
A new beginning

<p>It's a full moon and all creatures of the dark are excited, due to the energy it delivers onto them, the witches fly happily on their brooms, vampires swim in their pools of blood. The werewolves and beast hollows to the moon in happiness. They are bond to visit the land of humans to enjoy screaming and shouting of pain. Ghosts also move the land of the living to hunt and frighten human to their horror .<br/>There are a group of friends, including a vampire, werewolf, mummy and others.<br/>Darrin, which is the prince of the vampire empire is ready with his friends to enter the portal to the human realm. Miss Potters, the Queen, opens up the portal for this group of friends. Salomey which is a mummy asks" Darrin what are we gonna do on Human Land this time??"<br/>He replies with a smirk" you'll know very soon "<br/>They enter the human portal and Yanney spotted two lovers on a bench, <br/>Darrin" it seems it 14th February , he laughs" they all look surprised and Darrin walks towards them.<br/>Darrin: May I interrupt, are u guys lovers<br/>Man: wtf!!! Dude, what's up with the costumes, Halloween was months ago, you dummy <br/>Woman: Hey loser, it's Vals day , so what do you expect us to be, asshole <br/>Darrin looks into in the man's eyes, holds his necks and pulls his throat off, slashing blood all over Darrin and the lady<br/>The lady screams so loud as all the supernaturals starts to laugh wickedly.<br/>The frightened lady running for her life, within a second Darrin gets hold of her and smiles<br/>Darrin: I won't lie, your such a beauty but if you go to meet your lover in hell, please wish him A DEADLY VALENTINE FOR ME. <br/>He then throws her to Salomey , she spits poisonous liquid on her, melting her fleshy skin off her bone. <br/>Salomey: Haha, you sneaky Darrin, we gonna be hunting down lovers now huh<br/><br/> DEADLY VALENTINE 😈😈</p>