

follow the story of Cain, a thief who after stealing a neckless for a couple of crooks nearly dies, only to awaken a spell tree that contains D&D spells as well as other spells from Diablo 4's sorcerer and druid class. follow to find out if Cain uses he new found spells to continue his journey of stealing various powerful artifact across the globe or even the multiverse while being aided by his spells or end up in some old tower crouching on some old books 4/?? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- warning!!! at the beginning everything would spells, the spell progression as he would focus in improving what he has before adding a new spell and each new spell will start from rank one and will need spell points to level up, the spell can also be used to unlock spells so he has to decide where he wants a new spell or improve the ones he has. also no harem, as i find it difficult writing one love interest, so i wont break my mind trying to incorporate more woman. as for the single love interest, i am torn between Morgaine le fey or salina kyle.

Lythan_Page · TV
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40 Chs

battle at Dracula's castle and the plot

Chapter 38

In the heart of the woods, a massive castle sprawled across a clearing, its presence oddly juxtaposed with the natural surroundings. Before the castle, a makeshift camp had taken shape, dotted with tents, crackling fireplaces, and a diverse array of people. Some were clad in ordinary garments, gripping makeshift iron spears as they stood watch. The air was filled with a tense stillness, only broken by the heavy thuds echoing through the woods, signaling the approach of something formidable.

As the sound drew nearer, another noise joined the symphony—the deliberate steps of metallic boots resonating through the ground. It wasn't a solitary sound; it was a collective rhythm, the disciplined march of an organized force. The army, adorned in crimson and silver armor, comprised mostly of night creatures interspersed with a few vampires. They advanced in a formation that mirrored a well-drilled military unit, ready to unleash carnage upon the castle's defenders.

Just as the invaders reached the castle, a shadow swooped from above, crashing into the midst of the horde. The impact sent shockwaves through the assembly, knocking back night creatures and vampires alike. In the clearing emerged Cain, a figure instantly recognized by the leader of the invading force. "It's him," the leader muttered in a cold tone, an undercurrent of uneasiness in his voice. Recognition rippled through the ranks, signaling the fear that the name "Cain" instilled.

Simultaneously, in a window overlooking the chaos, Saint Germain held a key and watched the unfolding events. He cursed vehemently, "Fucking hell," shock and fear contorting his features. A woman's face flashed in his mind, a connection to the chaos below. "It's all for her," he whispered, twisting the key in mid-air. A red magic circle materialized, accompanied by a book. "Guess it was true—whenever a night creature is present, the Butcher is not far," he muttered, resigned to the unfolding fate.

Down below, Cain reveled in the chaos. He spun in a breathtaking 360 degrees, leaving a delicate ice pattern in his wake. Ice spikes erupted, impaling numerous creatures in its frosty grip. Transforming into a hybrid dragon, Cain blurred into motion, decapitating night creatures with each appearance. Simultaneously, he summoned golems that mercilessly carved through the enemy ranks. The army dwindled rapidly, and, observing the carnage, Cain in the Stone Talisman held a glowing pebble with a spectrum of colors. "The infinite corridor," he remarked, eyes shifting to the window where Saint Germain stood, his gaze locking with the sorcerer's above.

While the duplicate below summoned several arcane blades and filled his surroundings with crackling electricity before landing, a night creature was swiftly sliced to pieces by a blond vampire. The vampire bore a fresh, sizable scar across his chest, indicating recent combat. Eyeing the duplicate, he prepared for a fight. However, a human woman stepped between them, her commanding voice cutting through the tension. "No, he is not an enemy," she declared, fixing her gaze on Cain. The woman had a rich, chocolate complexion, long brown hair, and bright blue eyes, exuding an air of intelligence that earned a smile from the duplicate.

"Are you the butcher of the night? I thought you were a myth," she asked, dispatching a short green night creature. The duplicate vanished into pixels, shocking both the woman and the half-vampire. In a blink, another duplicate appeared where the first one stood. "The what now?" he asked, feigning confusion. Raising his hand, the duplicate unleashed a barrage of arcane blades, shooting countless blades of arcane from the raised hand. The night creatures were severely injured, and most succumbed to the onslaught.

Then, the duplicate noticed a carriage led by a creature with a faceless visage, only a gaping mouth with large, white teeth. It stood on two legs, its long neck poised. Suddenly, the creature shed the two golden angels attached to it, roaring as it grew to a disproportionate size. The duplicate grinned, relishing the challenge. "Now that is a challenge," he remarked, a smile spreading across his face as he transformed into a full dragon.

"My god," exclaimed the woman. Alucard, the vampire and son of Dracula, frowned, diverting his attention to a group of individuals armed with bows within the castle. "Shoot, you idiots," he barked, focusing on the impending threat. The duplicate and the creature engaged in a fiery exchange. The creature unleashed a torrent of fire, met with an answering blaze from the duplicate. The duplicate's triumphant roar echoed, only for a cascade of blades to rain down.

"Now we are talking," the duplicate said, releasing a torrent of blades that carved through the creature. He then body-slammed the creature, causing it to collapse. Two more carriages pulled up, each releasing a golem. The duplicate chuckled. "You amuse me, vampire general," he quipped, addressing the general atop a carriage who summoned golems of his own.

Simultaneously, the duplicate unleashed two atomic bolts, creating two large craters. One was aimed at the creature, ultimately killing it.

(Scene Change)

In Saint Germain's room, where a mystical atmosphere surrounded him, holding a book, he cast a spell to open a portal to hell. Cain, the original, watched as Saint Germain performed the ritual and occasionally sent a duplicate below. Cain observed the souls of the deceased congregating beneath, witnessing Alucard and the woman's arrival. Alucard expressed surprise upon learning that Saint Germain intended to open a door to hell to retrieve Dracula.

"And your mother, you are welcome to watch," Saint Germain said. Alucard, clearly angered, vowed, "I am going to fucking murder you." Saint Germain calmly asserted his plan to pull Alucard and Lisa Tepes out of hell. Explaining his ambition to place Dracula and his wife into a body that was both man and woman, Saint Germain claimed it as the pinnacle of alchemy. The body, housed in a carriage, was instructed to be ignored by the duplicate, vital for sustaining the spell-casting. As the body was brought into the room, Saint Germain's ultimate goal was revealed: control of the infinite corridor. "Ah, another madman. Can't say I didn't expect that," Cain commented nonchalantly, awaiting the spell's completion. Suddenly, a figure emerged through a tear in reality—someone Cain recognized. "Vanny, the London vampire," he thought, recalling the vampire he had supposedly killed. Yet here stood Vanny, and what surprised Cain even more was that Vanny could see him, emanating something horrid.

"Someone pretending to be Vanny," Cain remarked, observing Vanny's disregard. Vanny created a hole in the force field, an action even Alucard, son of Dracula, couldn't accomplish. As the conjoined being entered, Vanny revealed his true identity, transforming into a skeletal being with a ring of bones behind him. "And you human sorcerer" The supposed Death addressed Cain, surprising Saint Germain, who witnessed Cain becoming visible in the unfolding drama.


A/N as i promised.