
Dear uncle, thanks to you I found love

I'm Aurora a beautiful girl who has always dreamt of taking over the Salvatore's business empire. I'm the heiress of the empire but my dreams were shattered and my world began to crumble after I lost my dad to the cold hands of death. I lived a miserable life thanks to my uncle who hated me and my family. Uncle decided to take me out of the picture in other to take over the business empire. He married me off to Leonardo Armando a Ruthless Mafia Lord who frustrated my life and made life miserable. He never loved me. I didn't know which was worse; being a Mafia Lord's wife or the fact that I lost everything that matters to me.

Victoria_Gabriel_8814 · Urban
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6 Chs

Chapter 5: Sick Morris

I arrived at college and met up with Catherine who was waiting for me at the library. We left for our afternoon classes. I couldn't stop thinking about my dinner date with Raphael. The class ended and Catherine and I left for the cafeteria. I noticed Morris was absent from class.

"Morris didn't come, why?

" I don't know"

"Strange. He doesn't bunk classes. We'll go visit once we're done with lectures today"

" Sure. Our next class starts by 2pm and ends by 3pm"

" Yeah...I..." My eyes caught the sight of Raphael who was heading towards the cafeteria. We made an eye contact and waved at each other.

"Hi Aurora. How are you?

" Hi Raphel. I'm fine and you?

" Good. Nice to see you again here in school"

" Same here. How was your weekend? I asked while we continued walking to the cafeteria.

"Perfect thanks to you. I must confess, you're a Lucky charm"

" How? Cause my weekend was full of luck and perfection"

" Thank you" I blushed. " Well, I wanted to thank you for the dinner date. I really had fun, thanks to you and thanks for rescuing it from that disaster"

" It's okay. I'm glad you liked it. I just wish that we could do this often"

" Same here"

" Really? Well, since the feeling is mutual, why not go on another date with me" Raphael opened the door for us to get in.

" Wow! I would love to. When? This weekend?

"No. Lunch date, today, here in the cafeteria, right now"

" Right now?

"Yes. So..?

" Okay"

" Do sit down please"

"Uh... excuse me. Aurora...did you just abandon me? Catherine glared at me

"Sorry... but I ..." I stuttered

"My apologies for stealing her away from you without informing you but please, I hope you wouldn't mind me stealing her for just twenty minutes?

"I do mind a lot that's why I'm angry"

"Please.. Catherine, please"

" Fine. Don't forget we'll be visiting Morris"

" I won't"

" I'll be sitting over there. Once I'm done eating, we're leaving"

" Yes boss"

" Not funny" Catherine left in anger.

" She's got some anger issues?

" Not really. That's how she is. She tends to get jealous when her friends get so close to others. She's scared of been forgotten by us. That's why"

" Okay. I'll get our lunch"

" Okay. I'll wait here"

Our classes ended and Catherine and I left to visit Morris who was sick. Luckily we got some fruits and got take home food for him. He was alone as he couldn't find his roommate. I wonder where his room mate went to, living him in such state. Catherine and I placed what we got for him on the desk and sat down. I touched his forehead which was hot, he's definitely running a high fever. I requested Catherine to get a bowl of water and a face towel. I soaked the towel in the water and squeezed out some water and placed the towel on his forehead while Catherine checked his temperature.

"Is it high? I asked

" Yes, really high. Hey, what happened? I mean how did you fall sick all of a sudden?

"I ...I don't know" Morris replied faintly.

" You don't know? Morris, this is why I tend to scold you. You don't take care of yourself. All you do is study, study, study. You barely eat good food or fruits or stay hydrated. You are so annoying. If you were my brother, I would beat you up"

" That's enough Catherine. Stop scolding him. Can't you see the state he is in?

"And whose fault is it?

" Please stop. Tell me Morris, have you had anything today?

"No, I haven't"

"You see. He's sick and yet hasn't had anything. It's 4pm and he hasn't had anything, anything"

" Catherine can you please stop with your shenanigans. He's sick and I know he may not have the appetite to eat, that's why"

" I know but he should have tried to eat something. Do you want to die before your time? Oh goodness, might blood pressure might shoot up cause of you. Tell me, where's your roommate Gustavo"

" He's not home yet?

"Is that a question or are you replying my question?

"Morris, where did Gustavo go to? I asked

"I don't know"

"Okay. Catherine and I got some fruits and food for you. First have something to eat. Have you had your bath today?


"Why? Okay. Catherine help me with the food. Hey sit up and eat"

" I don't feel like it"

" I know but you have to eat, please. Okay, I'll feed you"

" Feed him? He's not a baby"

" Catherine just sit and say no word. Morris open up, ah"

" Fine. I'll feed myself"

The door opened and Gustavo walked in.

"Hi ladies" Gustavo greeted us

"Hi Gustavo. Where have you been? I asked

"To get some meds for him. You guys are here?

"Yeah. We noticed he wasn't in class today so I suggested we visit him. Catherine and I got something for him"

" Aww... that's so sweet of you girls. Thanks. I do appreciate it. He's eating. That's good. Uhmm...I got your meds"

" How long have you been sick, Morris?

" Uhmmm... just today"

"Liar. He's been sick for the past three days" Gustavo said

" What? Catherine and I exclaimed.

" Why didn't you inform me of Catherine? I thought we're friends. Not fair Morris"

" I didn't want to bother you girls with my health issues"

" This is crazy. What friends for. Gustavo, once he's done eating, please do help him take a shower"

" Sure Aurora"

" Uhmm... anything else? If you need our help, don't hesitate to contact me, okay Morris? I'll drop by tomorrow to check up on you. Want me to bring something for you from home? I asked while I pack up

"No thank you"

"Okay. Catherine, let's get going. Gustavo please do take care of him, okay?

"Yes I will"

"Take care" I hugged Morris and kissed his forehead while Catherine hugged him. Catherine and I waved goodbye and left for my car.

We got in and shut the door. For a minute, I said no word to Catherine as I was deeply lost in thoughts. At the supermarket today, I met same strange guy, not that I met him but I felt that strong and strange aura and then I saw a guy on black suit get into a car. Suddenly a finger was snapped at my face.

"Hello...I must be a fool. I've being talking to you and you just ignored me"

" You ..you have? My bad. I was just lost in thoughts"

" Lost in thoughts? What are you thinking about? Morris? He'll be fine"

" Uhmm...not him. "

" What then?

"Uhmm... nothing. Just forget about it"

"There. You preach something else and practice something. Back there you were preaching to Morris about friendship and keeping things away from us and you're doing the exact same thing"

" Am I? Well...I felt this strong aura around me today at the super, like some...some... some strange being was there. Like...a criminal...no...how do I put this... I don't know but it feels so weird like I have some sort of connection with this strange being with a strong aura"

" Aurora... you're a human. Honestly, I think you're reading a lot of fantasies. Just take a break from all these werewolf, vampire, demons and gods and goddesses books. It'a slowly getting into your brain. Strange person with strange aura and connection. Goodness. What then happens. He's your mate? Are you the Alpha's missing Luna? Catherine giggled

"Stop that. Goodness. You tend to joke during serious issues. I'm not kidding"

" Hey! I'm getting off over there" Catherine informed my driver

" Yes ma'am"

"Look girl, I know your problem. All of these is as a result of your single life. Get a boyfriend and stop getting connected to strange beings with strong aura. I'm getting off. Take care. See you in school tomorrow"

" Yes. Bye"

" Take care. Hey! No more thinking"

" Sure. Bye. Drive please"

" Yes ma'am"

"I know what I felt"