

3 days later…

The beautiful mountains forests had been turned into a training ground by the two friends. The entire place had been levelled to the ground and nearly destroyed, causing multiple animals to migrate in search for greener pastures.

As the midday sun shone upon the land, two figures could seen, engaging each other in fierce fight, unleashing feats that were impossible for the ordinary to even dream of doing.



One of the figures, a young man dressed in a beautifully woven black chiton was hurled into the distance by his opponent, as he crashed into a small hill and shattered it, before sliding down while coughing blood.


His opponent reappeared before him in a split second, a handsome young man in a pure and unsoiled white chiton, holding onto a golden sword in hand.

"Come on Alan. Is that the best you can do?" Samael laughed and sat on a nearby rock, casting a contemptuous smirk towards Alan who was trying his very best to recover from the attack and resume the battle.

"You know, I think the combat style of the host really fits you. It is as if it was tailored for you..but you are missing a crucial step. Divine energy is not just for creating weapons for battle. It can be used to strengthen the body to insane levels. It can also be changed to other forms of energy. Think Alan.."


Samael lectured with his eyes closed, however he instantly disappeared from where he sat, dodging a kick from Alan who had recovered instantly after the dharma wheel had adapted to the damage.

"You're right about the Angel combat style, it's like a mixture of Taekwondo, boxing and Muay Thai all in one. Did you create it yourself?"

Alan waved his hand, summoning a large golden rectangular shaped great sword and hefted it onto his shoulder while smirking and looking at Samael who had appeared a few meters away.

"I do not know what Taekwondo or Muay Thai or whatever you said meant, but it was created by my brother, Michael.."

Samael pointed his sword towards Alan and right after he spoke, he disappeared in that instant.

As if he could see into the future, Alan grabbed his great sword with both hands and slashed it towards his right.


Samael who had appeared right then and there couldn't help but raise a brow in surprise wondering how Alan had blocked his surprise attack.

"It's an ability I got a while back. It's like some sort of foresight or precognition or something, but it only activates when I'm in danger. I stopped relying on it a while back to grow stronger though.."

Alan laughed, while he and Samael were locked in a stalemate.


Samael shrugged and smashed his palm into Alan's heat sending him flying into the distance once more.

He then raised a finger to the sky as mighty golden flames burst out in an instant, disintegrating everything around, before coalescing into a ginormous flaming dragon which blasted towards Alan with a roar.

Alan raised his hand and conjured multiple giant golden shields around his body, however the heat from the dragon's flame melted them all even from several meters away.

'Energy can neither be created nor destroyed, but changed from one form to another…'

In a spark of realization, he finally remembered a statement he had once read in a science text book in school, and how he and his friends had debated on this topic for a while.

"Okay, let's try this.."

He smiled and closed his eyes and reached out the endless divine energy within his body.

"World of freezing ice.."

His sea blue eyes turned cold in an instant and then, a freezing cold burst out of his body, transforming the entire landscape into an icy wasteland. Even the waters around were frozen by his immense divine energy as the air turned chilly.

The heat of the dragon's flames reduced drastically, however its flames were not completed quenched yet.

Raising a palm to the sky, Alan summoned a large amount of divine energy within his body and then dropped his palm, like some Chinese cultivator. Instantly a hundred feet large palm of ice descended from the sky,like the palm of God and smashed into the flaming dragon forming a large crater, as shockwaves exploded forth.

"Ice? Very impressive Alan." Samael's entire body erupted in flames and shot towards Alan with a sword in hand.

'Hehehe. All that time reading wuxia novels is finally paying off.."

Alan laughed and summoned a full body armor with his great sword in hand and clashed head on with Samael, as a large shockwave erupted.

The two instantly engaged each other in close combat, while moving at immense speeds. Samael had one hand at his back, the other holding his sword which he used to parry all of Alan's attacks with the least difficulty.

Meanwhile, Alan was using nearly all of his strength. Holding the long handle of his blade with both hands,he slashed out in quick succession, sending out invisible blade energies that ripped through the surroundings.

Samael parried an attack and flicked Alan's forehead with his finger, shattering the armor on his body and sending him flying.

Unleashing his wings, Alan stabilised himself in the air and blasted forward, descending with a side ways flip and an overhead slash with all of his strength.


The earth shook in response to the clash, but Samael who had blocked the attack with his sword stood in the crater beneath him with a relaxed expression.

He waved his hand and sent Alan flying as he crashed onto the frozen lakes and stabilised himself a few meters away.

"Fuck. I can't land a hit.."

Alan cursed and smashed his palms into the ground, turning the entire terrain into an icy battlefield filled with thousands of weapons all stacked and impaled in the earth. He then waved his hands and summoned dozens of icy clones behind him, like an army.

"What do you think?.."

Alan pulled out a long spear from earth and stood before his clones which all held weapons in hand.

"Creative Alan, but remember, before overwhelming power, tricks do not matter.."

Samael laughed and raised a finger to the sky, watching Alan and his clones all armed with weapons rushing towards him at full speed.

The next moment, a rather tiny orb of flames materialised another his finger, as large as the tip of a human finger.


Alan gestured to his clones and hurled his spear towards Samael, before he grabbed onto two swords from the earth and readied himself for a surprise attack.


However, before any of the attacks could reach him, the tiny orb of flames exploded, completely disintegrating the icy wasteland, sending shockwaves rippling through the core of the earth. It was as if multiple nuclear warheads had dropped at the same time at one place.

Alan himself was engulfed in the attack and nearly ripped apart, however in the end, he was rescued by Samael himself.

"Sigh. I lost…again."

"You did well. Alan, stand proud."

Alan sighed dejectedly as Samael laughed and patted his shoulder.

"Also, I think the most durable thing in the world is this chiton. I don't know what material it's made off. The most amazing thing is it can even change forms into whatever I want.."

Alan patted the black chiton that covered his body with a smile, cherishing his very first gift from Samael.

"Of course. I borrowed it from my sister Jophiel, the Angel of Beauty. She crafted it with her own two hands, from the precious materials in the silver city.."

Samael laughed pridefully.

"Hold on, you have a sister? Why didn't you introduce me sometime.." Alan winked and patted his shoulder to which Samael scrunched his nose in disgust.

"Not a chance." He shook his head, erasing that foul thought from his memory.