

follow the story of Cain, a thief who after stealing a neckless for a couple of crooks nearly dies, only to awaken a spell tree that contains D&D spells as well as other spells from Diablo 4's sorcerer and druid class. follow to find out if Cain uses he new found spells to continue his journey of stealing various powerful artifact across the globe or even the multiverse while being aided by his spells or end up in some old tower crouching on some old books 4/?? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- warning!!! at the beginning everything would spells, the spell progression as he would focus in improving what he has before adding a new spell and each new spell will start from rank one and will need spell points to level up, the spell can also be used to unlock spells so he has to decide where he wants a new spell or improve the ones he has. also no harem, as i find it difficult writing one love interest, so i wont break my mind trying to incorporate more woman. as for the single love interest, i am torn between Morgaine le fey or salina kyle.

Lythan_Page · TV
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40 Chs

awakening the spell tree system [chapter 2]

Chapter 2

Descending through the nearest fire escape, Cain landed with silent precision on the ground below. Not to his surprise, two men dressed in gray suits stood nearby, puffing on what seemed like cigars. Their hushed conversation reached his ears as he approached.

"Are you sure this guy of yours could get the job done?" asked the tall and ugly man, skepticism lacing his voice as he addressed the fat man standing beside him.

"Come on, man, I told you, this guy could get the job done, even TJ said so, as long as we pay him," the fat man responded, his Italian accent adding a distinct flavor to his words.

"He better not have run off with the necklace; you know how much the boss wants it," the tall and ugly one growled, his tone dripping with impatience.

"Well, you don't have to worry about that" Cain interjected, his presence causing the men to straighten themselves, aware that their visitor had arrived. "See, I told you he could make it," the fat Italian man declared with a hint of triumph in his voice.

"Yeah, yeah," the ugly man grumbled, his distrust still lingering. As Cain approached them, their eyes met his, a silent acknowledgment of the dangerous game they were about to play.

"Hey, wizard, you made it," the fat man greeted Cain, a smirk dancing across his face. "Where is the money, Anthony?" Cain asked, cutting straight to the chase, his tone laced with an unmistakable seriousness.

"Come on, man, why are you so stiff? We just want to chat," the Italian man replied, his voice attempting to cloak the underlying tension. A frown creased Cain's face beneath his mask, his patience wearing thin.

"Do you want the necklace or not?" Cain's voice grew sharper as he presented them with an ultimatum. The men exchanged glances, a silent agreement passing between them as they reached for their jackets.

"We'll take it off your corpse," the tall man sneered, his words punctuated by the metallic click of a gun being drawn. "Fucking hell!" Cain cursed under his breath, his mind racing to formulate a plan as adrenaline surged through his veins.

Time seemed to slow as the ugly man pulled the trigger, and everything around Cain took on a surreal quality. His senses heightened, he felt each breath, each heartbeat, as if the universe itself had paused to witness the unfolding events. Confusion and disbelief clouded his thoughts as a floating screen materialized before him once more.


[Congratulations to the host for awakening the spell tree system.]

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for unlocking the skills 'arcane blade and magic shield.']

[Name: Cain O'Brien]

[Level: 1 (0/100)]

[Spell-Points: 0]

[Mana-Charge: 1/1 (each spell requires a single charge unless specified, charges can be regained with meditation)]


Magic-Field: With a wave of your hand, you create a barrier of arcane energy to deflect ranged attacks, but it can only deflect 1 attack, no matter the severity, rank 1(1 spell point) Cost: 1 charge]

Arcane-Blade: An ethereal blade is summoned and launched at high speeds against the target, rank 1(1 spell point) Cost: 1 charge]

Staring at the floating screen, Cain couldn't help but question his sanity. However, with limited options, he clung to a sliver of hope. "Please don't be a hallucination, please don't be a hallucination," he chanted silently, his voice desperate.

Summoning all his willpower, Cain activated the spell labeled "Magic-Field,". To his astonishment, a semi-transparent sphere materialized around him, a shimmering barrier that defied logic and reason. The world around him, frozen in time, suddenly resumed its motion as if someone had pressed the play button.

The sound of the gunshot pierced the air once again, accompanied by a cacophony of bustling city noise. The bullet, accelerated by the restored flow of time, hurtled toward Cain with a speed faster than his eyes could track. But just as it was about to make contact, the bullet pounded off while the sphere surrounding him shattered into a thousand invisible shards, as if colliding with an impenetrable, unseen force.

The relief that washed over Cain was palpable, mingling with a newfound sense of awe and wonder. The floating screen and its enigmatic spells had saved his life, defying all rational explanation.

With the threat neutralized, Cain's mind shifted gears, and he decided to employ his signature skill: running. Utilizing his lightning-fast reflexes, he swiftly ascended the fire escape, leaving the two dumbfounded men behind. The fat man reacted by slapping the other guy on the head, shouting, "What are you doing, you bastard? How could you miss him when he was just standing in front of you?" As they argued, Cain had already put considerable distance between them, disappearing into the shadows.


yes, his thief tag is wizard, and no, he didn't have spells or gadgets that made it look like he had spells. otherwise enjoy the chapter.


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