
DC: Superman's OP Younger Brother

Raymond Kent was an ordinary unemployed university graduate who died in a car accident and became the biological son of Martha and Jonathan Kent in DC. He, however, soon discovered that he was a metahuman with multiple god-like meta-abilities, he also seems to have no limit to the amount of meta-abilities he can awaken nor the infinite increase in the power of his meta-abilities. He is pretty much overpowered as it is, but, the question is —is his power enough? The Story will explore how Ray goes about his everyday life; trying not to accidentally destroy the world with his uncontrollable power, keeping a low profile, while also battling DC's top cosmic entities such as trigon, the endless, the fates, the primordials, the monitors, etc, behind the scenes.

Perfect_Genius · TV
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7 Chs

Chapter 2: The Meeting with Superman and The Bat Family

_The Kent Farm_

Walking through the Kent farmland, two figures could be seen talking to each other.

One of them was Ray and the other was Clark Kent aka, Superman. He had a strong muscular build hidden under a white shirt and he possessed rough masculine facial features which added a manly charm to his handsome face. His whole body exuded an aura of pure strength.

However, the dorky glasses he wore on his face seemed to change the way people viewed him and made him seem more like a nerdy giant.

Anyway, despite the fact that he didn't really see eye-to-eye with Clark on some moral issues, Ray trusted his older brother Clark very much. He was the only one who Ray had told about his vision.

"Ray, I've found a friend who can help us build an advanced version of the meta-nullifying bracelet and he would like to see you," Clark said, looking rather serious at the moment.

"Who is it?," Ray asked, his face showing a blank expression.

Clark adjusted his glasses, saying, "He's one of the Justice League's core members; Batman, he's trustworthy and i told him about you to get him to help."

Ray stopped walking at this moment, turning to look back at Clark with a frown on his face,"I hope you left some parts out Clark?."

"Of course I did, I only told him that you were a metahuman and couldn't control your powers, so I created a device to suppress them and that it was now malfunctioning," Clark replied, assuring Ray.

'I really don't want anyone else knowing even a bit about my powers, especially not a paranoid psycho like Batman, but if I don't give this a shot, i'll have to use my last resort, Sigh!,' Ray thought as he contemplated his next move.

Seeing him hesitating, Clark shook his head and told Ray, "Buddy, Your powers are growing stronger much quicker than I expected, we're really out of options here. Why don't you just give it a try."

"Alright then, let's go meet him as soon as possible, we only have about three days left," Ray said, running his hand through his snow-white hair.

"Great, teleport us to Gotham city, we'll find him there" Clark said.

Ray hesitated a little, not knowing wether it was safe to teleport while his powers were still glitching, they might end up on another planet again, but then he decided to calm himself and put aside all of his worries.

He stopped hesitating and reached out his hand to touch Clark's shoulder.


The space around the two of them seemed to warp for a moment, before they suddenly disappear from where they stood.



The sky of Gotham was covered in dark rainclouds, unlike the sunny weather in smallville. Heavy rain fell, followed by strong winds as three silhouettes could be seen chasing after two other silhouettes.

"Hahahaha! Batsy, is that the best you can do? My mama can throw slippers better than that! Hahahaha!," laughed a strange voice from one of the two silhouettes being chased as he or she, dodged a few batarangs thrown at him or her.

"Speaking of which, Mr J~, when are you gonna introduce me to your mama?~," a sultry feminine voice rang out this time.

"Shut it Harley," chastised the first voice, now identified as the Joker himself.

"Dude, why're you aiming for his legs? Aim for the bastard's head," a teenage boy dressed in a robin costume asked begrudgingly, still in the midst of running after Joker and Harley Quinn.

"It's because we don't kill our opponents you brat, how many times do we have to tell you," replied a young woman dressed in a bat suit.

"Enough you two! Focus on the task at hand!," Batman yelled, throwing more batarangs at the Joker's legs to hinder his movements, only for them to be dodged by the freakishly acrobatic villain.


Suddenly, the space in front of Joker and Harley warped and Ray and Clark appeared, causing the villainous duo who were running too fast to stop in time, to crash into their bodies.


Joker and Harley felt as though they had hit two immovable walls as they collapsed on the floor the second they slammed into the Invulnerable bodies of the Kent brothers.

Batman, Batgirl and Robin were surprised by the sudden intervention as they looked at the two criminals they were chasing after who were now collapsed on the floor, before turning their heads to look at the other two who just appeared.

"Hi Bruce, sorry to cut your chase short, but it's kinda urgent, this is my brother who i told you about, Ray," Clark said, introducing Ray to the Bat Family.

Batman was silent, glaring at Ray intently, observing him.

"Hi," Batgirl waved at Ray, who casually waved back with a blank look on his face.

"Tch, so he's the meta-freak, he does look the part," Jason Todd aka, Robin, snickered, mocking Ray's white hair and different colored eyes.

Ray glanced at Jason indifferently, before ignoring him completely.

'I came here for more important business than to engage in a childish banter with this stubborn hothead,' he thought, staring coldly into the eyes of Batman who was still glaring at him.

Seeing Ray ignore him so nonchalantly, Jason's eyes twitched in anger. He was about to confront the junior Kent brother when Batman suddenly broke eye contact with Ray and spoke up.

"I see, you brought him back quicker than I expected you would Clark. Let's go talk somewhere else. Jason, call Gordon and wait here until he and the police arrive to take Joker and Harley away," Batman ordered in a strict tone, leaving Jason seething in silent rage.

Batman then walked back to where the Batmobile was parked, its gull-wing doors immediately lifted up with an hissing sound, letting out steam as its elegant interior was revealed. Batman hopped in and Batgirl soon followed.

"Come on in," Batman said to Clark and Ray, who then proceeded to enter the Batmobile.

Vroom!! Vroooooom!!!

With a powerful roar, the Batmobile zoomed off. Only Jason was left, busy tying Joker and Harley with ropes.


_The Bat Cave_

After about 20 minutes, the Batmobile had arrived at the Bat Cave.

Batman and Batgirl had taken off their cowls since Clark already knew who they were and they were sure Ray would keep their identities to himself considering the fact that he was Superman's brother.

Batman was currently tapping away at his Bat Computer, analyzing the data Clark gave to him about the meta-nullifying bracelet.

Clark was standing next to Batman, explaining his research when he created the bracelet to him and Barbara Gordon aka, Batgirl, was busy chatting with Ray.

"So, how exactly do your powers work?," Barbara asked Ray, trying to get some more information from him.

"I'm not really sure, I just know i can't control them," Ray said vaguely, an indifferent look masking the impatience and annoyance he was feeling within.

"Superman said you had many powers, is that true? What are they?," Barbara noticed his disinterest in talking to her about his meta-abilities, but she didn't give up, she was determined to acquired more information about Ray.

It was ingrained into her being to always gather information about both allies and foes thanks to her training with Batman.

However, Ray wasn't anyone else, ever since he was transmigrated with his god-like powers, his mind and even the way he thought had changed and had taken a more darker path. To him, since he could get rid of whatever annoyed him with a snap of his fingers, so why should he endure it and keep it bottled up.

He really wouldn't have any problem killing Barbara if she continued annoying him.

Fortunately for Barbara, Alfred —Batman's loyal butler, suddenly came in carrying a small tray with steaming hot mugs of beverages on it.

"Mister Kent, have a drink, will you," Alfred smiled politely as he walked towards Ray and offered him a beverage.

"Thank you," Ray said blankly, taking the mug from the tray in Alfred's hands.


The mug in Ray's hands suddenly started shaking violently as it glowed with a golden light, before exploding the next second.

The sudden development shocked everyone and Bruce, Barbara and Alfred all took cover to protect themselves from the mug shards flying in their direction.

Clark, using his super speed, was ready to grab all the shards of the exploded mug before they caused any harm when they suddenly stopped in mid-air. He instantly turned to look at Ray and saw him extending his hand outwards at the shards.

"Its okay now, you can stop hiding," Ray announced, letting out a sigh of relief as he gathered all the shards and willed them into a nearby trashbin with a wave of his hand. This was another one of his meta-abilities; [Telekinesis] which allowed him to control things with his mind.

Batman and the rest came out of the places they hid in to protect themselves from the mug shards. Batman frowned and glared at Ray, demanding in a deep voice, "What the hell did you do?."

"Its either Clark didn't inform you that my powers were uncontrollable or you're just not smart enough to understand the word 'uncontrollable'," Ray replied, finding himself a seat to sit on.

That explosion just now had been accidentally caused by one of his meta-abilities; [Exploding Touch]. It wasn't a passive ability and was usually activated by him whenever he desired, however, his powers seemed to have started malfunctioning even more than before and it activated by itself.

'I can't waste any more time here, I have to get what I came for quickly or else who knows what other dangerous powers might activate by themselves,' Ray thought, feeling very worried, yet masking it with an expressionless face.

He possessed tons of extremely dangerous meta-abilities, each capable of destroying galaxies with ease. If one of those were to malfunction and activate on their own, the earth would be over in an instant.

Who knew having superpowers could be so troublesome?