
Character sheet

Mal-Valtrex :

Son of Darkseid

Powers: The Omega effect and Satans Gravity plus New god physiology

Likes: Comic books, anime, manga, using his powers, lasering people, Alpha, Barda, all kinds of food, exploring and also lazing around, finding cool things to do

Dislikes: Complicated things, Taking orders from those he sees as below him even those stronger than him.

Mal is a strange fellow who sometimes contradicts himself from time to time he is considered extremely talented both physically and mentally although he is considered intelligent he still lacks wisdom so some of the choices he makes tend to be not the best but more often than not he tries to be careful, which clashes with his generally carefree nature that just wants to sit back and relax,

He is feared by those on Apokalips for his cruelty, ever since his Human soul merged with that of Mal he has found himself desensitized to death and distraction it has almost become second nature to always inflict pain but he is not a sadist since he does not enjoy torture but sometimes finds himself causing unnecessary pain to others.

He generally doesn't try using violence as the first option but once peaceful matters fail he becomes merciless preferring to brake his enemies' arms and legs than let them run away to be used against him later on.

His favourite people on Apokalips are the Massive Hellhound Alpha that he trained from birth and Big Barda who he has developed a friendship with.

He has mutual respect for his Granduncle Steppenwolf , who raised and trained him since childhood, teaching him everything he needs to know, Steppenwolf decided to take Mal under his wing after witnessing his power when he was an infant and fearing that putting him in the care of granny goodness or any other would lead to another incompetent failure or traitors like Kalliback, Greyvan and Orion he decided to raise Mal himself since his nephew Darkseid had no interest in any of his children he acted as a sort of father to Mal whether he developed any caring parental feelings for Mal is unknown and highly unlikely or is it?

Granny Goodness Mal thinks she is an old B*tch simple as that and would have killed her if his father didn't see her use.

Speaking of his Father Darkseid Mal has found that the best way to have dear old dad not get in your business and shoot omega beams at you was just to be good at what you do for the most part Darkseid lets Mal do what he wants and generally doesn't involve himself much with him, which is just the way Mal likes it, since being around Darkseid makes him feel like death is close.

Mal views the other generals as slimy little pricks that are only meant to be used and should learn their place below him, yeah Steppenwolf might have been too good a teacher

The rest to be updated