

A man dies on his way home in a car accident. Waking up in a totally different world, discovering that life had not only given him another chance but new things to discover, powers beyond his imagination. The powers of Blackagar Boltagon, the king of the Inhumans. But as they say, every power has a price, and his price to pay is silence. But as a wise man once said, silence can be a source of great strength.

CORNBRINGER · Anime und Comics
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243 Chs


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[David Lance POV]

I arrived at Washington DC quickly, thanking the old man for the ride as I exited his car, my mind overwhelmed by the developments so far.

Everywhere I looked, there were propaganda posters for the regime, urging people, demanding them to support their new leader, Superman. It was unnerving to see such propaganda on display, especially given what I knew about this world, about the oppression and violence Superman had brought.

Taking a deep breath, I walked around the city, taking in the sights and sounds, as I tried to figure out what to do next, feeling more and more uneasy with each step.

The people around in the streets seemed brainwashed, like they were living in a different world entirely, perhaps I was simply looking too much into things.

Right now my priority was to find a place to hide.

Fortunately, in every city there are all sorts of places to hide, to set camp. Small nooks and crannies that most people never even notice, let alone think to check.

Thanks to Batman and my training, I knew this very well, as I've had to find such places before, many times in order to do my duty. However, this time was different, this time, I wasn't just looking for a criminal running from the authorities or from a hero.

This time, it was me, who was looking to hide from everyone.

I had no one here, no allies, no friends, no family, no… Raven, I was for the first time in my life, truly and absolutely alone.

I couldn't trust anyone. Not here. Not knowing what I knew about this universe.

If I wanted to survive, I had to play my every move carefully, or I would inevitably end, on the wrong side of things.

I sighed, rubbing my temples as I continued walking down the street, thinking. The base I required needed to be in a populated area, to make tracking harder, it also needed to be close to various ways of escape.


After a few hours of searching, I found a place nearby a homeless shelter, a shed that had been abandoned by its owner a few years ago.

I entered the shed quickly, setting up a small set up for research that consisted of a laptop, a printer, and some other office items I had acquired in a local shop in less than a legal manner. The laptop was connected to the internet in the homeless shelter, that was in turn connected to the internet of the city.

For now, this was all I needed.

A computer to do some basic research, and a place to sleep. The shed would serve for now.

Before moving, or doing anything, I first had to figure out where in the timeline I was. I guess it was a good thing I remembered Injustice more than I remembered my own world, otherwise this would be rather problematic in terms of intel.

Taking a deep breath, I turned the laptop on, and started working.


[Raven - Rachel Roth POV]

I teleported to the tower of fate, where I was greeted by Kent, who had been waiting for me.

"Come in, we have much to do," Kent said, his voice carrying a dark tone.

I entered the tower, a sense of dread still invading my heart, and mind. "Klarion, he did something to…" I paused, the words refusing to come out.

"I am aware," Kent replied , his voice softened a bit. "But we do not have time to grieve now, we must act, after all, I'm sure he's alive."

I looked down, trying to control my emotions, before nodding. Kent was right, now wasn't the time to grieve, David was still alive, I knew it, he had to, he wouldn't die, he wouldn't.

"What can we do?" I asked, steeling myself for what was to come.

"First we need to figure out what Klarion exactly did, and move from there," Kent replied with a sigh. "Don't worry young lady, we will find him. Wherever he is, he won't be alone for long."

I nodded, feeling my resolve harden. David was out there, and I would find him. No matter what it took.


[Unknown POV]

In the meantime, in an undisclosed location, a man known as John Constantine was sitting in a bar, drinking whiskey. He was waiting for someone, or something.

"You're late," Constantine said as a man with black hair and a dark suit entered the bar, sitting down in front of him.

"I had things to take care of," The man replied nonchalantly.

Constantine took a sip of his drink before asking. "So, what did you find out?"

The man shrugged. "You know that's not how things work."

Constantine frowned. "You bloody bastard, will you help me or not?"

The man nodded, a chuckle escaping his lips. "For now, if anything because the kid interests me."

Constantine sighed, before downing the rest of his drink. "You do that, and I'll owe you a favor."

"With this one you would owe me like twenty, but don't worry, I won't charge you for this one," The man winked as he stood up, leaving the bar without another word.

Constantine watched him go before sighing, and ordering another drink. "Fucking Lucifer, I swear."

"I heard that. And you wish."


[Unknown POV]

Back at the tower of fate, Kent and Rachel were going through some old books, trying to find any information on what Klarion had done.

"Anything?" Rachel asked, her voice tired.

Kent shook his head tiredly. "No, nothing so far."

Rachel sighed, her eyes red from lack of sleep. She had been looking through books for almost a day now, with no results. "What are we going to do? We can't just keep looking through these books forever."

Just then, something caught Kent's eye. He reached for a book that was slightly different from the rest, hiding inside the library of Fate.

It was old, and dusty, and it looked like it hadn't been touched in years.

He started flipping through the pages, his eyes widening as he read the words within the book. "I think I found something."

Rachel perked up at that, moving to sit next to Kent. "What is it?"

Kent shook his head. "I'm not sure, but it might be important." He handed her the book, before leaning back in his chair, lost in thought.

Rachel started reading the book, her brow furrowed in concentration. After a few minutes, she looked up at Kent with a confused expression. "A book of gates…"

Kent nodded.