
Chapter 137

Isaac Dinklage

And then I realized that I was carried away, or rather carried away somewhere and someone whom I cannot recognize, although the facial features are familiar.

Having carefully examined, I saw that I was being held in her arms by a young blonde, cut under a bob, with slightly wavy hair. She has blue eyes, and with some, I would say, an incredibly dark blue eye tint. Although I do not presume to say for sure. It is now night, and my improved vision can now and pass because of overwork. I would generally sleep now. But where? Not on her chest. Although, I have to admit, she has airbags wow. "I would like to crash into them" - so one of my friends would have said from a past life.

However, I soon managed to see her in full growth when we smoothly landed on the ground. She's even a couple of centimeters taller than me, that's for sure. She wore a suit that looked like a closed white swimsuit with a pentagonal cutout on the chest. On the side over the shoulder there is a small red cloak, and on the legs are red boots.

My eyelid twitched and I used Player's Gaze to test my guess:

Name: Kara "Power Girl" Zor-L, Karen Starr.

Level Granted: 70

Race: Krypton

1st Class: Guardian

1 Subclass: Hero

2nd Class: Politician.

3rd Class: Merchant.

Trait: Willpower, BI Master, Surviving Krypton, Orphan, Lost Soul

Age: 24

Characteristics: see details.

And what is this krypton woman doing here? Judging by the news, she has not yet had time to light up as the heroine of the Earth. Only her local "relatives" did it: Superman and Supergirl.

- Hey. - the blonde smiled radiantly at me.

- Hey. - I answered her, while being in her arms - Who are you? And why am I in your arms?

- I'm Power Girl! - The blonde answered me pathetically and still put me on the ground. - I saved you from falling under the wheels of the car.

I looked around and realized that we were standing on the roof of one of the skyscrapers about a block from the site.

- OU! I did not notice. Tired. Large blockage at work. But, thanks probably. - Yes, I myself wonder why there is so much fatigue in my voice, even a krypton woman appreciated and measured me with a regretful look.

- It's my pleasure. You should be careful, I heard a lot of dangers in your city. And getting hit by a car, I think, is one of the main dangers for inattentive people like you! - She also waved her finger instructively.

But she's a pretty girl.

HM. But this is a chance! If I pull the strings correctly and press on her emotions correctly ... I can get an ownerless kryptonka in my Gotham. A kind of counterbalance to more powerful opponents. And in the end, it can be useful to me in everyday life. For example, I have large amounts in bank accounts and "under the bed", which I cannot let in my business. Since, according to the law, I am not allowed to open a business. And Karen Starr, according to the canon, was first the CEO of Lex Corp, and then she also opened her own. I just don't remember what she was called. In general, she is smarter than "our super-girl." And it is not affected by kryptonite. After all, she is from another Earth.

Although she has many features and talents. The main thing is to open them correctly. And I will try to do it. So to speak, I will try to "produce" it in the Gotham style. She's not really needed in Metropolis. And in the household (Gotham) it will come in handy.

- Thank you for your trouble. I didn't think I would get into a typical Disney story.

- What story? - she was surprised, slightly tilted her head to the side, like an owl.

- Rescue the beautiful princess by the handsome prince and kiss at the end. The truth is here on the other hand. The princess saved the prince. Although I'm not a prince at all.

- Haha. You're right. - and then looked at me with a slyness. - Well, what about a kiss? - do you take a little? In other respects, it is even beneficial to me. - I m-m-h-hmm ...

- Well, how? I asked her after a long kiss, which I carefully seasoned with chakra to stimulate her receptors. I hope she didn't notice it in any way.

- Hah. Wow, to be honest, I was kidding ... but not against this plot development. The saved have never kissed me before. They tried to hit, shout, even kill, but never kiss.

- Well, then I promise, I will kiss you whenever you save me.

- It's noticed. Ha ha ha. - she showed a slight awkwardness and hid her hands behind her back.

At this point, I deigned to look at the messages during our conversation from the moment of "salvation".

Attention! You have earned the achievement "The Rescued Prince"

The rescued prince - the likelihood of meeting the fair sex heroes + 15%. The likelihood of having a romantic relationship with the heroine + 15%.

+ 100 to relations with Kara "Power Girl" Zor-L, Karen Starr.

+ 100 to relations with Kara "Power Girl" Zor-L, Karen Starr.

+ 100 to relations with Kara "Power Girl" Zor-L, Karen Starr.

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