
Key to his revenge

Wang lei is twenty five years old having a slim body with weak shoulders. He has got good looks but a cold face with a bad tamper. while everyone sleeping Wang lei eyes are wide open thinking about what he is going to do tomorrow so they can take him as their student.

"Hey wake up pretty boy!". Wang lei awakened after he heard someone voice he lay and stared at a person who is waking him up while his eyes half opened due to sleeping late and tired from kneeling down. When he realized is Xiao he lift his head up quickly. "if you're lazy there's nothing you can learn from us!".

"I think he is a friend of yours from now on!"said another roommate

"stop it Kai!" shouted Xiao "And you aren't you going to wake up!"

Wang lei get out from the bed so quickly that he was rather hurt when he is reaching down because he sleeps the upper bed. His hairs being so ruffles.

"yesterday you were capable of waking up so early different from today waking up so late!".

"Now do you like me no I mean accepting me!?"asked Wang lei with bright face

"what? like you as if,am doing this as a favour for your pitful life and to reduce a burden of you crying every day!"

"from now on we will be your masters! aren't you going to say thank you!" said Kai pretended he was about to give him a punch on his face

"thank you master...I know it's asking a lot from you!"

"Kai master of taekwondo!"

"call me master Liu judo!"

"stop lying to a kid! all use different kind of martial arts am lee!" said a one who was reading a book a first day he came


"Thank you master Xiao, lee,Kai,Liu and Yen my name is Wang Lei!"

"And don't call yourself a brute, it is like you are talking about us from a first place we were the one who used violence to you from now on we will call you Lei!"

"yes master!" replied Wang Lei with a delightful face.

Wang lei arrived at work in good spirits everyone wondering what is wrong with him because they never saw him smilies when they try to read his character.

Wang lei was a person who was being alone all the time but now he is so close to the most fearful people inside a jail who are his roommates. Many people once tried to be friends with him and failed because of his personality. His Master given him different trainings besides that all of them once used to be horrified gangsters and everyone came inside with a murder case and kidnapping people, except for him Wang lei who is for drugs trafficking.

When it was a break time in their talks talked about many things especially being cautious with Wang lei's life there were certain things they wanted to find out from him so they wanted find out without asking direct questions as he began to like being with them. "Why there's no one visiting you?" it was Kai who asked.

"I don't know anything about them!" snapped Wang lei "All I know about my parents is what I've told you!" added. "I grew up with my uncle who till now is in a comma after the accident of two years ago !". "what about all of you? have you ever find yourself guilty for what you were doing?!"

"No! we don't kill anyone the one who we kill them to us they deserve it!" answering Xiao who is taking a cigarette so as to smoke "How did you find that inside a prison?" asked Lei

"secret! do you want to try!"

"yes, teach me!"

"hey do you want to try everything gangsters do this is not for the kids!"

"Am not a kid am going to be twenty six soon and for your old these kinds of things are dangerous!".

"Hey Lei this is why the older I get the more I want to be Young!"

"I can teach you how to gamble outside this world they call me a master of gambling every kind of games winning were on me!" said Yen

"And me I can draw any kind of tattoo do you want to have any tattoos on you're body!?".

"Hey are you giving me you're inheritance?!!" shouted Wang Lei followed with a burst of laughter to everyone.