
Omnitrix: DC's New Dawn

Hello, I am Zereeo_Ak. >>>> For the staffs from Royal Road, It is me who is trying to upload in your site. I also hope that I would be allowed to upload my other stories without trouble at your site. Thank you. >>>> I am the author of this fanfic. This idea was inspired by a fellow author who is literally writing the story with a slightly different settings. I give him(Baphomet_19) credit for inspiring me. So, I won't listen to anyone saying I copied the story. (⌐■_■) Even though the idea was inspired, I am taking the story in a new direction. >>> Copyright. And all the DC characters and elements belong to the DCcomics and all the Ben 10 elements belong to Man of Action. I do not own anything except my own original characters. Check it out and see if I am doing a good work,(~ ̄▽ ̄)~ >>> Now to the story. This story will focus on two lead, 1) Kara Zor-El (Supergirl), a time remnant(From The Flash movie), ending up in another earth after being saved by a mysterious being with the quest to fight to protect her new home. 2) Zion, a boy from the countryside who want to go on an adventure. His dream is full filled after he get an alien device that could change him into many forms, ( Yes, it's Omnitrix( omniverse version)) but at the same time he also learn that his world was not so big anymore. >>> This story will also contain some of my original characters with their unique power, one for now. And If you have some questions or confusion, comment me. I am not well versed in DC universe setting. So, I would really appreciate if you give me advice. Okay o( ̄▽ ̄)√. . . . .

Zereeo_Ak · Anime & Comics
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98 Chs

66 - Burden

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." - John 3:16


Kara flew from the island and began wreaking havoc on all the other targets.

Across the world, people died without knowing the cause. Those who were on the list were all criminals who committed heinous crimes worthy of death. So, Kara held no punches back as she tore through them like a paper shredder.

Within the next hour, she hit more than 50 different targets across the globe. She didn't stop, just executed without mercy. Everywhere she went, there was destruction, blood, and gore. Yet, not a single drop of blood was on her.

With such actions, she rescued more than a thousand people, but also gave enough cause for the governments of the countries to move. They had been ignoring it or putting it as a low priority. But the fact that a separate individual could come into their country and wreck it without them being able to stop it was frightening.

Kara worked until the sky turned light, and by mid-evening, she had put an end to these crime chains across the globe. This would not only halt the crimes across the globe but also make the criminals scared.

There was no more mercy, there were no more loopholes. Only death was present.

Kara returned home, back to Kansas.

However, she couldn't walk into her home. She just floated above the house, her figure bathing in the setting sun.

She couldn't bring herself to go in. She felt her heart heavy. It was the guilt of a life, a life she had taken today. She didn't feel regret about their deaths, nor did she care. But this phantom guilt stopped her from seeing Martha.

She felt disgusting to even face her. It was like facing her father all over again. Even though they understood, it still felt wrong.

"Aren't it a pain!" A voice stated, a voice very familiar.

"Zion," Kara spoke without turning.

Zion floated next to Kara in his Solaris transformation. He felt that this would be the most appropriate for The Talk. He knew how Kara would feel. Her anger and conviction would let her kill but not her heart. She was impulsive but kind.

"How was the day? Bit prickly," He asked, not turning to her face.

"Why are you here, Zion?" Kara asked, she knew Zion was here for something.

Zion floated a step forward, blocking the sun. He turned with the light to his backdrop. The cape on his suit fluttered in the wind. He looked straight at Kara, h-

"Stop being dramatic and cut to the chase," Kara cut him off.

"C'mon, don't spoil the mood," Zion whined, moving away from the sun and stopped trying to be dramatic. "I am here to talk."


Zion crossed his arms to the back and looked at the sunset, "What your heart is feeling is the burden of death, of the lives that were taken. It is the feeling of crossing the line of black and white and entering grey."


"You do not regret the decision to kill, but you feel accountable," Zion continued, not speaking only to Kara. "To kill is to live with that burden, even if that was the right thing to do. Taking a life puts a burden on your soul. That's what it means to have a conscience. It is right. The weight of death only weighs on those that want to live right, if you hadn't, you would be no different than those that you kill."


"Weight of death is not easily reconciled. Unattended, it will darken your soul," Zion was here to do therapy and he would. "The burden can't be removed but can be lessened. You just need to accept that it was for the better cause. For the better future.

It is to accept the burden and live with it. And remember, you have not just saved thousands but millions of others who would be victims. They will now return to their family and be happy. Their happiness comes due to your sacrifice.

It will take time for you to accept the burden, but don't we all have a little bit of time."

Zion gave a bright smile, but Kara still didn't turn to him. She stood still, her gaze fixed on the horizon. She was contemplating his words. Today, she had killed more than a thousand people. She had ended that many lives.

It was no longer about crossing the line; it was about accepting, to not sink into the abyss. She can't undo the deaths, but she can live with her decision.

"I don't want to kill," Kara spoke, "I don't want to feel ashamed to look at one person who showed me kindness. But if it is needed, I will do it."

Zion nodded. "I understand."

Kara thought for a moment and asked, "No more work?".


Zion burst into laughter, he laughed so loud he started to gasp for breath. The irony in it was blind to Kara. Kara was one of the strongest Kryptonians on the planet. She had no weakness. But she was scared of working as a waiter.

She had a really bad experience.

She had joined the nearby restaurant to work as a waiter. Throughout the morning, she did great as it was easy for her to memorize the names and orders. She just didn't know how to suggest a good food when people asked, but that was not the problem.

It was a cold Friday night.

Her shift was late, and workers who had finished their shifts came to order. The restaurant was packed a bit, and the waiters moved about taking orders. Kara, being one of the best, moved around the tables to take orders.

And some drunken idiot thought it was a good idea to try and grab her. Well, it ended with him in the hospital due to a skull fracture. She had hit the guy so hard that the tray she had his face print on it.

The manager, a big black woman, didn't care about the guy, but she chewed Kara out for breaking the table and tray. Kara had heard some hard words in her time of imprisonment, but it didn't hurt much like the woman calling her a reckless idiot.

The manager, the fearless woman, scolded her so bad that she missed her mother. Kara was weak to insults, especially ones that cared, and the woman didn't care if Kara had strength. She came back nearly crying, and Martha had to console her. Martha paid for the broken items, and the manager was still okay with Kara working.

Zion, who heard of it, fell to the floor in laughter.

"Sorry...ha..ha, Sorry," Zion apologized, but he couldn't control. "Its just a funny image."

Kara glared at Zion, her itch to punch his face increasing.

Zion then offered Kara a job. She was to be his knight. Of course, there were many conditions on Kara's part. She had the right to refuse the job or completely disobey Zion's orders. She could do anything she wanted, and Zion would pay for the job she did.

And it was the money that made her change her mind.

She was outright broke. She went to the restaurant so she could normalize her interaction with humans. She would then find a better job later after she was okay with other humans. But now she had more than millions and still worked at the Restaurant, sometimes.

"Okay, okay," Zion controlled his laughter. "You can

 visit Mars. Z.A.I will find something for you to do."

Zion had many things to do, and Z.A.I was already monitoring all of it. The poor A.I was overworked and not paid. But he could lessen the burden with Kara's assistance. Her being near would also help him collect some data.

Kara nodded at the suggestion.

"Why don't you kids come in instead of just floating like kites?"

Kara looked to Martha, who was standing on the porch. She had her hands folded with a warm smile.

"Yes, Martha," Kara replied as she got to the ground and gave Martha a hug.

"Ask your friend to come too," Martha looked at Zion who was still floating.

"Yes, Ma'am," Zion smiled as he landed down.

Kara sidelong glared at Zion before she walked in and went to her room. Solaris' dress morphed and turned into a normal t-shirt and shorts.

"Sit on the couch, the dinner will be finished in a few minutes," Martha instructed before she walked into the kitchen.

Zion sat down, only for a few moments before he stood up and walked around before the living room, looking at the pictures. He saw pictures of Clark at different ages, from a baby to a young man at his prom dress.


Green Lantern arrived above the skies of Metropolis, Daily Planet.

He had tracked Superman with his ring. He needed to find Nioz, and Superman seemed to know the guy. So, he came for Superman. He tracked down Superman to his working place and found the guy working in a nearly empty office.

Talk about shock.

He wanted to speak to him, but he also didn't want to reveal his secret identity. So, he willed a microphone and shouted.

"Superman, I am here to talk."

The sound was loud enough to be heard by people in the whole building. Those who heard looked out the window at the two who were floating around in green and especially at the massive humanoid pink bore that looked menacing.

Flashes and photos were taken by the reporters in the building.

"Lantern, why are you here?" Superman appeared at the scene.

Green Lantern turned to Superman.

"We need your help getting Nioz," Hal spoke.

"Why?" Superman questioned.

"The Guardians want to meet him," Hal answered.

"Who?" Superman asked, genuinely not knowing.

"The Guardians are the protectors of the universe and the founders of Green Lanterns Corp, they keep peace in the universe," Hal explained, "Big stuff."

"Why do they need to see him?" Superman asked.

"Well," Hal turned to Kilowog before answering. "Nioz is from an extinct species that is a threat to the universe. The Guardians asked me to bring him."

"So, you are here to arrest him," Superman pointed.

"Yes," Hal revealed. "Just tell me where he is, I will take him and bring him back safely."

"Mars," Superman answered.

"Where did you think I checked first? His annoying A.I said he was not there," Hal said.

"Hmm," Clark hummed as he expanded his senses to cover the whole planet. He was seeing and hearing things from across the world, and he focused on finding a single person.

'Would you like some tea?'

'Yes, ma'am.'

Superman found Zion in Kansas.


I ran out of charge at the end.