
Midnight lamp

Me and alom go through the coridor of college..suddenly we saw our friends make some noice and do fun with each other..We went to them they didn't looked after us..We asked them what happen buddies..then they look towards us and we realize they make some plan..Alom look so happy and said where should we go?

Arina smiled and said if we know so why we make plan now..everybody laughs..

They asked me for hearing plan..because we also gone many place by my idea..

That time Arina said we went many places before for enjoying in nature feel the charm but that time we will go like some horror place or likely nomans land..

Everyone was attentive to Arina..and look to each other.. After some time all appreciate for it me also

Alom look so tensed because he likely this type fear of ghost

I left them and go home..after take showerd i search in my laptop to find like those place. After 15 minutes i find a place in Magura where a half burne building is placed.Give the link in our group.After 2 days we all go to the haunted place by my car...

Part 2 coming