
DC: The Joker (DROPPED)

A man reincarnates in the infamous verse, where gods, monsters, and cosmic entities that could end the world on a whim, with nothing but a simple league system Find out how he inevitably reach the top after just trying to have a peaceful life ===== I DO NOT own anything here. All right goes to their respective owners. ===== Patreon: BaphometFiction, where this story already got chapters in advanced.

Baph0met · Anime und Comics
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35 Chs

Chapter 4: Speeding

For Jekyll, being chased by a group of cops, there was no time to consider the suspiciousness of the beautiful girl extending a helping hand.

Subconsciously reaching out, Jekyll was pulled onto the truck. The girl seemed to possess exceptional strength that didn't match her slender physique.

While dodging the fireworks and waving his hands, Gordon shouted loudly.

"Cease fire! Stop shooting altogether! Who ordered the shooting just now, and you, Harley! Turn off the engine and get out! I need to talk to you."

"Not today, Jim. Can't have my freshly returned boyfriend get the wrong idea—say hi to Barbara for me!"

Addressed as Harley, the girl turned her head, playfully winked at Jekyll, then swiftly shifted gears with her white fingers.

With the roar of the engine, the rapidly started truck surged forward with a powerful push.

"Wait, Harley—"

Gordon's voice faded in the background, soon drowned out by the engine and wind noise, completely inaudible.

Looking at the girl with a smile on her face, driving recklessly, Jekyll had already guessed her identity from their conversation.

"Harley Quinn, it's you, right?"

Hearing Jekyll's words, Harley turned to look at him. Her heavily eye-shadowed eyes were filled with joy.

"Of course not, sweetie—"

Despite the high-speed driving, Harley removed her hands from the steering wheel, leaned close to Jekyll's ear, and her warm breath brushed against his earlobe, causing a tingling sensation throughout his body.

"You should call me Puddin', my dearest Mr. J."

Though Harley's voice was as sweet as thick honey, Jekyll couldn't feel any romantic atmosphere—after all, sitting in a speeding truck, with the female driver flirting and removing her hands from the wheel, the situation was more terrifying than thrilling.

"Sorry to disturb you, but please focus on driving, please!"

Just as the truck was about to collide with a utility pole, Harley reluctantly moved away from Jekyll's ear. At the same time, she lightly adjusted the steering wheel, averting a collision.

Taking a deep breath, Jekyll, with lingering fear, was certain—this woman was indeed Harley Quinn, and in Gotham, there was no one woman crazier than her.

According to Jekyll's knowledge from various comics or derivative works, Harley Quinn is a character attracted to the Joker, becoming his assistant in mischief and crime - her crazed love for the Joker and her unpredictable nature are defining traits.

Of course, Jekyll also knew that Harley Quinn had different portrayals in various works, so he couldn't hastily conclude or label her. Especially since she just saved his life—although she almost became his murderer a moment ago.

"Miss Harley Quinn, it seems the detectives can't catch up with us now. Maybe we should slow down a bit for safety," Jekyll said.

The truck felt like a roller coaster ride, and Harley seemed to have the accelerator floored the entire time. Jekyll suspected the truck's engine must have been modified; otherwise, it wouldn't be capable of reaching speeds close to 200 kilometers per hour.

Harley pouted disapprovingly, glancing at Jekyll with a furrowed brow. Luckily, this time, she was still holding onto the steering wheel.

"Oh come on, Puddin', don't you trust my driving skills? I noticed you didn't even fasten your seatbelt. I thought you trusted me," she remarked.


Jekyll instantly felt a chill down his spine, realizing he was in an extremely dangerous situation. If Harley suddenly hit the brakes or made a sharp turn now...

"Wait, Miss Harley, slow down a bit—no, keep this speed; let me just buckle up," he panicked.

But it seemed too late; as the truck crested a rise, an old warehouse appeared ahead.

"Welcome back, my dearest Puddin'. This is our love nest, your hideout too—"


Jekyll couldn't hear the rest of Harley's words as, with her sudden brake, his forehead uncontrollably met the windshield.

Indeed, Harley Quinn was an extremely dangerous woman.

That was Jekyll's final thought before losing consciousness.


"Commissioner Gordon, should we go after Harley Quinn?"

Hearing his subordinate's question, Gordon, his clothes riddled with fireworks burns, shook his head solemnly.

"No, I'll figure out her situation later. Let's handle this here first."

Gordon sighed, looking towards the old factory surrounded by detectives, not hearing any movement from inside.

"All of you guard the perimeter. Come in only when I give the order!"

After giving orders to his subordinates, Gordon entered the gate alone, passing through the dim corridor, cautiously raising his gun to explore inside.

When he entered a deeper room and saw two bodies lying on the floor, his heart skipped a beat. He hurriedly rushed forward.

"Still breathing. Wake up, Batman, wake up! Are you okay?!"

Under Gordon's call, Batman slowly opened his eyes. He struggled to stand up but let out a low, pained grunt when he attempted to move.

Seeing the worried expression on Gordon's face, Batman waved his hand and spoke in a low voice.

"Don't worry, it's just a minor spine fracture and muscle strain, nothing like the paralysis from last time."

Despite Batman's assurance, Gordon's expression remained grave. He knew this type of injury required lengthy rest to heal, something this man in front of him wasn't inclined to do.

"Never mind me. Bane. Have you seen Bane?" Gordon gestured quietly to the side. Following his direction, Batman's gaze fell upon Bane's lifeless body in the pool of blood, intensifying the severity behind his cowl.

"Though it seems unlikely, it couldn't be you."

"Not me."

Upon hearing Batman's firm response, Gordon breathed a sigh of relief, then helped Batman to his feet.

"If it wasn't you, then who did it? Killing Bane isn't an easy feat."

Batman bit his lip, seemingly pondering for a moment before murmuring softly.

"Before I fought Bane, I saw someone here who shouldn't have been. But there are too many inconsistencies. Firstly, he shouldn't have any superpowers, yet when he escaped me, he clearly used some extraordinary ability. Secondly, if it were him, he wouldn't have left me unattended."

Then he lifted his head, his eyes filled with complex emotions.

"More importantly, he was confirmed dead. Both you and I confirmed it, Gordon. No doubt, he died completely three years ago, and it was by my own hand!"

Gordon's eyes widened, staring at Batman in disbelief.

"You mean, that man has risen from the dead?! How's that possible?"

Batman hesitated for a moment, then shook his head lightly.

"We can't be sure for now, but we need to prepare, Gordon."

"The nights in Gotham might become turbulent once again."


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