

When you go upstairs in my house, you'll find four rooms. One is locked and we're not allowed to enter. Neither I, nor my sister, nor even my mother. Only my father

He enters every night when everyone is asleep. He stays for an hour or two, then comes out and goes back to sleep with my mom . He's careful to only do this when we're all sleeping .

For all these years, I've been curious about this room. When we were little, I used to tell my sister that we should enter it, but she was too afraid. She'd say there's a ghost and other such nonsense. You know how little children talk

But one day by accident, I saw the room. When I was a little. I woke up one night, the night before Christmas, thirsty. I opened my room's door, rubbed my eyes, and dragged my feet slowly. I heard a sound coming from that room.

And there was light coming from the side of the door. I moved slowly and looked through the small crack. I saw something I had never seen before.

I saw my father kneeling in front of his wardrobe, hugging a coat. It was a coat I had never seen before. It looked like a man's coat, not a woman's coat

He was crying bitterly, and holding the coat to his face with all his might. After he moved his face from another angle, he looked at me. His eyes were wide, almost popping out, and they star to me with terror. I felt my legs give out under me.

but after that, my eyes stayed fixed on his, and with quick steps, he moved towards me. I felt scared that I'd get in trouble, but finally, he closed the door and I bolted towards my room and jumped into my bed right away

All I could think about was that I would be punished the next morning.  I imagined how angry he would be with me....

But the next day.  in the morning .  Quite the opposite happened.  He smiled at me and stroked my hair before sitting down to eat at the table.  We talked about random things. but he never mentioned the subject of the room.  I, in turn, did the same.  I didn't talk about what happened.  Things remained as they were

now .  I am twenty years old.  My relationship with my father deteriorated two years ago.  It's not like we're fighting.  But we're just not as close as before.  He doesn't look me in the eye when I talk to him.

  Even when I was accepted into the best university, his reaction was not as usual, even though we celebrated and my mother and sister were happy, but I was more concerned about his reaction.  That saddens me a little.  But I don't think about it much

about this mysterious room.  This curiosity in me still has not been extinguished about this room.  for whom?  .  Why is it so important to my father?  Today I decided to enter it after my father went out for a walk.  Just take a quick look..

After my father went out for a walk.  I had previously stolen the key that he kept in a box under his bed.  I watched him beforehand until I knew where he carefully hid his things.  My sister was in the garden of the house with my mother roasting  meat.  So I was sure that no one would interrupt me.

I placed the key carefully.  My heart was beating fast.  The adrenaline rose every time I turned the key.  Excited to know what lies behind this room.  Which has piqued my curiosity for these ten years

The sound of the door opening

I took a deep breath before entering, opened the door carefully, then quickly entered and closed it from the inside.  I moved my eyes quickly to take a quick look at the place. It did not contain many things

On the right there are boxes near the wall.  Next to it was a bed that was medium sized, large enough for one adult man.  On the left near the wall.  Where I saw my father kneeling here and crying, hugging a coat.  wardrobe .  Antique wooden.  Next to me there was a desk on which many candles and papers were placed.

I went ahead and opened the closet first.  In it I found a collection of men's coats and three formal business suits that looked luxurious.  None of these clothes belonged to my father because I had never seen him wear them before.

There was a beautiful distinctive smell emanating from these clothes.  I can confirm that the owner of these clothes has good taste.

  There is a full perfume bottle underneath.  I picked it up and held it close to my nose.  The same smell as on the clothes. I put the bottle in its place, and an antique bag that looked like a suitcase caught my eye under the clothes 

I pulled it out and put her on the bed. I sat down and started examining her. At first, my sister's loud voice downstairs scared me. If she knew I was here, she would tell my father about me, but I heard that she had left, so I felt relieved.

  Then I decided to finally open the bag.  I started to undo the small belts, and when I tried to lift the locks they were already open, which saved me a lot of time.

As soon as I opened it, that same distinctive smell came out.  There were many clothes that looked like pajamas and robes, and what caught my attention was a pack of cigarettes that looked old and a bottle of wine that was almost finished.

Two silver pocket watches and one gold pocket watch made of pure gold.  Books and notebooks.  As well as socks and pants suspenders.  They all looked clean and nothing blemishes.

There is a big book that looked to me like a photo album.  I pulled it out and held it carefully in my hand.  I had completely forgotten about time and was immersed in exploring these things. 

I opened the album and looked at the pictures. one by one, and What I saw made my eyes widen in shock.....