms of my hands. "I've awakened..."

Ryan looked at me then got into his stance. "Honey, do it."

Honey scanned me then copied my powers then bestowed those same abilities to Ryan. Ryan formed two Light Blasts in his hands as well.

"Unit: Honey, Program: Soul Scanner." Dearie said. "Direct counter...to me. Program: Soul Manifestation."

Ryan chuckled then put on his mask. "You can't stop us, Brother. We will complete our goal of reaching Wonderland and Heaven. Suxen is the Messiah the Heavens need to build a perfect Mortal Realm! A realm where both the Wonder Energy and Holy Energy can coexist."

"What is he talking about?" I asked.

"Hypothesis: The Nexus isn't the only organization targeting Dearie Corps. Another organization called Reverence Corps is targeting them as well because of Wonder Energy. Whoever is leading Reverence Corps, also leads the Nexus." Dearie said.

I stared at Ryan and made him a higher priority. I surrounded myself in my angelic aura then propelled myself toward Ryan. He braced himself then clashed with me. We pressed our Light Blasts together, causing a massive explosion.

Aria noticed the explosion and rushed over toward us. She noticed Ryan and summoned her sword. Ryan sensed her then dodged her slash then summoned a Holy Lance and clashed with Aria. He thrusted his lance, striking Aria. The lance shined then exploded.

Aria crashed into a large tree then fell onto the ground. She grunted and coughed. 'How does he also have access to the...Verses..'

Ryan chuckled and laughed a bit. "This power...I never knew you had so much power within yourself. Where was all that power when we first fought. Instead you ran. There's no more running, Brother.."

"Dearie." I said then Dearie began augmenting my condition. I grunted and closed my eyes then my Spiritual Energy began to rapidly rise.

Addis looked at me and sensed my ever growing power. He closed his eyes and began to resonate with the energy. He nodded then opened his eyes, feeling himself growing stronger.

"What the hell was that?" Leo asked as he watched Addis.

"Addis's main ability, Will of Mankind. He's the definition of mankind. As human Willpower grows stronger, he grows stronger." Yuki explained.

"Are you done with your little break?! I'm ready to tear your skull open!" Ryan asked impatiently.

"Complete." Dearie said.

I opened my eyes then rushed toward Ryan with a spinning kick. He dodged me and grunt softly. I kicked his side then gave him a strong right hook then a left chop to disorient him. I twirled myself behind him then elbowed his back. Ryan stumbled forward and looked back then noticed my decoy disappear.

"Where are you..?" Ryan asked then sensed me behind them, but caught my bluff then evaded the attack. He noticed a vision of me appear in front of him and guarded.

'Wait that was an afterimage!'

I appeared in front of him and pressed a Light Blast against his stomach then blew him away. I propelled myself toward him at high speeds then disappeared. Ryan noticed Decoys mixed with afterimages appear around him.

"Stop hiding!" Ryan roared and discharged projectiles made from Wonder Energy, taking out the Decoys and the afterimages. "What..? Where is he..?!"

I appeared above him with a giant Holy Lance constructed with my Light Blast. "Holy Blast...don't fail me."

I launched the massive lance at Ryan and he turned around then his eyes widened. He noticed a dark energy barrier blocking the lance then the lance exploded. I watched the smoke cloud then Dearie helped me land safely on the ground.

"Darling is nearby." Dearie said.

[Name: Elma Valkyrie]

[Age: 22]

[Birthday: September 4th]

[Occupation: Nexus Member]

[Hobbies: Fighting Dearie Corps, Shopping, Brooding]

[Price: N/A]

The smoke cloud disappeared and revealed Elma in front of me.

Elma was a beautiful woman with pale skin, long, wavy silver hair, deep red eyes, and a voluptuous figure. She wore a black and gray floral kimono with a red commander coat around her shoulders. She looked down at me and slowly landed on the ground.

"Elma.." I said.

Elma stared at me then closed her eyes. "This could all be over now if you just gave up. We wouldn't target you if you just give up, Claudio."

Addis surrounded himself in his aura then vanished. He appeared beside Elma then kicked her away. Elma groaned and flew backwards, crashing through an entire tree and slid on the ground.

Ryan grunted as he looked at Addis. 'This guy's presence...'

Elma flew toward Addis quickly and punched his cheek. She grunted and flinched back then groaned loudly as Addis struck her with a powerful palm strike. Addis launched her away then held his hand out toward Elma then fired a beam of Angelic Energy toward her.

The beam hit Elma then an explosion happened. Elma flew upwards out of the smoke then grunted. She bellowed and her red flower shaped halo appeared above her head then her black wings on the lower back were manifested.

"Angel Mode? Who is she?" I asked.

"Elma is the Reincarnation of Embla, the Eve Equivalent of the Norse Angels. If she's the Eve Equivalent, her power now is off the charts. Ryan is my Equivalent since he is the Reincarnation of Askr. Heh, seems like Mankind is becoming even stronger." Addis said.

Elma summoned her sword then fired five homing lasers at Addis. He dodged the lasers then propelled himself toward her, but Ryan intercepted with a wide smirk. Addis's eyes shined then Eve swooped in and struck Ryan's stomach with a charge attack. Ryan groaned then grunted as Addis knocked him to the ground.

Elma bellowed as she flew toward Addis. She slashed downward then noticed she hit an afterimage. "What—"

Addis struck her from above, knocking her to the ground. Addis appeared in front of Elma then struck her with a powerful gut punch. Elma coughed blood then was launched away through multiple trees. Elma recovered and grunted then bellowed.

Addis braced himself then noticed Elma appear on the left of him then Ryan appeared on the right. They went for an attack at the same time, but Addis evaded them with a graceful twirl then pushed them away with his energy. Ryan grunted as he slid backwards then fell on one knee.

"He's too strong...I've never faced off against any person like him. He's also a System Wielder...who is this guy?" Ryan asked in between his grunts.

"While I am feeling merciful, I advise you both to retreat while you can." Addis said.

Ryan chuckled softly and stood up. "Try this on for size! Light Blast!"

"Replication Ended. Recharging..." Honey said.

'Honey has a time limit...' I thought to myself.

"Dammit not now! Honey! Do it!" Ryan commanded.

"Not on my watch!" Dearie said and sent a pulse of digital energy at Honey, instantly hacking her.

Honey grunted as she could barely move. "What... is...this?!"

"Digital Pulse. It instantly hacks any system when successfully hit. We end things, Honey!" Dearie said as she was about to make Honey self destruct.

A shadow hand rushed toward Dearie and knocked her away. Honey became free and panted softly. I hurried over to Dearie then held her up. I looked ahead and noticed Suxen walking forward.

"Let the true battle begin now..." Suxen said and stared at me.

I heard a giggle and a pillar of light crashed in front of me then a beautiful woman appeared before more. All I could describe was a nun with a voluptuous body with long golden hair. She was beyond attractive, she was to lust for.

"Sorry that I'm late~ I just didn't expect anyone to attack so suddenly~" The woman said.

Everyone looked at the woman in awe while Yuki was extremely excited.

"Rapunzel!~" Yuki waved.

Rapunzel smirked then twirled her spear and three divine blades appeared on the spear. "Don't worry, the Songstress of Royal Greens...has arrived~"

Suxen glared and adjusted his mask. "Interesting..."