
DC: New Krypton (Omniverse)

First and Main World: DC UNIVERSE Second World: Pacific Rim Third World: Tranformers Fourth World: Three Body Problem Fifth World: The Flash Series Sixth World: Bleach === A man, who had been reincarnated on Krypton as H'el, finally managed to leave it before its destruction. Unfortunately, he was exiled into the depths of space by his own foster father, Jor-El. "Amidst the vast, lifeless, cold, and desolate void of deep space, where darkness persisted, even so, I have emerged victorious, Jor-El." I will find you, find your son, my foolish brother who holds the entire Kryptonian Legacy within him. I will rebuild Krypton, unparalleled in history, the mightiest Krypton among all universes. ---- This is slowpace. The mc has the cheat of being able to travel universes, and he will use it to travel to different universes like Pacific Rim, etc. Of course there's a reason why he would do so. And the reason is for you to know. So read it and enjoy. And also, you can expect an op mc, so there's that. === Link: Påtreon.com/BaphometFiction I post 10 advanced chapters of this fanfic there. === I literally don't own anything here, all rights goes to their respective owners.

Baph0met · Anime und Comics
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369 Chs

Chapter 33: Psychic Abilities

H'el had come to understand the implications of his genes. He bit into the strawberry-flavored lollipop, savoring the rich sweetness that exploded in his mouth. He casually discarded the white stick of candy, and his focus shifted.

Being someone who could traverse various worlds, he might even go back and add something to his own genes.

So, it seemed that his emotional fluctuations were due to his genetic level. Was it time for him to awaken another superpower?

"Is the gene serum ready?" H'el guessed and casually inquired. If Sylvia couldn't finish it quickly, he'd handle it himself. After all, it was a straightforward task.

Especially given his current state, his brain was more powerful than Earth's most advanced supercomputers. If he dived back into research, the results produced would be leaps and bounds beyond his previous work.

"It's ready, quite safe. A research scientist volunteered for the experiment and gained microscopic vision. He's been staring at things, researching tirelessly, hasn't closed his eyes for three days and nights. After he dies of exhaustion, we'll dissect him."

"Your cells are a real treasure, H'el. They're incredibly compatible with biological systems, and you can optimize the genes. I've never seen anything like it. Your physical condition is truly exceptional!" Sylvia exclaimed, sounding like a devoted fan. H'el was simply amazing, and she couldn't contain her excitement.

H'el could easily deduce why his genes were so unique. Without rapidly creating powerful subordinates, how could he hope to rule the universe?

Could he do it with words alone?

Of course, he wasn't necessarily aiming to rule the universe, but he definitely needed a large number of powerful subordinates to serve him. Ruling the universe might be just an added bonus of his growing strength.

Even beings as powerful as Darkseid and the Presence had many powerful subordinates. Without granting them superpowers as a starting point, could he really wait for them to evolve slowly over hundreds of thousands of years?

"In that case, let's make five thousand doses," H'el casually suggested.

In an instant, he felt that Earth was incredibly fortunate to have encountered him. He would immediately usher them into the era of superpowers.

Suddenly, without warning, H'el knew it had arrived. After he finished speaking, there was a sudden, unannounced "buzz." His mind felt like it had broken through a membrane, as if something had been lifted, revealing a new level of perception. A wordless sensation emerged in his mind, making him understand what had just happened.

"I'm so tired... I want to sleep... So tired."

"I'll have to work overtime again tonight. Damn alien."

"My leg... sob... my leg... Why couldn't it have been Amy from next door?"

"If I kill the alien, I'll become a hero in everyone's hearts."

"Love you, love you, love you..."

"I wonder if I can have telepathic abilities. Though I want X-ray vision."

"Mom, Mom, Mom..."

The thoughts of everyone at the Anchorage Base flowed into H'el's mind. Accepting their thoughts only briefly surprised him before he gained control.

He had awakened a new superpower.

Psychic Awareness/Telepathy: Accepting and entering the thoughts of other sentient beings and, to some extent, altering them. It couldn't control the thoughts of creatures dominated by primitive instincts.

H'el was quite satisfied with his newfound psychic abilities. As soon as he awakened them, his brain calculated numerous applications, such as overwhelming someone's mind, constructing psychic barriers, imprisoning others' thoughts, or transmitting knowledge telepathically.

Of course, he hadn't tested it yet and didn't know the potential effects on the recipients.

H'el immediately blocked out the thoughts of others and decided to experiment lightly with Sylvia.


Sylvia responded and continued licking her lollipop with thoughts like "lick, lick, lick" running through her mind.

Most of a creature's thoughts were controlled by instinct. Right now, Sylvia's, in response to H'el, didn't have any other thoughts; she just wanted to lick the candy. Subconscious thoughts appeared, like "lick, lick, lick."

H'el received these thoughts and the idea of controlling the biological magnetic field to manipulate the body and using psychic abilities to control the mind. Could this lead to complete control?

H'el delved into his exploration, focusing on Sylvia. Even though he had adjusted his vision to a human level, she looked stunning under the incandescent light. Her eyes were like pools of water, her nose was straight, her facial features sharp, and her face had a delicate layer of fuzz, making her exceptionally attractive.

Despite her poor taste in clothing, her beauty and figure made anyone believe that she was a stunning woman who transcended any clothing restrictions.


Sensing H'el's gaze, Sylvia felt puzzled. With her cheeks puffed while holding the lollipop, she tilted her head and looked at H'el with a quizzical question mark in her mind.

It was a genuine question mark, and H'el felt like he could genuinely perceive the specific meaning behind it.

H'el understood that in this situation, the thoughts he received from Sylvia were based on a combination of his own knowledge and experiences. They appeared in the most vivid way for him, allowing him to understand her thoughts.

However, these thoughts were fragmented and discontinuous, so H'el received them in textual form. It wasn't just text; it was simply the subconscious use of words when he initially began using his psychic abilities.

"What does H'el want?"

"Could it be that he's taken a liking to me?"

"Am I suitable when I'm so ugly?"

"It seems like H'el doesn't have great taste!"

"He's not picky at all!"

"Well, if H'el is willing, then I'm more than happy to have dozens of super children with him."

H'el made a slight adjustment, and immediately, he received a series of images for each thought – all of them were part of Sylvia's fantasies, including the process of imagining having children and naming them one, two, three, and so on.

H'el used his psychic ability to transmit the thought of giving birth to a watermelon directly into Sylvia mind, hoping to change what she was currently thinking.

The result was that Sylvia and hundreds of children were seen eating watermelon. The next scene showed her thoughts drifting back to her own body, treating it as a precious treasure, almost obsessively like candy.

"The transmitted thought disappears in less than 0.5 seconds."

"It even generated an error? But it didn't affect anything afterward."

H'el felt quite surprised.

He had transmitted a thought directly, creating an image of giving birth to a watermelon, yet when it entered Sylvia's mind, it turned into her and hundreds of children eating watermelon.

What could be the reason for this?

Psychic information transfer should be the most accurate and error-free method.

Was it because he didn't impose it too forcefully or push too hard during transmission? Or was it that the thought didn't align with Sylvia's thought logic, causing her own thoughts to reshape it into what she imagined?

H'el recognized that thoughts transmitted through psychic abilities needed to align with a person's thought patterns and couldn't have significant discrepancies. Otherwise, it could lead to self-doubt and even cause thought fragmentation or personality division.

Psychic abilities... they were truly intriguing.

H'el couldn't help but smile. He knew that his control over psychic abilities was skillful and potent. What he lacked was a deep understanding of subconscious thoughts and the intricacies of human nature.

He wasn't a psychological expert, nor was he exceptionally knowledgeable about human nature. Therefore, he couldn't maintain his thoughts within her mind for an extended period. Besides, human thoughts and human nature were ever-changing, making continuous influence challenging.

If he could maturely apply thoughts, hypnosis, guidance, and theoretically implanting thoughts, he could potentially plant thought imprints in anyone's mind. This would not only make them loyal but also utilize their innate talents for his purposes.

H'el realized that the mental attacks and defenses he had developed so far were rudimentary because he lacked a deep understanding of human thoughts and behavior.

Psychic abilities were all about manipulating thoughts, the power of the mind, and ultimately, the power of a deity.

At its highest level, it could be used to create worlds and beings with just a thought.

Thoughts... that was the most fundamental and challenging use of psychic abilities, and also the most advanced.

H'el had a clear plan in mind.

He intended to start with something called a "thought imprint."

However, H'el was cautious about delving too deeply into Sylvia's mind or exploring her memories; it could potentially harm her.

He couldn't forcefully push his thoughts into her mind either, as it might overwhelm her and render a capable, loyal, and talented subordinate useless.

Human thoughts were incredibly mutable. H'el didn't intend to single-handedly study human thoughts. Instead, he aimed to use his psychic abilities to collect others' memory and experience, synthesize all that knowledge, and implement it into results. This was the swift and accurate path.

Researching in isolation might lead to a broader horizon, but there would always be limitations. How could it compare to the collaborative efforts of the entire Earth, with geniuses emerging from various angles and offering unique insights?

H'el needed to find someone without psychic abilities but who possessed the wisdom to manipulate others' lives through psychology. He would study their applications of psychological manipulation, subconscious control, thought guidance, and all forms of manipulating the human mind. By learning from their strengths and integrating it into his psychic abilities, he aimed to develop the ultimate thought control technique – the "thought imprint."

With his super vision and super hearing, capable of reaching every corner of the Earth, H'el searched for a psychological master who excelled in the realm of human psychology. Without continuing the conversation with Sylvia's, H'el acquired his new toy and flew back to Washington, D.C.