
DC: Spirit of Vengeance

Guys, the first 10 chapters are hard to read, if you get through them I promise you a story you will love. ------------ Heroes and villains, Good and Evil. In the world of DC, there is a very sharp line between right and wrong, however, that line will be disturbed by a new player who will bring punishment to all the sinners. The Spirit of Vengeance is here, and no one will be able of hide from his stare. ............... The story focuses on DC, with a MC who is not a reincarnator, not a system, not a golden finger, just someone who had the bad luck? of being Ghost Rider. No Harem, Wonder Woman as the love interest My first language is not English, sorry for the bad spelling. I DO NOT OWN ANYTHING, only my OC .... Discord: https://discord.gg/WrzwXKsz IF YOU WANT TO SUPPORT ME, AND READ 6 CHAPS AHEAD OF WEBNOVEL, AND OTHER TWO NEW FICS , THIS IS MY PATREON patreon.com/TioIroh99

Tio_Iroh99 · Anime und Comics
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104 Chs

*Not a chapter* Leave your questions

Christmas is coming!!!!


*chokes with his tamale*

Guys, as a gift for Christmas I leave this chapter for you to ask questions about the fic, or things in general. And vote by liking the questions you find most interesting.

You have until the 22nd to ask, from that day I'll take the 10 most voted (hoping there are more than 10 hahaha) and I'll answer them. I will say light spoilers and everything. 

Note: the questions in the comment box, please. This is for those who use the cell phone to read the fic.