
DC: Dimensional Luck

In a world where aliens and gods wield unimaginable powers, Anthony finds himself in a new reality with powers known as Gacha and Dimensional Chat. He discovers friends, enemies, and unforeseen challenges that will test his understanding of power and destiny. [You have been chosen as the administrator of the Dimensional Group Chat] [Searching for participants started... 10%... 34%... 69%... 100%"] The participant has been added to Chat: "MissKnowItAll" The participant has been added to Chat: "Exhibitionist" The participant has been added to Chat: "AmbitionlessShinoa" The participant has been added to Chat: "God's Tongue" An administrator has been added to Chat: "BrotherOfSupervillainGenius" ------------------------------------- Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters or the fanfic i was merely translating this. Cover image is AI generated. ---This is a Translation--- Original Author: Larchout

Sothisq · Anime und Comics
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193 Chs

Chapter 90: Deathstroke

"Mіranda" didn't dare leave the alley with me because she shouldn't have been there. 

I thought it was a nice thing she did because lying to someone who could truly understand your thoughts and feelings was hard.

I didn't really bother keeping track of Ra's Al Ghul because none of them used technology, but it was only in small ways if they did.

I simply find out about them and hack into their accounts that don't even exist.

The fact that she came out to me openly could have been a test to see how I would respond.

She was surprised that I knew she was using a fake name, but she seemed to expect something like that. 


"Cortana, prepare everything you've gathered on the Court of Owls. Then send it all to Bruce Wayne when you're done. He probably won't be able to handle the problem himself... but he seems to have acquired an assistant."


Cortana's voice rang out.

He has an assistant he calls Robin, who Bruce Wayne officially adopted as his son.

"Richard Grayson, I can be eighty percent sure that it's him. Yeah, the kid was lucky." 

Cortana threw me the information she had on him. 

During the gang wars a few months ago, Richard's parents died.

They worked at the famous Haly's Circus.

He was left without a family and chose to leave the circus, which is how he ended up at Wayne Care Center.

The organization that Bruce himself invested money into to help orphans and other people in Gotham. 

LuthorCorp had also been donating to this place.

Bruce found him there and liked something in him.

From the moment he was born, he had been chosen to be one of the "Talons," who serve the Court of Owls and carry out any of their orders.

These Talons remain hidden in special sanctuaries...

Of course, Richard's choice to leave the circus where they make little killers out of children, saved him for a while... until he ended up with Batman. 

Now Richard doomed himself to a life as a street hero in a mask... 

"By the way, why didn't they send the Talons to eliminate me?" 

I asked aloud as I descended in the elevator to the Engineering Department. 


Cortana only said. 

It's really strange. 

The Court of Owls is an ancient organization controlling Gotham for centuries.

I don't see why they should hire someone from the outside because they have enough people of their own.

They might be doing this because I'm not in Gotham and that restricted their activities.

The last time I spun the Gacha was just yesterday, and what I got... it wasn't bad, but I'm not sure how to feel about it.

I had four Gacha spins before buying a hundred for thirty dollars each.

In the end, I had a hundred and forty-four spin that allowed me to spin Gacha twice in a row.

These spins gave me three items that immediately caught my attention.

Personal Reality (A) (A Certain Magical Index)

Night King (A) (Game of Thrones)

Fortune Telling (B) 

[Personal Reality: It is a type of reality that is unique for each individual and is the very foundation of an esper's power. It is the source from which all esper powers and phenomena are brought into the real world.]

The Night King himself is not some super powerful army, and even Shinoa could easily deal with him, but there's a "but." 

He can raise millions of dead bodies with his magic not necessarily humans. 

Dragons, giants, anyone, even demons or angels... a planetary-scale necromancer who can also manipulate snow and ice.

However, I don't want to turn into an icicle or summon him to me... 

 It's very bad if the white walkers appear in the Marvel and DC universes.

There are worlds where everyone turned into zombies, Stark, Superman, and all the others...

I have no desire to use this card at all.

The last card is related to predictions, and it might be useful, but I already have enough predictions. 

They won't lead to anything good and will only make me more nervous.

The only card I can use is the Personal Reality card, but I'm not sure how it will affect me since it says it will change the brain and perception of reality.

I think it's best to hold off on this for now.

In my office in the Engineering Department, I've made a few energy shields out of Dust that I got from Winter and could make again using alchemy.

It's more like a mix of Stark's technology and the world of Remnant with solid light powered by a small arc reactor.

I enjoy creating all sorts of things, and I've almost finished creating armor from the Eighth Metal, so I am concentrating on this reality on my own. 

At first, I could only make about seventy grams of Eight Metal a day, but I can make about two hundred grams now that I've gotten used to it and become somewhat stronger.

There are already six kilograms of pure Eighth Metal in the armor. 

It significantly increases the power of all my energy attacks more than tenfold. Moreover, this improvement gets stronger as there is more of it.

"Alright, let's test out the functionality..."

The metal literally floated towards me and enveloped my body, creating a sturdy defense. 

In an instant, I was covered in the armor and immediately felt the increased strength. 

This armor isn't fully completed yet, but I'm already capable of atomizing that Thor in the Battle Arena. 

I can pretty much do that even without the armor.

To test the armor, I decided to immediately use the Battle Arena. This time appeared a three-meter-tall purple guy with four arms.

"Oh, so you're a god too?" 

Shiva was surprised by my clothes and immediately became more serious. 

"I thought I'd be fighting some weakling... well, this is even better. Behold the greatness of the god Shiva, you may overcome..."

"Another arrogant one?"

 I chuckled.

"Hmm, not really."

Shiva shrugged. 

"I thought it would be more epic... alright, let's get this over with."

"Sure thing, that's exactly why I came."

I immediately flew upwards while Shiva raised an eyebrow and jumped... completely obliterating the arena with a shockwave. 

He might have been trying to surprise me, but it didn't work out because luck wasn't on his side. 

In the end, Shiva flew back into the already considerably broken arena from the impact of my kick.

Then, I directed my hand towards him, and my wings brightly illuminated.

"Oh, I should've had Zeus come instead..." 

Shiva managed to say before he was engulfed by a destructive energy beam. 

There was a loud explosion that broke the arena into pieces. 

The statues standing there were destroyed, and a hundred kilometers-deep hole opened in the ground.

The trees just burned, and everything within a thousand kilometers turned to ash.

I again found myself in the dark space, indicating that Shiva was defeated. 

I hadn't even had a chance to properly go all out and hadn't used my sword...

"Master Luthor, your sister is waiting for you in her office. You have a charity evening planned for today, and it's advisable for you to attend."

"I can't refuse?" 

I asked while shifting my Eighth Metal armor into a ring.

"I believe your sister will explain it to you herself."

Cortana smirked herself.

We have sent a lot of money to charitable organizations since Lena and I took over as heads of LuthorCorp.

Our donations to charity organizations grew as we made more money from my inventions and Lena's skilled company management.

We even set up our own organization like this right here in Metropolis where we were invited for this event just a few blocks from our building.

"Stop looking like you want to get out of here as soon as possible."

Lena leaned in to whisper to me. 

We were currently at a charity evening attended by many big shots of the city and regular citizens.

"I'm not putting on any particular expression because I don't need to make an effort for that. I want to leave this place as soon as possible..."

I grabbed a glass of champagne from a passing waitress and took a sip. 

"It's boring, and I have more important things to do. Like satisfying my sister..."


Lena hissed at me. 

"Not here... behave yourself. Take a cue from Cortana."

Cortana pointed with her hand at the blond beauty in the dress.

"By the way, it really suits you."

I gave her a sincere compliment.

"Thank you. Master Luthor, you can stop devouring me with your gaze..." 

Cortana said to me.

"I can't help it. It's too difficult..."

I smirked.


A familiar voice of a super-blonde sounded nearby. 


Kara immediately also noticed my sister standing next to me. 

Apparently, she remembered what we did when she was spying as soon as she noticed Lena she tensed up and her ears turned red.

"Oh, what a surprise. Lena, this is Kara Kent, I told you about her."

I introduced Kara to Lena. I did it during one of our sex, and Lena might have already forgotten it.

"It does ring a bell."

Lena smiled quite amicably. 

"Tony's friend, right..."

Lane glanced over her figure, and her figure was quite impressive.

"Nice to meet you, Tony has told me a lot about you, just like Shinoa."

Kara said.

"That girl can say a lot..."

Lena chuckled. 

"Tony, it's time for you to go onstage."

Lena pointed at the microphone.

"I see. Wish me luck." 

I winked at Kara and Cortana, then headed to the microphone. 

I just needed to deliver a short speech before returning to my place... 


There was a tall, dark-haired man with glasses standing next to Kara.

"... didn't know you'd come. How could you hide that you're acquainted with such people?"

"I didn't hide it. I told you I made a friend."

Kara replied, clicking her tongue in irritation.

"Nice speech, brother. See, all it takes is a few words.

Lena grinned.

"Your sister is right. You can be serious when you need to."

Cortana chimed in.

"That's why I prefer to leave all these meetings to you and Lena. I have more important matters... magic, artifacts, and others."

Meanwhile, Kara and Clark moved away a bit to avoid disturbing the other guests... Kara left somewhat disappointed that I couldn't help but notice. 

Clark simply hadn't expected Kara to form any kind of friendly relationship with someone of my status with a young billionaire and was worried about her. 

Clark himself was here as a reporter for his newspaper that Lena and I will soon acquire. 

Kara and I talked about different things for an hour before she left and flew off into the sky.

"Are you playing tricks with this Kara?"

Lena asked me when we got into the car. 

"She's that Supergirl, am I right?"


I nodded as I drove.

 We could've walked for half an hour but arrived by car.

"Shinoa mentioned a new "super-friend," it wouldn't be hard to figure it out. Master Luthor..."

Cortana suddenly spoke up.

"I know. I'm just curious about what he's going to do..."

After I finished speaking, the two front tires were hit by explosions from small bombs that caused the car to shake slightly.

"Don't worry, it's just the Court of Owls hiring another mercenary for us." 

I reassured Lena while putting my hand on her leg. 

When the car stopped a few seconds later, a large-caliber bullet hit the windshield and broke, leaving a small mark on the glass.

"Should I take care of him?"

Cortana asked, preparing to get out of the car.

"There's a friend of mine wandering around here somewhere... perhaps she'll also want to help."

I said this while recalling Miranda's words. She seemed quite serious when she said she didn't want to be indebted. 

The timing of the attack was well chosen because there weren't many other cars or people around.



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