
DC: Rise from Darkness (PAUSED)

Mason is a former low-level Gotham thug who finds himself recruited into a sinister organization. Despite his initial good intentions, he gradually becomes more rooted in the organization's dark ways. Meanwhile, the entire multiverse is trying to convince the protagonist, Mason, to become a supervillain in this era of disaster. Mason, however, is resistant to the idea of joining the dark side and decides to take matters into his own hands. He resolves to restore order to the chaotic multiverse and prevent the upcoming doom. -------------------------------------------- English is not my native language so do not expect me to write a complicated english and will only use simple word, and this is my first time writing novel patreon.com/Abyssuit I don't own anything

Abyssuit · Anime und Comics
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20 Chs

Chapter 2: Battle

"Boss, that traitor rushed into Gotham Police Station. We have a mole here, and we-"

"I don't want to hear this! I only want Catwoman's body and my things. Get this done before that bat appears. If you can't recover them, blow it up. You know how hot those things are. If it leaks, my family and I will die first, and then you and your family will follow."

"Understood, Boss."

After a brief communication, the piercing sound of gunfire echoed in front of the Gotham Police Station building.

This group of crazy people under Penguin's command quickly prepares more forces. Before the police arrived for reinforcement, they had already stormed into this building that was supposed to symbolize the city's order.

Of course, the police, who maintained a simple balance with Gotham's gangs, also fought back fiercely in this situation. Having received the news in advance, Commissioner Gordon had already opened the arsenal and ready the on-duty police to block the gangsters' progress.

Commissioner Gordon ordered a large number of office workers who were working overtime to evacuate through the back door, but the Commissioner himself could not possibly abandon his subordinates in such a situation.

However, for Commissioner Gordon, the most urgent question now was:

"Was it you who made the call just now? Who are you?"

Wearing a bulletproof vest, and a helmet and fully armed with an automatic rifle, Commissioner Gordon frowned as he looked at Mason, who three police officers were escorting.

The young man looked innocent, as if he was a harmless and obedient baby who had accidentally gotten caught up in the madness of tonight's events.

At the moment he saw the Commissioner, he obediently handed over the sword-shaped hard disk in his hand, tossing it away like nothing, and yelled out to Gordon:

"I'm Batman's informant planted in the Penguin's gang, maintaining a single line of communication with Catwoman. Today, we managed to capture the most important thing in the hands of the Penguin gang."

"As a law-abiding citizen of Gotham, I believe that the police have the ability to protect this important item," Mason said.

Gordon widened his eyes in surprise.

'What? Is Batman also planting undercover agents in the criminal underworld now? How come his old friend Batman didn't tell him about this?'

Gordon glanced at the hard drive and then at the police officers behind him. One of the officers pointed to Catwoman, who was being treated on a table outside the office, implying that what this guy said might be true.

After all, who in Gotham doesn't know about the relationship between Catwoman and Batman

It's basically an open secret.

On the "Villains Forum" of Gotham, supervillains often joke about Catwoman being Batman's pet, making the very independent female thief's big sister very unhappy.

"You stay here!"

Commissioner Gordon waved his big hand and let the young man stay in the office. Mason looked up at the sky through the window and saw the black-and-white Bat-signal reflecting on the overcast clouds, which relieved him slightly.

"I can help."

Mason spread his hands and said to Commissioner Gordon, who was about to leave the office to intercept the crazy gangsters.

"I betrayed the Penguin's gang, and they won't spare me. You should know their style better than I do. I risked my life to bring Catwoman and this thing here to show my sincerity."

"Give me a gun."


As soon as the young man finished speaking, the entire floor shook violently, and the explosion from below made every armed officer on the floor turn pale.

That was definitely the sound of heavy weapons firing.

A few timid officers were already trembling on the ground, while Gordon, shaking his body, crawled to the window and looked down, only to be stunned to find that some Penguin thugs were unloading the kind of "toys" that could be carried on their shoulders from their trunks.

"This is insane!"

The Commissioner cursed and turned to look at Mason. The latter had already snatched a semi-automatic rifle from a young, frightened officer and had run into the nearby armory for some reason.

Two seconds later, Mason appeared with a package of grenades, smashed the glass with a shot, and pulled the pin of a grenade.

Although Mason didn't understand why the Gotham City Police Department's armory would have things that ordinary police officers could not use, he still adjusted the force and trajectory according to the marked throwing path in his eyes, took a step forward, and threw the grenade.

With a bang, the police station building of five floors shook, and people were thrown to the ground below.

Commissioner Gordon, wearing a helmet, was lying prone at the window, firing a row of bullets using marksmanship to suppress the enemy's firepower, and then glanced at the scene below.

The grenade thrown by the young man landed perfectly on the pickup truck carrying the gangsters' heavy weapons and exploded, completely wiping out the enemy's dangerous firepower source.

"Well done!"

The Commissioner excitedly clenched his fists and punched the wall while other police officers admired Mason, hoping he would bring another divine intervention.

"R! P! G!"

Just as Mason was putting on a bulletproof vest, a female police officer's sharp scream sounded from the other side of the floor, and a group of people crawled on the ground, while a rocket flying from below exploded on the wall of the top floor, directly blasting half of the wall apart.

"Chief, they're coming up from below!"

In the middle of the chaos, the armed police defending the stairs also charged up the building, their shields full of bullet holes as they rolled and crawled forward. The chaotic Commissioner Gordon grabbed his gun and led his team to support them, reminding them before he left.

"You, young man! Although I don't know who you are, you're definitely not an ordinary person. Help us defend this place. Batman is on his way. Holding this position is our victory."

"Well, at least give me a decent gun," Mason said as he pulled out two pins and threw a grenade using an almost perfect throwing trajectory along the wall that had been blown apart.

Amidst the thunderous explosion, he picked up a helmet and strapped it on, waving his rifle at the Commissioner and shouting, "I need some parts to modify this thing. Your weapons are useless. They can't compare to the firepower of the mafia. Someone in this police station is lining their pockets."

"They're all in the armory. Find them yourself."

At this moment, Chief Gordon, who was stuck between the fourth and fifth floors with his team, immersed in his shooting shouted without looking back.

A few seconds later, there was a terrifying explosion of grenades in the elevator.

Mason threw away the hand grenade in his hand, used his perfect trajectory with the help of combat assistance to destroy all of the gang's support vehicles, then turned around and rushed into the armory.

The injured Catwoman was also transferred here by two female police officers for emergency hemostasis and suturing surgery.

Mason rushed in, opened the weapon cabinet, and searched for suitable weapon parts according to the newly unlocked rifle drawings in the system displayed on the screen in front of him. He also took a moment to glance at the pale Catwoman lying on the table.

"Batman, I risked my life to save your wife. If this still can't improve my favorability, then it's pure prejudice."

At the same time.

In the dark night sky outside the city, a sleek black bat-shaped aircraft is speeding through the clouds.

The man inside sits like a king on his throne, his tall figure draped in a black cape. Underneath his bat mask, his mouth curves into a serious, cold expression.

"Alfred, I need real-time monitoring of the battle zone," he says over the communication link as he swaps out his different multi-functional combat belt components for assault accessories.

"Very well, Master Wayne. Wayne Enterprises launched three of the most advanced communication satellites last month, perhaps we can 'borrow' them," the voice of his butler and assistant replies.

In a gentle but slightly complaining tone, the old voice continues, "Furthermore, you really need a new full-time assistant. My sleep quality is already poor enough as it is. Should I prepare a medical bay for Miss Selina? I heard she's been seriously injured. From the current situation, the lady who loves thievery is likely the most likely matriarch of the Wayne family in this generation."

After a few seconds of silence, Batman sighed and said, "We are in the middle of a war, Alfred. Please be serious. We are approaching the combat zone. Prepare for an emergency landing in three minutes. You'll operate the Batwing and provide fire support for me. Also, track Oswald's private communication signal. He went too far tonight and needs to cool off in Blackgate."

"Understood, sir. Batwing's non-lethal suppression system is now online."

"Good luck with your workout after dinner. Don't forget to bring Selina back. She might be able to act as a temporary hostess for tomorrow night's charity banquet."


"No wonder it's the Gotham Police Department. They have everything in this arsenal, both things they should and shouldn't have. This is insane," Mason said as he looked at the assault rifle hurriedly assembled in front of him.

Adding multiple extra parts made it heavy and gave it an unidentifiable but intimidating level of professionalism, even though its outward appearance had not changed significantly.

Name: M14 Assault Rifle Quality: Standard Item · Inferior Craftsmanship

Traits: Precise aiming, high capacity drum magazine, Reduced recoil, M203 grenade launcher

Creator: Mason Cooper

Item Description: You just combined different accessories together in a more efficient way, which cannot be considered the essence of engineering, but it was done well, rookie.

'Successfully completing an engineering creation increases proficiency in engineering skills.'


Just as Mason inserted the circular drum into the magazine, a violent explosion erupted outside the weapon vault.

The strong impact shattered the glass of the entire floor and made the policewoman who was being stitched up behind him scream, causing her hand to slip and making the half-exposed chest of the Catwoman lying on the table twitch in pain.

"Stay calm! Don't be afraid! Girls, we can win!"

Mason stood up from the wall, feeling a little dizzy, and inserted a black grenade into the underbarrel launcher. He wiped the blood off his face and shouted to the two female police officers in front of him, then gave a thumbs up to Catwoman staring at him.

Then he took a deep breath, sneaked out of his hiding place, and tackled an enemy with a tactical slide.

The armed police led by Commissioner Gordon had been completely subdued by the surging gangsters. Seeing that the large team was about to rush out from the stairway, Mason raised his gun and shouted, "Get down!"


In a low vibration, the black grenade flew out of the gun barrel and smashed into the guys who rushed up the stairs. In that instant, Mason saw the boss.


In the stunned gaze of the boss covered in blood, a small-caliber grenade launched by his own useless little brother hit him in the chest and exploded violently, destroying the entire stairway.

Using a weapon like a grenade indoors is definitely a suicidal act, but at the moment, the situation can't afford to be picky.

In the chaos that resembled destruction, Commissioner Gordon, whose ears were temporarily deafened by the explosion, saw the young man who called himself Batman's informant rushing out with a strange-looking gun.

He stood above the collapsed staircase, holding the gun. With the assistance of his combat gear, the dust and smoke-covered surroundings could not block his vision.

The floating crosshairs in front of him constantly moved, locking onto one approaching figure after another.

The long trajectory of the red dotted line made the scene in front of him once again give Mason a feeling of "playing an FPS game in the real world."

"Treat this as my farewell to Oswald. That cheapskate not only demanded that I drop out of school but also swallowed the insurance compensation my absentee father left me," Mason shouted loudly.

The next second, gunshots rang out in the stairwell, quickly stopping the gangsters' attack.

But they had some dirty tricks up their sleeves.

Watching the group of useless police officers hold the building tonight, the Penguin's subordinate next to him gritted his teeth and gestured to his subordinates beside him.

Soon, Molotov cocktails were thrown into the messy building in front of them, quickly igniting a layer of large archives and papers. The fire strengthened, and the gangsters quickly rushed out, and some even took out explosive barrels from the car that arrived later, pushing out several large of gasolines.

They were executing Plan B.

To bury the building and everyone and everything inside in it.


A gunshot rang out from the top floor, and the gangster who was rolling the gasoline barrel was shot in the chest and fell to the ground. Then another gunshot sounded, and the henchman holding the explosives also fell face down.

"There's a sniper! Take cover!" someone shouted, and the threatening gangsters immediately panicked.

Mason dropped the empty magazine from his hand, standing next to the blown-up wall on the rooftop, and inserted a magazine from Commissioner Gordon, who was lying next to him and loaded it into his gun.

He glanced at the "increased shooting proficiency" rapid that was always popping up in his field of vision, then looked down at the commotion below and said to Commissioner Gordon, who was covered in blood.

"If that guy doesn't show up soon, we're gonna be blown to pieces."

"What? What did you say? Speak louder, I can't hear you!" Commissioner Gordon pointed to his bleeding ear and shouted at Mason, making the young man sigh helplessly.

Commissioner Gordon was a man of service to the citizens, with a strong sense of justice and loyalty to his friends, and most of the time, he was both brave and creative. The only drawback was that he was not very good at direct combat.

"You know how great it would be if you were a Rambo who could take down a hundred people alone?"

"He's here! Look!"

Just as Mason was about to use his combat assist in intimidating the gangsters and buying some time, Gordon, whose hearing was temporarily impaired, grabbed his wrist and excitedly pointed to the sky.

Mason looked up and saw a cool black Batplane gliding like a ghost over the police station's building. It made a skillful turn in the air, and a rapid-fire machine gun emerged from its belly, sweeping over the ground like an airship suppressing its targets.

One bomb was enough to scatter the Penguin's gangsters, and a few smoke bombs were thrown onto the ground.

Afterwards, Mason saw a black figure gliding down like a bat spreading its wings, landing silently in the chaos. The sparks jumping out of the thick smoke represented the ongoing battle, but the continuous screams made this scene seem like a one-sided "slaughter."

Mason breathed a sigh of relief, lowering the gun and putting away the safety. He then removed his damaged bulletproof vest and helmet and threw them to the side.

He and Commissioner Gordon sat side by side against the blown-out wall, watching the chaotic battlefield below like a movie. Mason then took a cigarette from the relieved Commissioner's hand and leaned in for him to light it.

A minute later, the Batwing flew over the police station again, switching to firefighting mode. A large amount of foam and water mist sprayed down to extinguish the flames, soaking the unsuspecting Mason and Gordon.


In the sound of the grappling gun firing and pulling, the ghostly man flew out of the battlefield, mixed with steam and gunpowder. Like a bat folding its wings, he landed steadily beside Mason and Gordon in his cape.

He glanced at the ruined police station and, amidst the cheering of the officers, reached out to take the cigarette from Mason's mouth and threw it on the ground.

The old man stared at the young man and said in a hoarse voice as he noticed the subtle change in his expression:

"Mason Cooper, high school dropout in Gotham. Your father, Robert Cooper, was Oswald's confidant, and I personally sent him to prison three times. You're 17 years old! Minors are not allowed to smoke."