
DC : Ultraman

To my dismay I somehow was in the DC universe, on the plus side I had the powers of Ultraman. Did I also mention that I am Superman's younger brother. Follow the story of Jerald Kent as he navigates through the DC universe while trying to investigate his origins. ________________________________________________________________ PS. This is a translation of a chinese fanfiction. _________________________________________________________________ For advanced chapters and support visit : www.p@treon.com/NelsonN742 {replace @ with a} ______________________________________________________________________ Disclaimer : I do not own DC comics and DC characters nor associated media and franchise. Only original characters and plot belong to me

N_Nelson · Anime und Comics
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21 Chs

Lena Luthor


The sunshine on Monday was exceptionally bright, putting Jero in a cheerful mood, even humming a little tune on his way to school.

Jero had a great weekend; the final adjustments on the third set of armor were completed, ready for combat deployment at any moment.

He placed his backpack in his small locker, took out the textbook for the first class, and then sat in the classroom, waiting for the teacher to arrive.

Just when Jero thought that the day would proceed as usual, the teacher for the first class brought in a stranger.

She was a girl with shoulder-length golden hair, her blue eyes gleaming like the finest sapphires. Her delicate face had a hint of pride, her flawless skin well-maintained. She wore an expensive-looking small suit and a knee-length pleated skirt.

Jero couldn't recall seeing such an extravagantly dressed young lady at school before, and he had no idea which wealthy family she came from.

The girl took a seat right next to Jero.

The high school Jero attended had a flexible class system, with no fixed classes or seating arrangements. Each student only had their own small locker.

With three minutes left before class, the golden-haired girl suddenly struck up a conversation with Jero.

"Are you Jero Kent?"

Surprised, Jero asked, "How do you know my name?"

"The whole school visited my family's company the day before yesterday. I happened to remember the faces of all the students and found out that you didn't go that day from someone who knows you."

The golden-haired girl gave a sweet smile and explained why she remembered Jero.

Listening to the girl's words, Jero immediately grasped her point.

"Luthor Group is your family's company? Wait, are you..."

"Lena Luthor." Lena maintained a polite smile and said friendly to Jero, "If I remember correctly, you must be from the town of Smallville, right? My brother used to love going there a few years ago, and I've always been curious about why he liked such a small town. You should take me there sometime, Jero Kent."

"I would be honored, Miss Lena," Jero replied calmly on the surface but was already experiencing a whirlwind of thoughts internally.

Is she the sister of that bald guy? I wonder when she'll lose her hair, it's such a shame. Jero thought with a touch of dark humor.

When Lex Luthor visited his family's farm a while back, he still had hair, but he has lost it over the past few years. Also, based on existing photos, Lex's dad is bald, so it seems to be a genetic trait in the Luthor family. Jero wondered if this gene would manifest in Lena Luthor.

Ding, ding, ding~

The school bell interrupted their conversation, signaling the start of today's classes.

After enduring a long but not entirely boring day of classes, it was finally time for dismissal at three o'clock. Jero had just put on his headphones and was about to select the music for today's single loop when Lena Luthor's voice suddenly stopped him.

The girl, so young and beautiful that she made all the other girls in school pale in comparison, stood at the school gate and called out to Jero.

"Jero Kent."

"What's up?" Jero wasn't particularly interested in getting involved with this girl from the Luthor family.

The Luthor family's relationships were too complicated, and the drama level could rival a soap opera.

At that moment, a luxury limousine pulled up at the school gate. The driver opened the door for Lena, who turned to Jero and said, "If you have the chance, let's play a game of chess next time. I've heard your skills are quite good."

"If the opportunity arises, I'd be happy to," Jero replied calmly to Lena.

"That would be the best."

Lena got into her family's car, and once she was inside, the driver returned to the driver's seat. The car's engine started, carrying Lena off into the distance.

Watching the car disappear, Jero felt a sense of unease.

If he had gone to that visit, he might have attracted the attention of the big bald guy. So, Jero decided not to go. However, he never expected that not going would still catch the attention of a not-yet-bald bald guy.

He wondered if this was a good or a bad thing.

Feeling somewhat restless, Jero decided to return to the Ultralight to shift his focus through some training. Later in the evening, he planned to test the new armor's capabilities in Metropolis.


Lena was driven in the luxury car towards the outskirts of Metropolis, finally stopping at the entrance of a mansion.

The towering iron gates slowly opened, and the luxury car drove along a gravel path lined with various precious flowers and plants, creating a delightful atmosphere.

The car came to a halt in front of a mansion that covered an area of over six hundred square meters. Lena grabbed her bag, stepped out of the car, and entered the antiquated yet imposing mansion.

A somber painting hung prominently on the wall, depicting a group of angels wielding holy swords, striking down all the demons in hell.

"You're back, Lena. Did you have a good time at school today?" A woman with deep brown hair cascading down her back appeared on the staircase, looking down at Lena from above, her enigmatic eyes hiding her thoughts.

Upon seeing this woman, Lena's mood immediately soured, but she maintained a polite smile, saying, "Yes, Mother, I had a wonderful time at school."

The deeper meaning behind her words was, "I'm not happy when I'm with you."

The woman snorted coldly. "A little clever brat, aren't you?"

She then left Lena's sight, clearly displeased.

At that moment, a bald man appeared in the path that the woman had taken. He politely said to her, "Mother, it feels like I haven't seen you in ages."

"Hmph," the woman raised her head, behaving as if she were quite the snob.

Seeing that the woman was irritated, the bald man, Lex Luthor, appeared quite pleased. He approached Lena with concern and asked, "Did you meet anyone interesting at school? Should I buy the school and expel those you don't like?"

"No need for that, big brother," Lena smiled slightly. "But I did meet someone worth noticing."

"Oh?" Lex's eyes lit up, and he turned to Lena. "Is it a boy or a girl?"

"He's a boy," Lena replied, looking at Lex. "His name is Jero Kent, a young man studying in Metropolis."

"Kent? From Smallville?" Lex's eyes sparkled with interest. Then he said to Lena, "If you get the chance, bring him here someday. By the way, I should consider him a friend of my brother."

(End of this chapter)


For advanced chapters and support visit : www.p@treon.com/NelsonN742 {replace @ with a}