
DC: The Prince of the Underworld

A man found himself in a parallel earth without a family to protect him was adopted by a criminal. He was force into a life of crime to survive in the world's most dangerous universe. ... You can find up to 13 advanced chapters at my patreon patreon.com/Abyssuit Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters or the fanfic i was merely translating this. Ps: Ccto to the book cover's owner... Crdt: Tangrin (Gabriel Henrique)

Abyssuit · Anime und Comics
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183 Chs

Chapter 55

Dio put his shield and sword on his back and ran towards them when Mammoth was facing Dio.

Dio jumped and said, "Επικαλούμαι τη δύναμη του Sisyphus!"

{I summon the power of Sisyphus!}

With new strength surging through his body, Dio landed a powerful uppercut to his chin, which caused his face to stretch upwards.

Then he jumps and, gripping his head with both hands, pulls it downward, delivering a knee strike.

At that moment, Speedy released the bow, and Dio pulled his head back again.

While Mammoth was on his back, Dio raised his arms above his head, crossed his fingers, and slammed them down hard on the back of Mammoth's head.


The sound of his body hitting the ground made everything shake. Dio pulled out his sword again because he knew that wasn't enough to stop him.

Just as Dio was about to thrust it into his shoulder again, the bald woman finally joined the fight and sent a burst of blue energy flying at Speedy.

Dio didn't throw Mammoth's body away and let Speedy hit him so that Speedy wouldn't get hurt.

Dio takes a few steps back and places Speedy on the ground, where he prepares himself to continue the fight.

Speedy has somehow lost his bow and taken something from his belt, which expands into a new green bow.

"That hurt a bit."

Mammoth said as he stood up from the ground.

Dio's previous attack only made his nose bleed.

'I might have underestimated his resilience. Next time, I won't make the same mistake and will go all out.'

"Poor boys, luck certainly isn't on your side."

The bald woman remarks while standing beside Mammoth.

"That's enough of your lousy puns, Jinx. Let's finish them off."

Mammoth retorted.

Now it makes sense why Speedy's arrows and teleportation weren't working properly.

From what Dio remembers from the most recent comics and cartoons, Jinx is an expert in probability-altering magic, a unique and irritating branch of magic to fight.

Dio read a bit about probability magic in Zatanna's library.

After all, who wouldn't want magical luck on their side?

However, Dio has zero talent for this branch of magic, so he didn't study too deeply into the subject.

Nevertheless, Dio does know the weakness of a sorcerer like her.


Before they can respond, the ground shakes.

Dio's attention is drawn back to the center of the room, where Brother Blood holds the amulet and smiles while reciting incantations from his book.

Looking back, Dio sees some cultists carrying the sacrifice toward him while the others form a barrier in front of them to prevent their interference.

"What a terrible situation we've found ourselves in."

Dio muttered.

'I don't like to swear much, but this situation wanted me to curse.'

Speedy just nodded, and Dio retrieved his sword and shield.

"I'll take the big guy."

Dio said.

"I'll deal with the sorceress."

Speedy agreed.

Dio makes his move while Speedy fires two arrows in a quick row.

However, Speedy shoots Mammoth. Instead of Jinx, Dio changed his course and went toward Jinx.

This really confuses their enemies since they heard their conversation. Dio didn't expect Speedy to do the same as him.

When Dio was about a meter away from Jinx, she finally took initiative and fired an eldritch explosion in his direction.

Dio put his shield in front of his body for complete protection and kept advancing.

An eldritch explosion is something often used by magic users.

It's nothing more than a concentrated beam of pure mystical energy that hasn't been altered by spells to take another form.

It's a bit crude compared to true magic, but it's very effective for direct damage.

It's usually used by practitioners or people with less experience because most spellcasters can't afford to waste magical energy.

Jinx is definitely the second one, even though she's a little more skilled than him.

As Dio approached her against the disappearing fire, he took another step, and the ground beneath his foot cracked, which sank a few centimeters into the floor.

There is no doubt that probability magic is very annoying.

Unfortunately, she can't make the ceiling fall on him and end the fight, but bad luck can still slow him down.

In that case, all Dio has to do is act faster than she can cast her spells.

Dio stops his advance, and her eldritch energy still surrounds his body.

She's standing there, and Dio takes a knee, which surprises her as she wasn't expecting him to stop.

Mammoth, who took a hit from an arrow but was unharmed, makes the decision to pursue him. Dio must have really annoyed him with his previous attack.

When he's inches away from Dio, he takes a sudden leap against the flow of Jinx's magic, which is decreasing in power.

This unexpected move leaves Mammoth stumbling as Dio finds himself face-to-face with Jinx.

Dio thrust and aimed for her shoulder.

Jinx quickly raised her hand, but her eldritch had already stopped. A blue aura appeared around her palm and then around Dio's sword.

Dio's attack, which was aimed right at her shoulder, changed somehow. The sword pierced her shoulder along the edge instead of piercing her.

But Dio didn't give up.

When she took a step to his right while trying to distance herself, Dio spun his body and hit her chest with the front of his shield, which made her roll away on the ground.

Then Dio stepped forward and dodged Mammoth's blow that came at him. After dodging, Dio jumped and did a somersault over his head.

Mammoth tries to grab him but fails, and Dio lands behind him.

Dio was about to hit him with a powerful attack when he noticed that his back was covered in arrows that were stuck in his body.

Dio doesn't know what Speedy's plan is, but he certainly wouldn't waste so many arrows knowing that Mammoth has a certain degree of invulnerability.

So Dio gave up on hitting his back and cut his knees—not enough to sever his legs but enough to make him kneel.


Mammoth screamed and fell to his knees.

Dio's sword has magical powers that make it perfect for dealing with powerful beings like him. It's as easy to cut him as it is to cut a human.

It's possible that Mammoth would already be dead if Dio didn't care about morals.

Dio was still on the ground, and he tried to get up. Then his body suddenly stiffened while his hair stood, and his body started shaking.

Dio tried to understand what was happening until he realized that the arrows stuck in his back were sparking.

Dio looked back and saw Speedy holding a small device in his hand and smiling at the sight of Mammoth trembling.

It seemed like victory was close.

Dio sees that one of the arrows suddenly catches fire, and the flames spread to the others, which destroys them and releases Mammoth from his torment.

Dio looked to the left and saw Jinx with one knee on the ground while her hand pointed in his direction.

Jinx's once sleek blue dress was covered in dust, and she had some bruises and wounds on her body from his last attack.



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