
DC: The legend do Black Panther

The Legend of the Black Panther in the DC New 52 Universe

Admiraln12 · Anime und Comics
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The Black Panther

[Wakanda: 2000]

In Wakanda in King T'challa's palace he walked around the place he spent most of his childhood, running his hands over the palace stone brought him memories, he was twenty-eight years old, but the memories are still strong.

He sat on his throne, wearing his ceremonial suit as his advisors gathered, his uncle was also with them, no longer needing to be the Black Panther.

"We can start discussing the energy tax, engineers have found a way to make it more sustainable." Said a counselor.

"We also need to review Vibranium mining, they see there are certain tremors that people are worried about." Another counselor said.

"The frontier force also needs to be reviewed, recently there have been sightings of super powerful individuals such as Superman." His uncle Y'sou said showing images of a man wearing a blue and red outfit.

"Why does he wear underwear over his pants?" T'challa questioned raising an eyebrow.

"Maybe... an American fad we don't know about, but that doesn't matter, this individual in the last couple of years has faced a variety of other super powerful beings, I think we should take precautions." Y'sou replied.

"Very well, I'll transfer a few more people from the science team, see if they can get some countermeasures, the construction of a force field is almost done anyway." T'challa conceded, there was nothing wrong with being cautious.

"Very good, but there's an issue you're straying from." Y'sou said, T'challa sighed knowing what it was about.

"You must find a wife and an heir, however much your sister is more than... willing to take over, the King needs an heir." Y'sou said seriously.

"*sigh* I know uncle, I'm working on it, but for now Captain Bumbaku how was the mission I gave you?" T'challa questioned.

"Your grace remains the same, whoever hired that man did well to hide him, the crime was years ago, any trace that existed has been cleared a long time ago." Bumbaku said regretfully.

"I see...okay let's talk about..." As T'challa moved on to the next topic an alarm went off.

"What is this about!!" T'challa took over, soon messages revealed a minor accident during a children's excursion, T'challa didn't hesitate and soon put on his hero costume.

[Vibranium Mine]

{In the southeastern region of Wakanda near the Vibranium mines there was an earthquake, tragically it was during a children's excursion, waiting for more news.} A journalist said.

The authorities arrived and managed to save all the children, Shuri was in the area and helped as much as she could, but soon she noticed that a child was hanging, she looked shocked and unconsciously ran to save the child.

But she didn't run fast enough, the child fell and was about to die a tragic death, Shuri closed her eyes, the child prayed to her Panther Goddess, and in that moment he felt safe.

Shouts of relief made Shuri open her eyes and see her brother, in his cloaked Panther attire as he held the boy in his arms.

"Majesty!!, you saved me!!" The boy said happily, T'challa opened a smile without knowing it.

Soon the boy's parents arrived and knelt down, the boy also did the same as his parents, T'challa on the other hand felt awkward.

"Stand up please." T'challa asked kindly.

"But...sir we are not worthy." The father said stuttering.

T'challa understood that his outfit was a big part of it, he took off his mask and revealed his face, everyone was surprised by that.

"Please stand up, I'm not some kind of God, I'm just a man who does what's best for his people." T'challa again asked as he lifted the surprised couple.

The boy looked with childish admiration at T'challa, the King smiled and ruffled the boy's hair.

"I... can I be like you?" The boy replied shyly.


The boy was saddened.

"But you can always be the best version of yourself, and I'll be very happy to see that." T'challa said with a smile, the boy perked up and hugged T'challa's leg due to his size.

Shuri seeing the applause sighed, she felt strange, she hadn't seen her brother in years, she felt out of place, she thought that if she got the throne she would feel better, but now seeing her brother she knew it wasn't her destiny.

Back at the palace in a room reserved for training Shuri and T'challa were in a dueling circle, it had been two weeks since the incident.

"I will end your race." Shuri said with a smile.

T'challa smiled, Shuri hadn't beaten him in any of the duels so far, but her youthful willpower was refreshing to him, only he wouldn't let her win anyway.

Shuri threw a kick, T'challa jumped over her, she tried a sweep, but the King jumped again, he then got behind her and kicked her legs, knocking her down.

"Damn!!, ok T'challa you've proved your point." Shuri said exacerbated.

"My point? what do you mean sister?" T'challa questioned.

"Don't make a fool of yourself, you're the Black Panther, you can beat anyone in single combat." Shuri said tiredly.

"Well, there's one or the other that I would depend on my strength to win, the point is, you lost because you're not in balance." T'challa replied as he took a seat next to his sister.

"Don't come to me with this nonsense, I just need to train more and finally I'll put you on your face." Shuri replied.

"Perhaps, but would that satisfy you?, don't think I didn't see sister, you're angry, something bothers you, and I'm sorry I don't know what it could be." T'challa took on a gentler tone.

"*sigh* Look, it's not about you T'challa, it's just that since you became King I feel lost, I feel like I don't have a role anymore, what's a princess for if they already have a King?" Shuri said with a conflicted expression.

"Well, only you can find your way, but I can help you try something, I have a task for you." T'challa said with a smile, which brought a confused look from Shuri.

[Bele Reeves Penitentiary]

In the center of the United States there was a huge complex, it was circular, formed in iron and steel reinforced concrete, this was one of the largest prisons in the world, made mainly for the latest super criminals.

But there was also a hidden function, this was where Amanda Waller looked for soldiers, expendable soldiers who couldn't question her orders, this would be Task Force X's first mission, and it was a good thing they didn't talk.

"Mrs. Waller." Said a tall, bald man with a beard and high-grade glasses.

"Mister Strange, how are they behaving?" she asked, her voice cold.

"Fine if you ask me, but I think an explosive in the back of your head could do that to you." Hugo Strange said without a shred of remorse.

"Okay, let's get to work." She said with a cold expression.


Sorry guys !!