
DC: Lost Boy

When you think of DC Villains, you may think of the Joker or Lex Luthor. This is a story about an entirely different kind of monster that the "heroes" don't even blink at...

Fanfiction_Fanatic · Anime und Comics
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2 Chs

Sadness & Sorrow

Starvation, dehydration, sleep deprivation, these things were daily concerns in his life.

Normal children would hate their parents for not buying a toy they wanted or cry over a scrape, Adam... he had a different life, one of true pain.

Today was perhaps the luckiest day of his life... why? his drunk parents left the door unlocked once they were done raping and cutting him.

Knowing he would never get a chance like this again, he quietly creeps out of his room, only to see his parents standing there with giant smiles covering their faces, "you think it would be that easy?"

With a hard thump, he gets booted by his father back into his room, only for his mother to pounce on him, digging her fingers into his skin, trying to claw away what was left.

Letting out a gut-wrenching scream, the windows of his bedroom smash open to reveal someone with a mask, this person would become not only his savior but his teacher, and father.

With ease, the masked figure killed his parents in a matter of seconds, before picking him up and leaving.

Thrown into the passenger seat of a rather expensive-looking car, Adam curls himself into the smallest ball he possibly can.

As the man sits in the driver's seat, taking off his mask in the process, he looks across to the broken boy.

Scars, infected wounds, sleep-deprived eyes, burn marks, and knife wounds covering his body, with the smell of dry blood coming from him... the man regrets not torturing the bastards that would dare do this to a child.

"You have nothing to fear, boy, i won't hurt you", his words fall on deaf ears as the child curls deeper into himself mumbling apologies.

Driving quickly through the streets, after roughly twenty minutes, they arrive at a mansion on the outskirts of the city.

As minutes turn into hours, the boy can be seen in a deep sleep on a medical bed as several doctors look over his body.

The boy's unmasked hero stand off to the side, watching the ordeal, and contemplating what to do with the boy.