
Broken ♥

Im going anonymous as i'm sharing my own story.

15th September 2010. This was the day i saw her for the first time. We were in second year of Engineering and she was a new joinee in our batch and probably the most beautiful girl i had ever seen in my college. She sat in the last bench and like a nerd i sat in the first bench. I had a crush on her but i never had the guts to approach her. Days passed by and it was the time for our externals. I wrote the exam and i came out. To my surprise she was standing right in front of me and smiled at me. She said she has no one with her to accompany for lunch and asked me to come with her for sometime and also clear some of her doubts. I agreed and we had lunch together. I couldn't sleep the whole night after meeting her. The next day the same thing happened. This time she was waiting for me to come out of the exam hall. I felt like cupids were playing music all around me. :P

This continued for so many days. On the last day of the exam i gathered my courage to ask for her number. She gave me the number and we started chatting. These small conversations went on for several days. We got the result after few days and she had flunked in 2 subjects. The same day she called me and started crying. She told me that she prepared really hard for the exam and she has not informed about the result to her parents. I was a topper in the class so i agreed to help her. By clearing her doubts not only i was helping her but i was also enjoying her company.

Once the college started, she gave the supplementary exam and cleared both the subjects with good marks. She was happy and she thanked me for helping her. I just asked her for a treat and to my surprise she agreed. This was the first time we went out together.

Days passed by and we got closer and we started chatting everyday and started sharing our problems with eachother. We both use to hangout together all the time and i really enjoyed her company. Everyone in my friend circle got to know that i have feelings for her and i think at some point she also knew whats whats happening. I was so obsessed with her and i used to go mad in her absence. I just wanted her so badly and i wanted her to feel the same thing like i did.

In our final year it was her birthday during eight semester. I had enough money to buy her an expensive top which she always wanted to buy. I bought the present and was waiting for her to come. That was the time i decided to propose her. My heart was pounding at 1000 beats per minute and she finally showed up after an hour of waiting. As soon as she saw me she walked towards me with a smile on her face. I thought she had an idea of what i am planning to do.

We sat in a corner of the resturants and ordered for starters. I decided to tell how much i love her. That was the time she said she has a big news for me and told me that she is getting engaged. My whole life turned upside down. I couldn't speak anything. All my plans and my feelings for her were destroyed in just a matter of seconds. All i could say that i was happy for her. I went ahead and gave her a present and wished her and acted normally. I dropped her home and went to a quite place and started crying. I cried like a baby and i couldn't control myself. I felt like i have lost the most precious thing in my life.

I didn't go to college for the next few days. She started calling me and i didn't answer her call. I went to the college after few days and she asked me the reason for not answering the call. I said i was busy and i ignored her. I didn't talk to her for several days. She then came to me, when no one was there in the class and asked me the reason for such behaviour with tears in her eyes. I then realized it's of no use ignoring her. I had only few days to be with her and her marriage date was very near. I then decided to beave normally and be with her and treasure every single movement. After the college ended she personally came to my house and handed me her wedding card. I agreed to attend the wedding.

I got a job in different city and the joining date was after her wedding. I decided to leave the town as soon as possible to avoid the wedding. I left the town and i messaged her saying i had to go because of the job. She was furious initially but she understood what was going on. I didn't tell her anything. I just left!

I went into severe depression after going to the other town. I couldn't stop thinking about her with some other guy. I stopped having food, i stopped contacting my parents and i also avoided all my friends. After few days i realized that im not fetching anything by thinking about her. I tried really hard to come out of depression and to pick myself up. After 2 years of staying away from home and concentrating on my work, i started adjusting to my new lifestyle. I got transferred to my hometown.

Just when i thought everything was fine i got a text message from an unknown number. I later got to know it was her. She got my number from fb. She wanted to meet me as it had been such a long time. I agreed to meet her as i no longer had feelings for her.

I met her today morning and i saw the same girl with the same attitude and same smile. I fell in love with her all over again. I don't want to repeat the same mistake i did last time. I casually spoke to her like nothing happened.

Wonder what would have happened if i had proposed her before all the marriage stuff came into picture.

She is happily married and i wish she get everything she deserves. :)