
DC: Omega Level Mutant

What would happen if a SI wishes to have the Omega Level mutation of Sebastian Shaw in DC?

Mottor_Writing · Anime und Comics
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The Mutation

A tired sigh emanated from a work shed. Inside it was a teenage boy who looked exceptionally tired as various gadgets lay haphazardly on the floor and the table. He was holding a circular disk that was whirling and produced a blue glow. The boy massaged his temples as his tiredness finally caught up.

"I guess I can finally get some Zs with the Energy Transference Disk finally complete," the boy said, looking at the whirling disk in his hand. After double checking it to make sure everything was working like it was supposed to, he put it gently on the ground. Yawning, he got up and headed to the futon tucked next to the wall and as soon as he lay on it, a visible wave of energy was suddenly released from his body and as if a switch had been flicked off, he fell into a deep sleep.


A whole twenty four hours later, the boy finally stirred awake, groaning as his eyes got acclimated to the light. He got off his futon and stretched, moaning in pleasure as he felt multiple joints pop and his body finally waking up.

"That was a satisfying nap. But the four days of continuous working was not very conducive. It might be because I did not absorb enough energy. A thought for next time," he said out loud as he walked to the work table where the whirling disk was and saw the light inside had grown even more brighter.

"Must have absorbed and amplified a lot of kinetic and sound energy. I guess this will do for now," he said as he picked it up and put it on his chest. The disk stuck on his bare chest thanks to an adhesive polymer he had made that would only work for his skin. Then, he took a deep breath in preparation and clicked a button on the disk.

He let out a gasp...no, a moan of pleasure as he felt the energy the disk had stored inside it get transferred into his body. It was a euphoric feeling, like his cells had been starved and suddenly they received an all you can eat buffet. This was his power, Energy Absorption and, if going by Marvel standard, it was an Omega Level mutation.

Daniels was a transmigrator, a resident of a universe where any type of superpower was only a form of hypothetical and fiction. He grew up reading comics, watching movies and animes which contributed to him having a stunted growth in the community mingling department. Perhaps the people he would feel comfortable dealing and talking with were his fellow neets.

As he grew older, his love for everything fiction became even more pronounced due to the emergence of the anime culture. Watching anime was considered as cool now and by God, he was the coolest. So, it was a no brainer when his friends told him they wanted to be reincarnated by truck-kun and he wanted to join them, because who wouldn't want to be hit by truck-kun and be reincarnated. In hindsight, he might have made a better decision if he hadn't drunk a whole brewery of sake, the cool anime drink, and if he was a lot more assertive.

But, he came to know a very important lesson that night, human beings are not to be trusted. Why? Because when they finally saw a truck, a semi, he alone jumped in front while his friends just drunkenly laughed. All he could think of while this monstrosity was barrelling towards him with enough power to reduce him to a thick bloody porridge was that he could not see the final episode of AOT, because fuck everything else, he wanted to see Eren Yeager fighting everyone.

When he woke up next, he had found himself in the body of a ten year old boy. The boy's name was John Ruppert, a sickly boy thanks to his abusive father. But, that was not all. He came to know that he had Energy Absorption on an Omega Level and his intelligence had been increased to Reed Richards level.

Now, he knew these two things wouldn't have happened just naturally so he attributed this to two things. One, a ROB because the universe he was in currently was DC thanks to the numerous pictures of Wonder Woman, the protector of DC city, on his wall. Numerous fanfictions have taught him that this ROB had a 99.99% chance of been involved. The second thing might be that he made a deal with an all powerful being and that's why he was here, a mission so to speak. He could not rule out the possibility of those two things being one and the same thing, however.

So, he decides to improve himself, preparing himself in case of anything. First, he tested the full extent of his powers. He came to know that he can absorb all sorts of energy, conversion, manipulate it, expel it and, though limited, amplify it. It is due to this that he came to know his weakness, he would become extremely vulnerable if his energy reserves wore off.

So, he used his big brain to use and decided to make a device that would absorb all sorts of energy, store, amplify it and then transfer it into him. He did not have a ceiling to how much energy he could absorb so the devic could continuously transfer all the energies it had infinitely.

"It's such a cheat," he sighed as he looked at the device.