
1.The meet

"And I'm off to school mom!" "Goodbye sweetheart be careful out there!" "Mom I'm not 9..." "Just be careful honey, i'm worried" "Okay, okay." Now, it's 9AM and I'm walking down the street, on my way to school. My school is not that far from my house anyways..from far away I heard someone yelled "Give my backpack back!" and then the bully said "Yeah no way shit head it's mine now" I ran over there and snatch the bag from the bully. "Hey! What are you doing!" I said to the bully. The look on the bully's face was suprised, until he gave off a smug look. "Ma'am please stay out of this or Ill do something that you dont want" The bully said to me, trying to threaten me "I'm not afraid of men" I said to him, giving him death stare "Oooh brave i see" He said while laughing at me. I got mad I kick his face, causing the bully to fall down. Then I take the guy's arm that got bullied and ran away from the bully.

After a few minutes we stop running. I looked back to make sure we're far away from the bully. "I don't see them anymore" "Well yeah of course we've been running for 10 minutes!" "Right..anwyays what's your name?" I asked the guy, slightly curios "Ethan Mérlock, but you can call me Ethan" Him introduce himself to me "Nice to meet you Ethan, i'm Evelyn Tetsuya" I introduced myself back to him. "You're japanese?" He asked. "Well, im mixed. My mom is from Japan and my dad is from Canada." I answered his question "Hmm, your mom must've been pretty" He said, letting out a slight chuckle. Then i look at my handwatch...9:30AM!? "OH SHIT I FORGOT I HAD SCHOOL AND ITS 9:30AM..SHOOT I GONNA GET DETENTION UHHH..SEE YOU LATER ETHAN!!" I said in a panic, then ran to school. "Wait, ugh no use" I arrive at school a little late, but thank goodness the teacher forgive me and still me in.