
Deadly Run

Being told Jen needs a costly operation Tommy turns to a life of crime. He soon discovers he's dodging the law and the mob. Can Tommy collect the money in time, or will he and Jen meet their ultimate fate?

Mistydawn_Bratcher · Aktion
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22 Chs

Evading the Law

Jimmy is relaxing on the couch, waiting for the new pain pills to kick in. A recess commercial appears on the TV as he drifts into a drug-induced sleep. That sounds good, he mumbles, tasting the sweet chocolate in his dreams. 

Pounding on the door, startled him awake. What the hell? He glances at the clock to find it's nearly midnight. Who'd stop by this late? Jimmy remembers Tommy's promise. He's such a good friend, worrying about me when he has so much on his plate. Yawning, Jimmy hobbles towards the door.

The intruder pounds again louder than before. "Berryville PD, open up."

What does the police want with me? A horrific thought comes to mind. I hope nothing happened to Tommy or Jen. In a state of panic, he throws the barrier open.

The two officers reach for their guns. Realizing he's unarmed, they stand down. "We'd like to speak to Tommy Campbell, please."

"Tommy isn't here."

"We were told he was." Jerry peeks his head through the door. Jimmy steps in front of him.

"He was earlier, but not anymore."

"May we come in?" The detective asks, pushing past him before Jimmy could say a word.

"Sure, come on in. Make yourself at home. Would you like something to drink? How about I fix us a little snack?"

Jerry spins around. "I don't appreciate your sarcasm, son."

"And I don't appreciate you barging into my home in the middle of the night. There's this little thing called invasion of privacy you know."

Jerry steps in front of him leaving a mere centimeter between them. Glaring into his eyes he asks: "Do you know where Tommy went?"

Feeling uneasy, Jimmy takes a step back. "He's probably at the hospital with his wife."

"Where else would he go?"

"Home, with his boys."

"Anywhere else?"

Frustrated, Jimmy throws his hands in the air. "I don't know where all the hell he goes."

Jerry watches his movements, his expressions for a hint of a lie. "Have him call us when you see him again." Jerry hands him his card. He starts to walk out the door when a thought occurs to him. Turning back around he says,. "If I find out you're hiding him or helping him evade the law in any way, you won't see daylight again for years. Do I make myself clear?"

"I don't know where he is, honest."

"I hope for your sake you're telling the truth." Stepping out of the house, Jerry slams the door behind him.


Antonio Hernandez and his crew shuffle into the dank warehouse. Flipping on the lights, Antonio spins around. "You idiots! You stupid idiots! I told you to wait for the signal, but you didn't listen. No, you got all gung-ho and ran in before we were able to disable the alarm. Do you know how much money we lost tonight? Do you, well, do you?" He asks, throwing his hands in the air." Scanning their faces he rolls his eyes and adds, "I'll call you when I have another job. That's if I don't decide to replace you." 

"Yes, Sir." The crew trudges to the door.

Seeing Tommy walk past, Hernandez grabs a hold of his arm. "I need to talk to you for a minute."

This day keeps getting worse, and worse, Tommy thinks. turning to face him.

"I want you to know that I'm not blaming you for their mistake."

"I appreciate it, sir."

"How would you and your friend like to work for me exclusively?"

"We'd like it very much, sir."

"Good, meet me back here tomorrow morning around nine."

"Will do, and thank you for this opportunity."

"Thank you for being such a great worker. Now go home and hug those kiddos for me."

"I will, sir."

"And Tommy."

"Yes, sir?"

"Please stay away from the dogs."

Tommy laughs. "I plan to, sir."

I can't wait for this damn day to be over, Tommy thinks, as he climbs into the car. I'll check on Jimmy, tell him the news and then head home to my boys

An unsettling feeling comes over him when he pulls into Jimmy's drive. "I hope he's alright. Running down the sidewalk, Tommy burst through the door.

"I didn't do it," Jimmy yells, throwing his hands in the air.

"It's only me." Tommy chuckles.

"You have to hide, man, you have to hide." Jimmy anxiously replies.

"Why, what's going on?"

"Jen called, said the police are looking for you. About a half hour later the police show up at my door asking if I know where you might be."

"Did they say what they want?"

"No, they just said I should tell you to call when I see you again."

Tommy runs to the window and anxiously peeks out. "You didn't tell them I'm coming back, did you?"

"Of course not, Tommy. But they were dead set in finding you so I'm sure they'll be back."

The totality of his situation hits him, he turns and says, "What am I going to do, Jimmy? What am I going to do? Where am I going to go?" 

"The first thing you need to do is call Jen, tell her you're alright." The ringing phone startles them, causing them to jump. "I bet that's her now," Jimmy says, reaching for the device. "Hello, he just walked in. Do you want to talk to him?" He starts to hand it to Tommy when he hears a clicking noise on the line. "He has to go, Jen. He says he loves you and promises to call soon." Hanging up, he turns towards his friend. "You have to get out of here like now, man!"


"The police were listening in on the call. Here, take my cell." He grabs the device from the table and tosses it to him. Pulling the keys from his pocket, he slides them across the table. "The car out back is registered to Aunt Thelma. You'll be better off taking it instead of mine."

"Thanks, Jimmy," he yells, running for the door.

"Stay safe man and keep in touch. " Tommy waves.

Jimmy nervously glances out the front window, Then hobbles to the one in the back to find Tommy climbing into the car. You better hurry, man. Hearing shuffling outside, he anxiously glances towards the front and then back again. Hurry man, hurry. His front door flies open. He looks towards the noise and then the alley. He sees Tommy's tail lights fading out of sight. He made it.

A tall well-built officer stomps towards him while the remaining crew scatters through the house." Where is he, Jimmy?" the brawny officer demands.

Taking a deep breath for courage, Jimmy anxiously turns around. "Where's who?"

"Your friend, Tommy, where is he hiding?"

"I already told you he's not here."

"We know he stopped by just a few minutes ago, so where is he?"

"I swear he's not here."

"He's right, sir, Tommy isn't in the house," another officer replies.

"Did you tell him we're looking for him?"

"I didn't get a chance."

"What do you mean you didn't get a chance?"

"He walked in when I was talking to his wife. I told him Jen was on the phone and he took off."

"Is he on foot or did he take his car?"

"His car, I guess."

"You guess?"

"I didn't watch him leave, but his vehicle isn't in the drive."

"Whose car is out front?"

"That's mine."

"Why wasn't it here earlier?"

"My neighbor returned it a few minutes ago."

"If you see Tommy, tell him to give us a call. Don't think about helping him, because I won't hesitate to throw your ass in jail for accessory after the fact." The officers storm out the door.

Jimmy picks up the phone and dials Jen's cell. "Jen, it's Jimmy..."

"What's going on?"

"Tommy says he loves you and he'll stop by as soon as he gets back from Maryland."

"Maryland, what's he doing there?"

"A special job, one that will pay for the rest of your aftercare."

"It's not illegal is it?"

"Of course not. You get some rest, I'll see you soon."

"OK, Jimmy, good night. And Jimmy, thanks for letting me know."

Hanging up the phone, he grabs his keys off the table. That'll teach them to tap my phone, he thinks, heading out the door.