

follow the story of Cain, a thief who after stealing a neckless for a couple of crooks nearly dies, only to awaken a spell tree that contains D&D spells as well as other spells from Diablo 4's sorcerer and druid class. follow to find out if Cain uses he new found spells to continue his journey of stealing various powerful artifact across the globe or even the multiverse while being aided by his spells or end up in some old tower crouching on some old books 4/?? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- warning!!! at the beginning everything would spells, the spell progression as he would focus in improving what he has before adding a new spell and each new spell will start from rank one and will need spell points to level up, the spell can also be used to unlock spells so he has to decide where he wants a new spell or improve the ones he has. also no harem, as i find it difficult writing one love interest, so i wont break my mind trying to incorporate more woman. as for the single love interest, i am torn between Morgaine le fey or salina kyle.

Lythan_Page · TV
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40 Chs

a challenge and unexpected backstabbing [not from diana!] [chapter 25]

The calm night sky was illuminated by the gentle moonlight, casting a silvery glow on the small clusters of clouds covering the ground below. Suddenly, a shadow pierced through the serene scene, and Cain, still in his dragon form, soared through the skies with Diana riding on his back. "Why didn't I receive this before?" Cain yelled in excitement as he executed a spin move. "It is amazing, isn't it?" Diana said. Abruptly, Cain started to shrink.

"What is happening, Cain?" Diana asked with concern as Cain returned to his normal human form. As they began to fall, he explained, "I can only hold this form for a couple of minutes." Diana caught him mid-air. "Wait," he said, and Diana started to fly. "What?" Diana asked. "Let's fall," he said with a smile. Diana stared at him, observing his confident smile. She stopped flying, and they both descended.

"This..." Cain couldn't fathom what he was feeling. "This is almost as exhilarating as that heist I pulled under Catwoman's nose," Cain said to himself as they continued to fall. "You better have a spell ready, Cain," Diana, falling headfirst parallel to him, said as they continued their descent. "I have just the spell," he said as three glowing ethereal blades appeared beneath his feet, correcting his trajectory. "All right, come on, work, please," he urged, concentrating.

"Come on," he continued to push, nearing the water while Diana stretched out her hands just in case the spell didn't work. Just as he was about to hit the water, he floated. "I did it," he said as he willed to move forward, and the blades moved with him on top. "Using swords to fly, this is a first for me," Diana said as Cain continued to move forward at high speed.

"I am getting the hang of thi—" only for Cain to fall into the ocean, prompting laughter from Diana. "Yes, very funny," he said as he suddenly disappeared and reappeared just inches above before he fell on top of her, causing both of them to sink into the ocean, a result she did intentionally. "Well, now we are both wet," Cain said as they surfaced. "Am I, though?" she said, surprising Cain. "Wow, really, is that a challenge?" he said as he swam closer before pulling her to himself. She then wrapped her hands around his head as she whispered, "Absolutely," before she flew with Cain.

[Scene Change]

Inside a hotel, Cain stood on a balcony wearing nothing but boxers, gazing into the distance where he saw a figure staring back at him. His face remained expressionless as he observed the distant figure without moving an inch. Cain stayed still until he noticed a movement in the shadows. "Hmm," he said, returning to the hotel just in time to see Diana coming out with nothing but a towel on.

"Is something wrong?" she asked, noticing his expression. "Oh, nothing," he said, smiling. "But I just have to say, you're going to have to teach me whatever spell you have me under," he added as he approached her. She rolled her eyes and said, "Well," trailing off as they started to kiss before throwing themselves onto the bed.

-scene change-

Back in his hideout, Cain could be seen conjuring up duplicates, each one mirroring his actions precisely. With an arcane blade in hand, he engaged in a sword fight with one of his duplicates. The clash of their swords echoed in the dimly lit room. "You do know that we are sorcerers, right?" the duplicate asked, both of them executing identical attacks simultaneously.

"We can always run out of mana charges," Cain replied, smoothly executing a leg sweep that the duplicate easily dodged. In a swift move, Cain summoned another duplicate, and both duplicates conjured a total of six arcane blades. They shot towards him, but Cain leaped into the air, contorting his body mid-flight to gracefully dodge the swords. He redirected his two extra arcane blades at the duplicates, who skillfully parried.

"Are we going to do something about those guys?" the new duplicate asked, seeking direction as Cain remained silent. "It has been quite a while since I felt like I was being hunted," Cain mused, rushing towards one of the duplicates who attempted a vertical sweep with his arcane sword, only for Cain to dodge it effortlessly. "It's kind of exciting, isn't it?" one of the duplicates remarked as Cain smiled.

"Definitely. I wonder who it is," Cain pondered, summoning a third duplicate who immediately spoke, "I mean, you are dating Wonder Woman. Who knows? It could be one of her villains, like Cheetah or that mind trickery guy. What was his name again? Maxwell or something?" Cain shrugged, skillfully dodging nine arcane blades. "Talking about the mind guy, should we? You know?" the first duplicate suggested, cracking his knuckles. Cain shook his head. "Let's not," he said, casting four more duplicates, totaling seven in all. The fifth duplicate cracked his knuckles, asking, "Shall we?" as some duplicates disappeared, and the remaining ones dropped their spells before running at him.

[Scene Change]

Coming out of the bathroom with a single towel in hand, bruises visible, Cain noticed his phone ringing. "Tori?" he answered. Tori's usual enthusiasm was absent. "Hey, Wizard, got another job for you," Tori said, feigning enthusiasm. Cain responded with equal artificial cheer, "Alright, hit me. I'm feeling pretty lucky these days." Tori dropped the bomb, "It's actually another extraction. The pay is even better than the previous one — 90 million bucks." A look of surprise crossed Cain's face, followed by a nod of acknowledgment. He chuckled, "Alright, hit me with the location," before hanging up, masking the emotion behind a façade. "This... is certainly disappointing," he murmured, staring at the phone in his hand.

Suddenly, he chanted in a low tone, "Almighty strike," and a small, visible wave emanated from his hand. The original strength of the spell had been downgraded to the extreme. "And I liked Tori; he was efficient," Cain sighed. "Well, I am certainly curious. Who is able to get him to do this?" he wondered, gears turning in his mind. "Well, whatever they have, I am ready. I am sure I would be able to handle it," he said, a determined smile playing on his lips.

[Name: Cain O'Brien]

[Level: 21 (124/18,000)]

[Spell-Points: 3 ]

[Mana-Charge: 21/21 (each spell requires a single charge unless specified; charges can be regained with meditation)]


Magic-Field: it can only deflect 2 attacks, rank 2 (2 spell points) Cost: 1 charge

Arcane-Blade: three ethereal blades are summoned, rank 3 (4 spell points) Cost: 1 charge

Short-Warp: You jaunt through space for a short distance (150 metres), rank 3 (4 spell points) Cost: 1 charge

Almighty Strike: You clap your hands and create an almighty aura that sends a blast wave out in a 30-foot sphere centred on yourank 1 (one spell point) Cost: 1 charge

Arc: A ball of lightning attack that can jump between foes. Rank 2 (2 spell point) Cost: 1 charge

Duplicate: you can create a duplicate of yourself that only last 1 minute and 30 second, rank 3(4 spell point) Cost: 1 charge )

Golem's Heart: you can create a golem that last 30 minutes, rank 1(1 spell point) Cost: 1 charge ) 

Shady Visage: You obscure your own features, for half an hours .Rank 1(1 spell point) Cost: 1 charge )

Dragon Form: You assume the form weather full/half form of a wetern dragon, gaining the ability to breath fire, possess tough scales that negate 25% of all incoming damage, gain two wings to fly, and see through illusions for 15 minutes, Rank 1(1 spell point) Cost: 5 charge )

Direct Lightning: You fill a 20-foot sphere around yourself with sparks of lightning.Rank 1(1 spell point) Cost: 1 charge )

Teleposition: You and your victim exchange places, 1(1 spell point) Cost: 1 charge ) ]