
Chapter 2: Who's Invincible?

The darkness faded, and Mark slowly opened his eyes. He could hear the sound of a heart monitor, and his entire body ached. But he was alive. Alive and-

Definitely not in a government hospital. The ceiling wasn't bright white and littered with fluorescent lights, it was actually rather dark. His bed- while comfortable- lacked the usual machinery of a hospital. Mark knew what the government medical facility looked like, this wasn't it.

Mark shot up, and instantly regretted the action. Pain shot up his entire body, and he groaned, lying back down. Bad idea. Really bad idea. He was in some sort of medical facility, but everything was unfamiliar. There were other beds around him, a simple large room with a few medical supplies laid about. From what he could see, it wasn't a regular hospital. Which made his situation more concerning. If he wasn't in a hospital, then where was he-

He froze, eyes catching a dark figure standing in the corner. He blinked a few times, but the dark figure remained. Mark tensed, and despite him feeling better, he didn't have much faith in fighting. Not when his body still ached.

"You're awake," The shadow rumbled, voice deep and commanding. The shadow stepped towards him, Mark could make out two pointed tips atop a cowl that covered the upper half of his face. A long cape shouldered around his entire body and heavy footfalls walked towards him, commanding silence. He almost looked like Darkwing. If he was scarier and far more intimidating. Mark gulped, almost afraid to open his mouth and reply.

"Y-yeah," he stuttered, and the man stopped at his bedside. Two blank, white eyes bored straight into his soul. Mark looked away from the man, wondering if he landed in the hands of a villain."Where… who-" he started, only to be cut off.

"You're in the Batcave," The Batcave. Right. The man said it like he should know where it was. But the thing is, Mark doesn't. He doesn't know anything about his situation or who this man was. "Superman found you falling from the sky, he brought you here. Luckily he did. The hospital wouldn't have been able to pierce your skin," The man explained.

"Right," Mark muttered. Who's Superman? Did he fall from the sky? Mark didn't remember any of that, only faint blurs and feelings. He remembered the wind rushing past him before he passed out… Was that him falling?

"Who are you?" The man's voice pierced his thoughts. Mark snapped his gaze up to the cowled man, his white eyes narrowed. He sat a little taller, hoping it'd make him look braver than he felt.

"I'm Invincible," He said, despite his mask not being there. Or his entire suit. That was stupid to say, he revealed himself to be Invincible. Mark internally smacked himself. However, no flash of recognition appeared on his face.

The man paused, mouth tugging into a frown. "No, you aren't. You were bleeding."

Is this guy serious? Judging by his face, the answer was yes, he was serious. "No no, I mean I'm the hero, Invincible- y'know what? Nevermind. I'm Mark Grayson. Just… Just ignore what I said previously," Mark sputtered, failing to save himself. He was so dead. But he lucked out, the man didn't recognize his hero-name.

"Grayson?" The man muttered, eyes widening a little. That part was surprising? If anything, his name 'Mark Grayson' was the most normal part about him.

"Yes, and you are…?" He trailed off, and the man somehow frowned deeper. Was his face always locked in a permanent scowl?

"Batman," Right, Batman. First Superman, now Batman, and he's in the Batcave. Seriously, what is going on? Where the fuck is he? What happened with- with, well, everything! Where's his dad- Actually, he doesn't want to see him right now. Maybe his dad not being here was a good thing. Mark would much rather be home, or in a hospital, with his mom. Not in… wherever this was. With a bat-man who was a little scary and also knew his secret identity. Because Mark just blurted that out, like a genius.

"Ok. I see the theme," Mark said, taking a deep breath, ignoring his slowly spiraling thoughts. This guy hadn't killed him yet so that was good. Maybe he's a new superhero? Or he's a supervillain. He looked like a supervillain.

"You don't know who I am," he said the words like a statement when it should really be a question.

So Mark confirmed it, "Nope. I also don't know who Superman is or where the Batcave is," Mark sighed. At least he didn't have to keep pretending he knew this man. "Listen, can I just leave? I have to get back to my mom and… other stuff."

"No," is this guy serious? He didn't even hesitate to decline.

"No?" Mark exclaimed, sitting up. This time, it didn't hurt as much. Only pinpricks of pain danced around his body. But it still made him wince, rubbing at his back before facing the man again. "You can't keep me here, that's kidnapping," Batman raised a brow as if Mark was crazy. Then a new voice entered.

"Unluckily for you, B here kidnaps any kid with black hair," Mark saw a new person standing at the doorway. This time dressed in full skin-tight black clothes, with a blue symbol across the chest. He wore a simple blue eye mask and a confident smile. He seemed more friendly than Batman, who had backed off a little. Much to Mark's relief.

"Who…" he trailed off, looking between the new guy and Batman.

"Nightwing," Batman muttered, and Nightwing gave him a salute, smiling. Mark was tempted to smile back before his words sunk in. Wait, kidnapping was normal for this guy?? Ok, Mark's had enough of this. He needed to go home.

"Well, I really appreciate the help, seriously. But I've got to go," he turned his body, which ached as he moved. Begging him to lay back down, but he had no such intentions. Mark easily yanked out the wires, and IV, and stood up. Mark hissed in pain, his legs protesting at standing up. Sharp pinpricks of pain raced up them, refusing to straighten. He huffed, forcing himself to stand straight despite the pain stabbing them. He eyed Nightwing, who had his hands out, ready to catch him. Mark frowned at him, "I'm fine. I'm all good to go, thank you," He went to walk past Batman- rather slowly, since his legs still hurt like hell- but was stopped by a hand on his shoulder. He tensed, afraid Batman might force him to stay.

"No. Listen, Mark," Batman said. Despite himself, Mark stopped to listen. "You're not home. You're not in your universe. This is a different universe, one you aren't familiar with," Mark turned around, appalled. Because what the actual fuck?

"Are you serious?" He muttered. Batman didn't say anything, but the silence answered for him. It might explain why they didn't know who Invincible was. Mark didn't want to toot his own horn, he's made quite the name for himself. Batman might be telling the truth, and it's easier to go along with it than to argue. If he's lying, then Mark can fly out of here. "Ok… alright. How do I get back?" Mark pressed, Batman walked past him and out the door without a word. Cape flaring behind him. All the while Mark stood there, confused.

Nightwing gave him a pitying smile, "that means follow him," he said, before slipping out as well. Mark shook his head and followed, because what else could he do? Say no and lay back down? Tempting, but he's slept enough. Now he had to find a way out of here.

Outside the med bay was living up to how Batman described. Batcave was an appropriate term for it. "Woah," Mark muttered. It was huge, filled with technology and equipment Mark had never seen before. He spun around to look at each bit of the cave, filled to the brim with cars, vehicles, weapons, and planes- was that a giant penny?

"I know this might be hard to believe…" Nightwing started, and Mark stopped turning around to look at Nightwing. Who had an amused smirk on his lips. "But it's true. You're not from this world."

"No, I can believe it," Mark whispered, walking over to the giant computer screen, where Batman was sitting. "I fought aliens from another dimension, it was a whole thing," he whispered, still in awe of his surroundings.

"So you're a hero?" Nightwing said, leaning against the computer desk.

"Kind of," Mark muttered. He was a hero, but now? He wasn't sure if he wanted to be one. Nightwing opened his mouth to ask further, only for Batman to interrupt.

"Your blood is immune to every form of damage, your skin is harder than diamond," Batman turned around to face him. "What are you?" There was a dangerous tint in his voice, one that set his hair on end. However, Mark faced scarier than a man in a bat costume.

"Uh, how about you prove this is another universe and not some… elaborate kidnapping," Mark shot back, pointing a finger at Batman. He glared at him, and Mark almost took his words back. Maybe he shouldn't antagonize his kidnapper.

But Batman pushed his chair aside, gesturing to the computer. "Search up a hero team," he ordered. Google pulled up.

Mark spared Batman a weary glance before approaching the keyboard. "Ok," he muttered, typing in 'Guardians of the Globe'. What popped up was… not what he expected. It didn't show the old or new Guardians, instead random people he didn't know. Random shit, basically. "Wait hold on," Mark whispered, typing in his own superhero name. 'Invincible, the superhero'. What came up were images of other superheroes, ones who were invincible- or thought to be. Not him. It was as if he and the guardians didn't exist like he was in-- well, another universe.

He stepped away from the computer, Batman staring at him. Mark didn't like his stare, it felt like every bit of his movement was being analyzed. "Do you believe me now?" He asked.

"Yeah, I guess so," he muttered.

Batman then typed his own name into the search bar, and multiple images of Batman popped up. A shit ton. He must be a very famous superhero in this world. "As you can see, I'm a hero. As is Nightwing," he closed Google, turning to him again. "So I'll ask again: what are you?"

Mark knew there was no point in lying, what harm could be done if he told them his nationality. He's in another universe, he doesn't exist here. "I'm a Viltrumite- half, anyways. My mom's human," when no flash of recognition passed over their faces, Mark elaborated. "Viltrumites are an alien race," he said, trailing off.Nightwing snapped his fingers, "Ah, ok. So you're a half-alien?" Not the reaction he was hoping for, but it worked. He hoped they'd recognize the alien race, but clearly, they didn't exist here. Or, Nightwing and Batman weren't aware of the Viltrumite race.

"Pretty much," Mark said with a shrug. Viltrumites haven't made their presence known. Which was good. Batman turned back to the computer, bringing up an image of a wristwatch. Or it looked like one, it wasn't a traditional watch. It had a futuristic sleek look to it.

"On your body was this watch, it appears normal. But it has advanced teleportation capabilities," Batman explained. Showing various schematics of the watch and its inner workings. Nothing Mark could make sense of.

"I… I don't remember wearing that," he muttered. His memory was pretty fuzzy, at least concerning the moments before he passed out. He remembered everything else, except the watch and arriving here.

"I suspect it might have brought you here. We could engineer it to take you back, but that would take time," Batman said. "Weeks, perhaps months," Mark frowned, he didn't want to wait weeks, let alone months. He needed to get home, make sure his dad wouldn't hurt anyone, and make sure his mom was ok. However, he doesn't have a say in the matter. He couldn't magically fix the watch and neither could Batman.

"That's fine. As long as I get home as soon as possible," Mark said. What else was he supposed to say, hurry up? This guy saved his life, he deserved some respect.

Batman nodded, "We'll try," Batman stood up, and Nightwing was grinning. Looking at Batman who seemed to try his best to not look at Nightwing. He felt like he was missing something.

"Where will I go in the meantime?" Mark asked. It was a genuine question, so why the hell was Nightwing chuckling?

"How old are you?" Batman asked, and Nightwing covered his mouth. Mark could still hear the stifled giggles behind his hand.

"Seventeen," Mark answered, what was so funny?

Batman gave a heavy sigh, and Nightwing wrapped an arm around his shoulder. Batman still refused to look at the man, even as he was leaning against him. Grinning. "How many is it now? A hundred?" He said in a light tone, Batman shrugged his arm off, taking a step away from him.

"I still have many questions about you. Especially about the blood you were covered in. It wasn't just yours," Batman said, stepping towards him. Nightwing's smile fell, and Mark was under a heavy glare. He tried to stand straight and look Batman in the eye.

"I- I was trying to save them," Mark said, hating how his voice cracked. "But I couldn't."

'Now or in 50 years when he's old. What difference does it make?' His dad's voice rang in his head.

Mark turned away from Batman, shame crawling up his throat. What kind of hero couldn't save anyone?

Batman's glare softened, "I understand," He muttered, glancing at Nightwing, who was wiggling his brows. Batman scowled at him. Mark was really missing an inside joke here. "Then you'll stay here. You'll promise not to say anything about our identities or the Batcave. If you do, it'll be the last thing you say," Batman muttered, and Mark was quick to nod.

"Got it. My lips are sealed."

Batman gave a heavy sigh, "ok. Nightwing- or should I say, Dick. Show Mark to a guest room," Dick? Wow, a little harsh. Batman tugged off his cowl, looking at Mark. "You can call me Bruce." Oh shit, his name was Dick, it wasn't an insult.

"Right. Uh, thank you, Bruce," he muttered, Nightwing tugging off his own mask. His blue eyes were filled with merit. While Bruce looked about as grumpy as he did with the cowl on.

"I believe I can handle that sir," a British voice said, standing at the entrance to an elevator. He had an elevator? This guy is rich. "I'm Alfred, Master Wayne's Butler," Butler??? Mark walked over to him, giving a small smile, trying to hide his utter shock over Bruce having a butler. Should he be surprised? He has a giant cave.

"Mark Grayson," as soon as he said his name, Dick- what kind of name is that- choked on his own spit. Coughing up a storm. Mark blinked, "are you ok?"

"Fine! I'm fine," Dick wheezed, shaking his head.

Alfred was unfazed, "follow me Master Grayson."

"Uh, you can just call me Mark," he said, stepping into the elevator with Alfred.

"Master Mark then."

"No, I- ugh, sure," he could see Alfred smirk from the corner of his eye. The elevator door closed, leaving the amazing cave behind, and Mark, with the butler.

What a strange day indeed.


"Tim, there's no need to hide," Batman said, turning back to the Batcomputer once the elevator closed.

"I was observing," Tim, who descended from the rafters, argued. "Also Mark Grayson? Do you have something to tell us, Dick?" Tim said, grinning.

Dick coughed one last time, "he's from another universe. We aren't related…" he paused. "I think."

"You aren't related. I did a DNA test," Batman muttered, pulling up Mark's DNA. "His DNA matches no one in this universe."

"Here I thought Dick had a long-lost brother," Tim muttered, Dick chuckled a little.

"You could've warned me B, I wasn't expecting him to have my last name!" He exclaimed, chuckling to himself.

"It wasn't important, besides," Bruce said, as Dick leaned against the desk again. "Grayson is a common name."

"Yeah, well, you ended up adopting another Grayson anyways," Dick said, pointing a finger at him. "Do you like the name?" Bruce hunched his shoulders, he really doesn't want to talk about this.

"B, you have a problem," Tim said. "I mean, another one? Black hair too!"

Dick nodded along, "That's what I said!"

"I couldn't let him free, it's too dangerous. We don't know how much power he possesses," Bruce said back, he had his reasons. It's not like he kidnaps every black-haired kid on the streets… besides, he only did that with Jason. Right?

"If he's an orphan, then he'll be adopted," Dick said, nodding his head. Bruce groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose. Sometimes he wondered why he took in so many kids, and why they insisted on torturing him.

"Keep an eye on Mark. I'll inform everyone else of his presence and that he's aware of my identity."

"And why'd you reveal that?" Tim asked, raising a brow.

"Convenience. He would find out anyway, why prolong it?" Bruce muttered, they always do. He's also from another universe, once he got back, it wouldn't matter if he screamed that Bruce was Batman to the whole world. In his universe, Batman doesn't exist. Considering he didn't recognize the name Bruce or Batman. He wasn't planning on letting Mark out of the manor either.

"Ok Big Bird, you watch your long-lost brother. I want to mess with his blood," Tim stated, walking away. Bruce felt like he should be concerned.

"He's not- ah, whatever," Dick sighed and walked towards the elevator. Muttering words under his breath. "Have fun!" Dick called, the elevator door closing in front of him. Bruce didn't say anything, instead filing a report for Mark. He finally got a name, age, and race. Though Bruce doesn't know what being a Viltrumite entailed. But he'd find out soon enough, for now, He could create a basic report on Mark. So far, however, Tim had found no weaknesses in the blood, which was concerning.

If Mark had no weakness, then he could be a serious danger to Gotham, and perhaps the world as a whole.