
DC: Twilight Templar

Waking up in an a dark alley, a young warrior finds himself in a planet where Humans with strange powers and costumes were among the rest of the normal populace while cataclysmic and extinction level events were not exceedingly rare. He will have to navigate this new world and get used to how to live in a body of a Terran. Crossover DC and Starcraft As a note, you don't have to know about Starcraft to read this since I'll be explaining most of the things about it... except names xD

Gearhawk · Anime und Comics
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29 Chs


Hey there! It's been quite some time since the last chapter. So, I've been doing my military service and things have been quite hectic BUT i didn't forget about this. In fact I've written quite a bit. The problem is that it's on a notebook and I have to write it again in digital format and honestly that's boring xD Fear not though I'll continue the fanfic one of these days.

See ya then!