
Dc: The Brother of Superman

Follow our protagonist without memory of his past self he woke up in a normal family....wait isn't that Martha Kent.....why is she calling me son?. (Disclaimer, First fanfic to learn how to write.)

Refaim1992 · Anime und Comics
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75 Chs


In almost every multiverse, the dimension known as Azarath is always destroyed along with its residents, and those few other times that survived were because Raven never went there in the first place.

'Is it destiny or is it fate?' fate?' (Isaac)

Those were my thoughts as I uttered my words in front of one of the most powerful beings in this universe.

"[Ein Sòf]"(Isaac)


The crown made out of pure magic that was floating on my head went down...


As soon as it made contact with my head, the dimension itself started to shake, and beneath my feet, cracks began to expand outward.

I could feel a change in my skills, and that change was affecting my body too, but I was also at a loss.

'why these changes...' (Isaac)

Then I remembered something that happened after the last time I used this skill...




She could feel it; the dimension was shivering... No, the magic around of what was left of Azarath was shivering as if excited to greet its owner.


She could feel it too, but in a different way——a power so vastthat it that it was frightening——she unconsciously took a step back.

Then the three of them saw Isaac wave his hand to the right side, and a golden portal--like door appeared out of nowhere.


They heard his voice inside their heads.

~"Let's go!"~(Nayru)

The fairy woke the mother and daughter up, and after coming to her senses, they ran hurriedly through the portal, but there was someone who wasn't going to let that happen.


A fist so huge that if connected, it would probably flatten the whole area around them came down from above their heads at high speed, but when they thought that it was going to connect...


A golden dome--like magic barrier appeared, protecting them from any harm.

"You again, interfering with my family" (Trigon)

*Bum* *Bum*

One fist after the other came raining down on the barrier...


When that didn't work, with his four eyes, energy was gathering at an alarming rate, and when he thought it was enough,.,.


He blasted the energy towards the barrier..


...to his surprise, the barrier was still standing, and inside the barrier only an individual could be seen with both hands spread in front of him;; there was no trace of the other three.


"HA, HA, HA, HA" (Trigon)

Isaac was taken aback..

'Why is he laughing?'(Isaac)

I felt that something was wrong.

"Now, I can remove you from her life, and then no one will think of interfering again" (Trigon)

With his declaration, I finally understood

'I see, his objective all along wasn't to capture Raven but instead to have an opportunity to get rid of me...ha, clever bastard' (Isaac)

"Shall we.."(Trigon

With those words,words, the huge size of Trigon began to change;; it started to get smaller and smaller until his height reached 10 feet


A fist covered in demonic energy blasted through my golden barrier.


...another blasted through my stomach.


*Thud* *Thud* *Thud*

I went flying backwards until I crashed into the ground multiple times.

*Cough* *cough*

'Even with all the layers of protection spells' (Isaac)

I stood up from the ground, the pain still lingering from the punch...

*Thud* *thud*

...then I saw him walking towards me slowly.

"It's that all you got, mortal? With this meager power, you wanted to take her away from me!?" ( Trigon)


A fist came from my right side, directly into my right cheek...


...again, I was sent flying, crashing into the floor, but this time was different. I recovered more quickly, this time standing up almost immediately.

'Tch, his physical parameters are insane, and that, combined with his dark magic, makes him indeed one of the most powerful beings in this universe' (Isaac)

I looked at Trigon directly into his four eyes, and then I made a martial pose by spreading my feet in parallel with my shoulders. Then my left hand was extended forward, spreading my hand, and my right hand was backwards, forming a fist. Before Trigon could question himself about what I was doing,I moved my left and right hands at the same time.


My left hand was sent backwards, forming a fist, and my right hand was sent forward, punching the air before me. Along with the motion, an incredible magic force pushed forward, cracking the space in front of Trigon's face, and then...



Trigon was sent flying backward, crashing into the ground a couple of feet away.

As Trigon fell, I felt uncomfortable; something wasn't right, and some strange thoughts were floating through my mind.

'Let's beat him to a pulp'

(No, stop, I'm no fighter.)

Two contradictory thoughts, then it clicked.

'I see, right, I forgot. I'm no fighter, I'm a mage. I guess all these worries and frustrations were clouding my reasoning, or maybe it was his influence...'

I looked at Trigon getting up from the floor as if nothing had happened; only a grand smirk was plastered on his face.

"Not bad, but not enough mortal"(Trigon)


He launched himself towards me again.

'...it doesn't matter, I'm a mage, and I will fight as one' (Isaac)


Unbeknownst to him, the moment that his thoughts shifted, his eyes, along with the skin beneath his clothes, began to change.

His eyes turned golden, and some strange ancient runes began to cover some parts of his body.

Trigon felt the shift in the atmosphere surrounding him, but it was too late to change, and even then, he didn't care; he was too powerful, and no matter what, he didn't see himself losing to anyone. But when he entered his personal space, something strange happened: he was slowing down more and more the longer he tried to reach for his face.

He knew exactly what was happening: time manipulation; he also could feel the gravity getting heavier by the second.

"Hah, you think this is enough to stop me! Don't underestimate my might!" (Trigon)

*Tssi* *tssi*

Covering himself with enough demonic energy to destroy a city, he blasted through it. The space around them was cracking and the ground was being pushed away, making a huge creature beneath their feet, when his fist was about to reach directly into his face.


...a hand appeared in front of his fist, and he couldn't move it any further. The most curious thing was that his fist and that hand weren't even touching in the first place; instead, a magic circle was acting as a barrier between the two.

*Tssi* *crack* *tssi*


Still, his fist and demonic energy were destroying the magic circle little by little, but still, this situation caused great shock to him, and that's why it fueled his rage and his desire to completely eliminate this unknown variable before him.


My thoughts were finally clear. When I saw the fist getting in front of my face, I didn't panic. I just thought...

'[Time slows down], [Gravity bind him]' (Isaac)

...and time and gravity obeyed my command without a problem.

Still, he blasted through it with sheer power and force.

'Truly a monster' (Isaac)

... I responded by putting my hand in front of his fist and conjuring a magic circle with the rune space in the middle.

After a couple of seconds, I could see that my magic circle would not last for long.

'This is the difference between entities; even when I can use all the magic in the world, I'm still human, and him, well, he is an almighty dark god.' (Isaac)

Even when part of my thoughts wander off, I still prepare for my next move. I first eliminate the time and gravity limitations, and then...

'[Wind Gather in my hand, spin around, faster, faster, push him back!]'

With my free hand, I conjured a massive amount of air, then the air began to spin at an incredible speed. It started to generate heat, transforming the wind into plasma. When it got to that point, it blasted through him. The wind transformed into plasma, push him back a couple of feet, scarring his chest on the process and giving me enough time to think of a more powerful spell to do something about him.

'You cannot kill him; that is a fact; you can only seal him, and even that was hard...Wait, why did I think he couldn't be killed because he is a god? No, gods can be killed in this universe. No, maybe because he is magical and physically resistant?, or at least that's what it's believed, but I know a story...' (Isaac)