
DcMcu: kaiju system

A fan of monster movies Max is reborn with the a system that allows him the powers of many of fictions greatest monsters and creatures and far more surprises. But what's happenes when a monster trys to be a hero in a world of many wonders and darknesses

wiz161 · sci-fi
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110 Chs

Chapter 69 Wake the sleeping Giant

POV Robin a.k.a Richard "Dick" Grayson

Location: A.I.M Headquarters

'I am never going to look at squirrels the same again,' I watched as Squirrel Girl knocked out the last guard. Her two companions climbed back onto her shoulders, she gave me a salute I just shook my head and walked to the closed door opened a panel, and got to work.

(image here)

Dagger: "Have I said how useful your furry friends are yet because they are," a blond girl with a crescent moon tattoo over her right eye said. Standing next to her was her quiet companion Cloak his large cloak hiding his face except for the bottom of his mouth and his glowing white eyes.

(image here)

"Squirrel Girl does your pe- friends," I quickly said remembering the last time someone called the squirrels her pets. "Know what's on the other side of this door?" she spoke to her two companies one who I believe was Monkey Joe jumped from her shoulder into a vent and a few moments later came back and spoke to her.

Squirrel Girl: "Monkey Joe said It's clear all the way down to the bend," the squirrel nodded its head as if confirming the translation. I opened the door and she was right no guards on the other side we rushed down the hallway and at the bend found the elevator.

Opening the door and we started climbing down the elevator shaft when all of a sudden, the building shook as if hit by a missile.

"I think that's our signal to hurry it up," I said as we double-timed it to our target.

After a few minutes we came to our destinations I looked at Cloak who nodded and then we were enveloped in darkness for a moment there was nothing, and the next we were in our target location the server room.


I watched as the newest members of the family devoured the food on the table failing to use the utensils and just using their hands as they are eyes shone with delight with every new food they stuffed in their mouths.

[I see you've grown the family while I was away so have you decided on their names yet?]

I shot up surprised by the voice and text but happy to have Tron back.

"I have but ill wait for them to finish first so I'm guessing nighthawk island is finished?"

[Correct I will give you a tour once you arrive with the children]

As I was thinking about the best time to head over my attention was drawn to the tv and what looked like a warzone but with one side foreign bullets and the other lasers.

Newswoman: "S.H.E.I.L.D forces continue the assault on this unknown facility against the yellow-suited individuals who seem to be in control of the facility-"

[Are you going to help?]

"I'm sure they got this"

Newswoman: "We don't know if S.H.E.I.L.D has-" suddenly a large pillar of ice, split the forces of S.H.E.I.L.D in half. Then the area on one half was engulfed in flames, and the other got hit like a light bulb turned on from the top of the pillar a yellow light flashed then lightning struck.

[How about now?]

"Yeah ok Artenyx you're in charge and make sure to watch your brothers" I walked out hearing the movement of two kids coming to watch what I was doing.

I equip [Valstrax armor] and summon the [Dragon slayer] the large sword appeared in my hand I placed it on my shoulder I slightly turned to see the boys looking at me with wonder in their eyes Artenyx waves and a wave back.

[So I assume you choose Dragon slayer just to impress the younglings]

'oh they ain't seen nothing yet' I equip

[Storm Dragon] and unfurled my blue wings and long tail as the night sky become just a bit darker as storm clouds came in.


A huge lightning bolt passes in front of me and the thunder shakes the building I expect the boys to jump but they were completely awestruck

[Right then let's go see if you can make an entrance like you do an exit]

I shack my head then flap my wings and take off into the storm clouds.

POV Artenyx

As papa left my little brother were stuck on the back door trying to spot him but I knew he was gone.

"you guys want to watch papa beat up some bad guys?" my brothers vigorously nodded their heads, I made my way to the couch and they joined. The news lady was still talking but I pointed out the dark clouds blocking out the moon, and the distant flashes of lightning.

POV Spider-man

Location A.I.M facility

"Ok this is like the third time I've asked but no one seems to have the answer," I dodged another blast and landed on a guy knocking him out "why the beekeepers?"

A.I.M grunt: "Someone kill this annoying gnat already!" more lasers fired but I dodged every time.

"And you guys are supposed to be smart it's spiderman not annoying gnat," I said suddenly a whip wrapped around the group. And electrocuted all of them causing them all to drop, looking over I saw Black Cat recall her whip, wink at me then got back to kick butt.

Suddenly my spider sense flared I jumped back words and just in time as a wall of ice suddenly formed, 'bet I know who made this'.

C.Cold: "Well well well if it isn't spiderman and he brought some more masked friends to the party," looking up I saw the captain got himself some new equipment even his cold gun looked like it got an upgrade.

(Image here)

"Wow captain looks like you got an upgrade you wouldn't have happened to get a warmer for your icy heart," Captin Cold simply smirked and shook his head.

C.Cold: "Who needs a warmer when you can have a heat wave" again my senses blared and I jumped back, and suddenly I felt more than hot under the collar. As a torrent of flames engulfed the area I once stood and continue to spread, I shot web lines pulling back S.H.E.I.L.D agents who would have been caught in the blast. Out of the flamed came out the pyromaniac himself upgraded like Captain Cold.

(image here)

Heat Wave: "Snart we better be getting a bonus for going against S.H.E.I.L.D and their B team of masks," he yelled up stepping through the flamed as if they weren't there. the S.H.E.I.L.D agents around me brought up their weapons.

Agents: "Lenard Snart and Mick Rory by the authority of S.H.E.I.L.D put down your weapons and surrender," the agent I believe his name was Grant he's part of Coulson's team.


Suddenly electricity could be seen on the other side of the ice wall, and all the earpieces suddenly went haywire and shut off. I wondered what was going on, but my question was answered as Electro hovered in the air bringing down bolts of electricity.

(image here)

Grant tried to get into contact with the other side but I knew being so close to a powered-up Electro was blocking our communication and fried most of our small electronics.

C.Cold: "So you were saying something about surrendering?" he and Heat Wave aimed their weapons and I didn't need my spider sense to know what to do next.

POV Scientist Supreme

Location: ???

I watched as S.H.E.I.L.D and their 'heroes' attacked our HQ, I watched as their infiltration team. Made their way to the server room taking out my guards along the way, and I couldn't help but feel pride. "Everything is as predicted and on schedule."

Dr. Ivo: "I can't believe it" the older man stood with a look of shock in his face as he observed the multiple screens.

"Your belief is not part of the equation but your creation ln the other hand it is prepared?" the old doctor flinched slightly at my tone but nodded his head. I looked back to the screen and watch as sudden storm formed over New York and started to move to wards the battle.

"Good then the test can begin as soon as the subject arrives."