
Dear me is the story I write for when I die

TeddybearFelix · Teenager
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21 Chs

False Truths

All this time and I believed in you

We showed each other everything

But you have nothing

I gave my opinion,thoughts, and life

While all you gave me was lies

You said I want to be your only man

You promised me that you would stay

But how'd you leave a girl empty handed

Making promises you couldn't keep

Just be like the others and leave me be

But here I am

Standing strong and proud

In my roots like a tree

Because I'm happy with myself

And you can't change me

My heritage, culture,and religion

It's what makes me, me

You can't clean my skin tone

No one can change my personality

Because I am me, the me that's free

Free from stress

About school and you

Making sure I meet your standards

Everything for you was easy

While everything for me was hard

Did you even love me?

You never said it

Not after one month

Yet you kept me like I was a pet

I never ever heard I'm sorry

Now here I am an adult and strong

Living on my own and free

Now knowing you were wrong

I don't need you to be me

Because that's the reason for family