
DC: With Time Dilation Button

being reborn in the body of a young wana be boxer, follow the journey of kai fox on his journey in becoming world strongest fighter, follow as he learns every martial arts, every weapon, follow as he learns every subjects, follow as he reaches the limit of martial art, follow as he reaches the limits of human body and mind, follow as he searches a way to break the limit, hopefully reaching all forms of combat. -------------------- *WARNING* this isn't a hero story, nor is it a villain story, this isn't a story about a anti hero, this isn't a story about a guy wanting to save Gotham or even the dc, this isn't a saviour story, this is strictly a story about kai and his journey to the peak of martial, not him saving the universe or the world, so don't ask me why he isn't saving the world when he invents immortally,

Lythan_Page · Anime und Comics
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19 Chs

a rematch (chapter 6)

Chapter 6

Inside his apartment, kai could be seen doing push as a video was playing on his laptop, he was sweating profusely as he did so more exrcise, some of the bruises was still visible while some have healed, he did his usual routine which consisted of whatever he feels like doing or what area he thinks need improving, he stop in about 10 minutes as he picked up a towel on the small desk next to his sofa before approaching the fridge and taking out a bottle of water as he dried himself, "i really developed a new habbit in the past 56 days" he said with a chuckled as sat down on the soffa before picking up the laptop which was playing a match between professional boxers.

"hmm" suddenly, why he was the boxing match, an idea popped into his head, "well, it should be the most effiecient way to use the time dilation button" he though as he touched his chin, "while the button is in cooldown, i should amass as much knowledge and experiance as i can and when i enter the time dialation, then i will use those knowledge and experience to polish them, hopefully growing stronger" with that mind, kai spent the next couple of hours, he spent watching video after video without resting or anything, he didnt even move.

He didnt even notice untill the sun was down and he only noticed that because his stomach growled, "huh, neat" he though as he got up, approaching the fridge as he opened, only to be greeted by an empty fridge, "right, i havent went to shoping since the match" he said with a sight as he closed the fridge, quickly putting a more fitting clothes, before existing the apartment, only to be greeted by his new neighboor with two hyenas, "hiya neighboor" she quickly greeted him with her overly enthusiastic nature contrasted by two deadly animals she kept company who immediatly started growling at kai.

"Oh hush babies, you cant eat him, you dont want mummy to be without a home do you" she said as she tried cooing the hynes, kai seeing this, decided to completely ignore her as he left the building.

-scene change-

In the dimly lit underground fighting ring, the air hung heavy with a volatile mix of exhilaration and perspiration. The fervent crowd sprawled across every inch of the makeshift arena, their voices weaving a chaotic tapestry of cheers and jeers. Graffiti adorned the walls, vibrant hues depicting a gritty history of battles fought within these hallowed confines. Beneath the feet of the combatants, the floor bore the scars of countless struggles, a testament to the raw intensity that had unfolded on its worn surface. The combined scent of cheap alcohol and lingering cigarette smoke lingered, a pungent backdrop that intensified the atmosphere to a fever pitch.

Dominating the center of the ring was a figure both imposing and somewhat familiar. His shaved head glistened under the dim lights, a presence that demanded attention. Nearby, Kai stood in stark contrast, his demeanor poised and unwavering as he prepared to engage in the age-old dance of combat.

The announcer's voice pierced through the charged ambiance, drawing all attention to the imminent showdown. "Ladies and gentlemen, tonight, we've got a rematch!" The declaration was met with a cacophony of boos from the crowd, their collective disapproval resounding throughout the arena. "Hey, it's not the rematch both of them asked for, neither is it the rematch we needed, but it's the rematch we're going to got!" The announcer's words dripped with a reluctant acceptance, eliciting a mixture of cheers and laughter from the audience. A surprising cheer erupted when the announcer exclaimed, "Plus, Fox here looks fully healed!" The crowd's enthusiasm surged for reasons known only to them.

"Alright then, let the fight begin," the announcer proclaimed, signaling the start of the clash. The bruiser before Kai bore a grin that reeked of overconfidence, a swagger that might have unsettled a less composed fighter. "You look good, for someone who was half dead" the bruiser taunted, his words dripping with an air of arrogance.

Kai's response was a nonchalant shrug as he assumed a fighting stance. As the bell's ring shattered the tense silence, the dance of combat commenced.

Kai's movements were an intricate ballet, a symphony of fluidity and precision. The bruiser lunged forward with a powerful Jab, his fist slicing the air toward Kai's head. But Kai's defense was a fortress, his lead hand snapping up to meet the punch with a swift parry. His body flowed with the rhythm of the fight, and in an instant, his rear hand unleashed a lightning-quick Cross. The punch was a study in calculated power, its trajectory guided by a pivot on the ball of his back foot. The impact landed squarely on the bruiser's jaw, his head snapping to the side with the force of the blow.

Kai's fluidity was on full display as he pivoted his lead foot, summoning the energy of his hips and torso into a blistering Hook. The punch arced toward the bruiser's ribs, delivering a resounding impact that stole his breath away. The bruiser's form wavered momentarily, a testament to the precision of Kai's technique.

Seizing the opportune moment, Kai executed a swift Slip, his head shifting to the side in perfect synchrony with a duck beneath an incoming punch. The bruiser's attack sailed past harmlessly as Kai's evasive grace defied anticipation. A well-timed Body Shot followed, his lead hand dropping to waist level before snapping forward. The punch collided with the bruiser's abdomen, eliciting a grunt of discomfort and a noticeable dip in his stance.

As if choreographed, Kai's body flowed into a mesmerizing Weave, a figure-eight motion that saw him swaying with the grace of a dancer. The bruiser's punches seemed to whiff through thin air as Kai's upper body bobbed and weaved beneath them. Every movement was a testament to his agility and control.

When the bruiser attempted a Hook, Kai's lead hand rose like a guardian, effortlessly deflecting the attack in a swift Parry. The punch was redirected with uncanny precision, its trajectory altered to veer harmlessly past Kai's temple. This seamless display of skill left the bruiser momentarily vulnerable.

Kai's defense seamlessly transitioned into an assertive Clinch, his arms closing around the bruiser's upper body. It was a calculated maneuver, a temporary restriction of his opponent's movement. The bruiser's attempts to break free were met with a potent Uppercut, Kai's rear hand rising like a coiled spring. The punch connected with the bruiser's chin, a jolt of impact that underscored Kai's dominance.

With a breathtaking display of timing, Kai executed a Counter with artful precision. As the bruiser attempted a retaliatory punch, Kai's lead hand intercepted the blow with a swift Block. The impact was absorbed, a testament to Kai's controlled strength and well-honed technique.

A moment later, the fight reached its crescendo. Kai's body flowed effortlessly into a Lead Hook to the Body, a deceptive feint followed by a powerful pivot. His hook connected with the bruiser's midsection, the impact radiating through his torso. It was a blow that left the bruiser reeling, his form trembling under the force.