
Dear uncle, thanks to you I found love

I'm Aurora a beautiful girl who has always dreamt of taking over the Salvatore's business empire. I'm the heiress of the empire but my dreams were shattered and my world began to crumble after I lost my dad to the cold hands of death. I lived a miserable life thanks to my uncle who hated me and my family. Uncle decided to take me out of the picture in other to take over the business empire. He married me off to Leonardo Armando a Ruthless Mafia Lord who frustrated my life and made life miserable. He never loved me. I didn't know which was worse; being a Mafia Lord's wife or the fact that I lost everything that matters to me.

Victoria_Gabriel_8814 · Urban
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6 Chs


I arrived early in college. I waited for my friends to arrive. Catherine arrived before Morris. We left for the lecture hall. Catherine and I had our seats while Morris went to the back to sit. While talking with Catherine, I noticed a handsome tall being about 184cm tall, standing beside me. Dark brown hair, chiselled jaw and dark eyes, a bit slim and I could clearly see the veins in his hand.

''May I sit? He asked pointing at a chair beside me.

''Y-yes. Sure. Sit. It's all yours'' I replied with a smile.

''Thanks'' he said and settled in.

I couldn't get my eyes of him. It's my third year in school and I haven't seen such a beauty before. Where have you been hiding all these while. He flipped through his book, those fingers… look so nice. Catherine tapped my shoulder.

''What cath?

''I should be the one asking you that. What's up with you baby? Why are you staring at him like that?

''Like what?

''Like you wanna eat him up''

''C'mom Cath, I wasn't staring at him''

''Yes you were. You like him?

''No. no way. I don't even know him''

''Oh! He's a fourth year student. He's repeating this course cause he failed it''

''Fourth year? He's a senior?

''Yeah. Not a big deal''

''Who is he? I mean…his name''

''Why ask me? You can ask him. He's sitting right beside you''

''Mean girlfriend''

''Yes I love being mean''

I turned towards him, staring at him, then he turned and we made an eye contact. I quickly looked up whistling.

''Hey, sorry, can you help me with the topics you've treated in this course''

''Uhmm…we haven't treated any. Actually, it's our first class''

''Oh really? Okay''

''Any problem?

''No. not at all. I'm just relieved it's your first class with him. I don't wanna take chances''

''Oh, okay''

''Meanwhile, I'm Raphel and you're ?

''He asked me my name? I mumbled.


''Aurora. I'm Aurora Salvatore. Nice to meet you''

''Wait, the Salvatore, like the rich famous Salvatore family which owns one of the biggest business empire in the city and also in all Italy? You're a member of that Salvatore? No way''

''Yes way. I'm a member''

''Wow! This is a miracle. I mean, it's such an honour to meet a Salvatore. I never knew a Salvatore attended our college''

''Well…you know now. Well…two Salvatores, me and my younger cousin, Renato. He's a freshman. He's in science department''

''For real? I'm glad to have an encounter with a Salvatore. Your family has a perfect history. They are so peaceful and rich. Most families in the city want to be like them''

''Really? I didn't know that''

''Baby, girlfriend, the professor is here'' Cath said ''Aurora stop talking.'' She said glaring at me.

''Sure. I'm sorry Cath, I got carried away'' I said to her with a smile.

''Hey, Aurora missy, we still have a lot to talk about but that will be later, Okay? Raphel said with a smile.

''Yes. Okay'' I said melting away.

The class ended and I hurriedly packed up to meet up with Raphel. I left my friends behind and followed him. He stopped at the door and scratched his head, like he had forgotten something. He quickly turned and our eyes met.

''Hey, Aurora missy, you're right behind me''

''Yes. The class has ended and I was leaving''

''Yeah. I wanted to head back inside''

''You forgot something?

''Not really? I wanted to see you''

''Hey lovebirds move aside and quit blocking the entrance'' said some annoying dude.

''Sorry'' I said.

''Come with me'' He grasped my hand and we made our way to the cafeteria.

''Why are we here?

''Eat and talk. Remember, I said I have a lot to discuss with you''

''Yes. You said so''

''let's sit and eat''

''Oh! Here they are. Runaway girlfriend'' Catherine said with a frown.

''Girlfriend, I'm sorry''

''Hi, my apologies. I dragged her along. Sorry'' Raphel said to Catherine''

''Okay. I'll forgive on one condition''

''Which is? Raphel and I echoed together.

''You will be treating us to dinner '' Catherine said as she grabbed her seat.

''Deal. Dinner tonight, on me'' Raphel said.

''Yes, that's good. Uhmm…Aurora why are you eating? Our next class comes up in the next three minutes'' Morris said

''What? You didn't tell me Catherine. You're mean. Uhmm…Raphel, we gotta go. We've got a class to catch''

''Sure. See you at dinner tonight''

''I will'' I smiled and left with Catherine and Morris.

I finished up with classes today and prayed to meet Raphael again. I searched for him. I turned and saw him heading towards the school gate with his friends. I ran as fast as I could to meet up with him. I stopped running, took a deep breath, put on my ear pod and walked passed him. He left his friends and rushed to me. He quickly grasped my hand and i stopped walking. I smiled within me.

"Oh, hi Raphael"

"Aurora...hi. sorry for stopping you. Actually, I wanna know if you'll be free tonight for dinner with me, you know we get to hang out and know ourselves more"

"Sure. I'll let you know if I'll be free"

"Oh. Okay. May I have your number then? Here's my phone x

"Sure." I smiled

"You have such a beautiful smile"

"Thanks. Here, I'm done. Call me"

"Sure. I'll definitely call you. Uhmm... you're walking alone? Where are your friends?

"They are coming. I actually thought my chauffeur was here already and I left them behind"

"Really? Isn't he here already?

"I don't think so. I wonder what's keeping him from coming. He's taking so long." I turned and saw my car approaching my direction and smiled. "That's my car. He's here. I'll get going then"

"Sure. Safe ride home"

"Thanks. Wanna hitch a ride with me? I don't mind dropping you at your house"

"No I'm fine. I still have some things to do with my friends. Maybe, some other time"

"Sure. No problem. See you again"

"Yes, tonight. Take care"

I got into the car and we waved goodbye. Raphael returned back to his friends who were surprised to see us together"

"Dude, you're friends with her? Asked Julio

"Yeah why?

"Dude, you're lucky. She's a Salvatore. She's the heiress of Salvatore business empire" Octavio said

"What? Who told you that? Raphael asked with much surprise.

"Dad did. Aurora is also the favourite grandchild. Bro..if you win her heart, you're gonna be the luckiest being on earth. I heard she's kind hearted. She'll definitely spoil you with her wealth" Octavio said.

"Yes. Octavio is right. Try to win her heart. She'll be easy to get" Julio said

"What? She's not a chattel. Don't use such words on a human otherwise I'll throw you back to Las Vegas, right m Raphael said

"Los Angeles, bone head" said Julio.

"Speaking of that place, I really wanna visit. Why not sponsor my flight to there. I don't mind staying with you". Raphael said to Julio.

"But I do mind. I'll leave then. Catch you two later" Julio patted Raphael's shoulder and left.

"He's crazy. Wanna come hang out at my place? Octavio asked Raphael.

"No thanks. I already have plans tonight. Later"

"Everyone is having plans. I should start doing so"