
chapter 1

In arisen city there was a terror of a mafia named 'David' and all the police station's wants to catch him but can't.

than in the arisen city police station Mr.alen was working on his desk than he got a phone call. it was the commissioner. he called him in his office.

when he go to his office the commissioner said "so I called you to tell something about 'David.That-"

cutting his sentence mr.alen said "Don't worry about that sir. we will catch him anyhow."

commissioner:"no I am saying that i appointed a agency to catch him. they are very excellent in there work. "

Mr.alen:"oh so what I have to do."

commissioner:"you just have to guide them."

Mr.alen:"oh ok btw what are there name's. "

commissioner:"oh they are Dead souls and there name's are rosie,lisa,alex and andrew and they are coming tomorrow morning. "

Mr.alen:"okay sir." he salute him and leaves.

*Time skip morning*

in the morning they were waiting for dead souls. after some times they arrived.

commissioner:"oh dead souls ha i heard very good things about you all. you all must be very good at your work."

rosie:"Don't put butter on us commissioner. we are here to do our work. just tell us what is the work."

commissioner:"uhh ok meet him Mr.alen. he will tell you all about your work and I am going to my work." commissioner left.

lisa:"so what's the work mr.alena."

mr.alen:"umm its not alena its alen."

lisa:"oh so sorry for your mistake mr.alen."

mr.alen:"its ok ...hey its not my mistake its your mistake."

alex:"thats what she said."

mr.alen:"no she didn't say that she said-"

rosie:"its okay mr.alen. now shut up guys."

andrew:"yeah just shut up. tell us our work mr.alen."

mr.alen:"ha okay so your work Is to catch you know the mafia David. "

rosie:"who don't know about him. all the police station's wants to catch him."

mr.alenv:"and your work is to catch him."

alex:"what our work is to catch him huh phh

its a piece of cake. "

mr.alen:"really than catch him."

rosie:"ofc we will catch him. lets go to HQ we have to make a plan."

lisa:"yeah lets go."

the sit in there car and leftto the HQ along with Mr.alen.

*in the car*

rosie in mind:"what if they go to know about our secret it will be very bad for us."

lisa:"are you thinking about if they got to know our secret. its okay they will never know."

rosie smiles at lisa.

yes they have a secret that nobody knows expect themselves but yeah there is a person who know about them and waiting to come up with a plan to attack them.