
Deadly Duality

This is a suspenseful tale of a young woman named Drea, whose trust in men has been repeatedly shattered. Trapped by societal expectations, she wishes for a stronger and more assertive version of herself. But little does she know, this wish will lead to a dark and sinister turn of events. As the story unfolds, Drea reaches a breaking point in her life, a moment of utter vulnerability, when her split persona suddenly emerges. This new persona is a manifestation of the self that Drea wishes to be: confident, assertive, and unafraid to speak her mind. But as she starts to discover the things that this new persona has done in her body, she realizes that this new version of herself is not just an alter-ego but a dangerous doppelganger with a mind of its own. Follow Drea as she tries to uncover the truth about her new persona, and the secrets it holds, all while trying to keep her sanity intact. Along the way, she must face her past traumas and confront the men who broke her trust. Will Drea be able to reclaim her power and trust herself again? Or will her new persona consume her completely? The story takes the reader on a thrilling journey of self-discovery and healing, where nothing is what it seems and every answer raises new questions.

Gavin_Oakley · Urban
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5 Chs

Chapter 1: The Awakening

Drea sat on the floor, her tear-streaked face buried in her hands. Empty wine bottles and takeout containers littered the floor around her, evidence of the hours she had spent wallowing in her own sorrow. She felt the weight of her broken heart crushing her, and she couldn't shake off the feeling of loneliness.

As she sat there, lost in her own thoughts, she heard a faint whispering in her ear. At first, she thought she was going crazy, and she shook her head trying to clear her mind, but the whispering persisted. She tried to ignore it and focus on her sorrows, but as the hours passed and her throat got dryer, she stood up and made her way to the kitchen.

She reached for a glass on the counter and filled it with water from the faucet, but as she reached for it, her hand slipped, and the glass fell to the ground shattering into pieces. Drea bent down to pick up the broken glass, but as she did, she accidentally cut her finger on one of the shards. She put her finger to her mouth to stop the bleeding, and as she tasted the metallic tang of blood, something inside her shifted.

The room around her seemed to spin and blur, and she felt a new energy surging through her. She felt strong and powerful like she could take on the world. The voice in her head grew louder and clearer, it wasn't her thoughts anymore. It was as if someone else had taken control. She closed her eyes and tried to shake off the feeling, but when she opened her eyes again, it was too late. Gene. Has. Awaken.