
DC: With Time Dilation Button

being reborn in the body of a young wana be boxer, follow the journey of kai fox on his journey in becoming world strongest fighter, follow as he learns every martial arts, every weapon, follow as he learns every subjects, follow as he reaches the limit of martial art, follow as he reaches the limits of human body and mind, follow as he searches a way to break the limit, hopefully reaching all forms of combat. -------------------- *WARNING* this isn't a hero story, nor is it a villain story, this isn't a story about a anti hero, this isn't a story about a guy wanting to save Gotham or even the dc, this isn't a saviour story, this is strictly a story about kai and his journey to the peak of martial, not him saving the universe or the world, so don't ask me why he isn't saving the world when he invents immortally,

Lythan_Page · Anime und Comics
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19 Chs

city at chaos....again (chapter 4)

A/N the joker war, batman comics, this is where the story takes place.

In the heart of Kai's apartment, he stood exactly where he had entered the time dilation, a momentary pause in his surroundings as a floating screen materialised before him. [Ding!] [Time dilation has concluded, beginning cooldown.] The red button that had accompanied him throughout this journey turned grey. A sudden wave of overpowering fatigue washed over Kai, his energy drained as if a weight had settled on his shoulders. Yawning, he couldn't fight the heaviness of his eyelids, and soon, he surrendered to sleep.

The slumber persisted for a span of three days before Kai's parched throat stirred him awake. His voice cracked as he uttered, "Thirsty." The air in his apartment felt slightly warmer than usual, his senses adjusting to the surroundings. Moving with the languor of someone just stirred from deep rest, he made his way to the refrigerator. There, he retrieved a two-litre soda can, its cold surface providing a sharp contrast to his warm hands. With an almost mechanical determination, he downed the entire contents in one go. The thirst wasn't quenched, leading him to grab a one-litre water bottle, its cool liquid soothing his throat as he emptied it as well. The fatigue that had enveloped him started to recede, but not without leaving an imprint.

A faint realisation nudged him, and he muttered, "And he didn't mention that." Gathering his bearings, he rose after a moment's pause, his breath evening out. The fridge beckoned again, and he foraged whatever he could find to nibble on. Exhaustion hadn't fully released its grip on him, whispering the need for rest. "I need to sleep," he voiced, making his way to his bedroom. With a sense of surrender, he flung himself onto his bed, swiftly succumbing to the embrace of slumber.

-Scene Change-

"What is this madness?" The words echoed in Kai's mind as he took in the sight before him. The city sprawled in chaos, buildings and cars consumed by flames that cast an eerie glow against the night sky. It was a vision of dystopia, a Gotham engulfed in anarchy. Kai's senses sharpened as an instinctual warning coursed through him, causing him to instinctively duck to the right. The calculated move proved right as a threat narrowly missed him.

"Fuck, this fucker dodged," a voice sneered from behind him. Kai's reflexes whirred, his body spinning around to face the source. Standing there was a man, the odour of alcohol clinging to him, a clown mask obscuring his features. The alleyway that had been lurking in the shadows now spewed forth more figures, each wearing a similar mask. Their intent was clear, and a mocking voice taunted, "Yo, let's fuck up this confused dickhead."

Kai maintained a composed exterior while his senses went on high alert. The assailants brandished metal pipes and bats, their threatening postures exuding menace. He assessed their formation, absorbing the details while retaining a mask of nonchalance. "Look, this fucker thinks he is—" The sentence was interrupted as the speaker turned his back, offering Kai an opening he couldn't refuse. A perfectly timed body shot landed on the man's midsection, eliciting a pained reaction as he doubled over. Kai didn't hesitate, capitalising on the opportunity with an uppercut that sealed the confrontation.

Amid the chaos of the burning city, a microcosm of battle played out as Kai's trained instincts kicked into gear. The smoky haze hung in the air, intertwining with the acrid scent of burning materials, as if the city itself was consumed by its own turmoil. The scene was illuminated by flickering flames that danced with an eerie cadence, casting moving shadows across the battleground. The tension was palpable, every shift of weight and measured breath building towards an inevitable clash.

The first opponent Kai had dropped lay sprawled on the floor, his ill-fated charge ending in a brutal body shot followed by an uppercut that had cemented his defeat. The remaining four adversaries hesitated, their expressions concealed by masks that concealed both their faces and their intentions. Kai stood poised, his shoulders squared, a calculated calm in his eyes that betrayed none of the exhaustion he had faced from his training.

The four assailants exchanged cautious glances, hesitant to rush in blindly as their fallen comrade's fate lingered in the air. The intervals between heartbeats seemed to stretch, a silent negotiation of when and how to strike. Kai, however, was not a novice in this game. He had become one with the fluid rhythm of combat, each movement a brushstroke in a lethal masterpiece.

As the first opponent lunged, Kai's lead hand shot out with the speed and precision of a viper's strike. A jab, delivered with calculated force, connected with the assailant's cheek, the impact accompanied by a satisfying thud. His opponent recoiled, momentarily off balance. Kai's body moved in seamless coordination, a cross following the jab in a fluid choreography of violence. The rear hand surged forward, a focused energy propelling it. The punch found its mark, a powerful collision that jarred his opponent's mask askew, revealing a startled expression.

The skirmish turned into a dance of strategy and execution. Kai pivoted and unleashed hooks that arced with precise intent, his hips and torso contorting to deliver each blow with an unsettling efficiency. Uppercuts followed suit, punches that harnessed his entire body's energy, directed upwards with unwavering precision. The body shots that followed were sharp, each contact a testament to the 56 days of dedication that had transformed his physique. His movements were no longer rigid; they flowed with a natural ease that exuded confidence.

Slips and ducks allowed Kai to evade the oncoming threats, his deft movements a testament to his honed reflexes. Weaving through the barrage of attacks, he appeared as if untouched by the melee around him, his hands occasionally intercepting strikes in a masterful display of parrying. In the midst of the chaos, he maintained his focus, eyes fixed on the targets that presented themselves.