
DC Coral Universe (DCCU)

[Downloading. . . . . Welcome, dear reader! As you can see, this is my first fanfic about the DC Universe. However, it's not canon to other DC Universes. This story is my own version of the DC Universe, where all the DC characters have changed backgrounds, and my own heroes and villains have been added to the story. But I'm not sure if you'll like it or not. So, if there's anything wrong, please feel free to comment so that I can fix it. I do not own DC characters and story, it belongs to Warner Bros and DC Comics. Closing in. . . . .] [One new massage. . . . . "Now, let me speak to you from my heart. Not as a scientist, as a father. Huh, your father twice over. I brought you into the world and back to it. You can't imagine how proud I am, of who you are, have always been. So many years with you I've wasted, so many wrongs I've left un-righted. Everything breaks, Victor. Everything changes. The world is hurt, broken, unexchageable. The world's not fixed in the past, only the future. The not yet. The now. The now is you. Now, now is your time, Victor. To rise. Do this, be this, the man I never was, the hero that you are. Take your place among the brave ones. The ones that were, that are, that have yet to be. It's time you stand, fight... discover... heal, love, win. The time is now. The question... No, the challenge... won't be doing it. It will be not doing, not seeing. It is the burden of this responsibility that will define you and who you choose to be." Your loving father, Silas Viktor. . . . .]

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The Dark Crusader: Chapter 1

20 years later...

Gotham City

"In a stunning development, a breaking news report delivered the alarming revelation that 8 high school students, all at the tender age of seventeen, had been forcibly abducted during the early hours of the morning. These youths were students of none other than the prestigious Gotham High, and their sudden disappearance has sent shockwaves through the community."

The valiant efforts of police officers are now underway in a relentless quest to locate and rescue these young captives. However, the perplexing challenge they confront is the enigma of precisely where the nefarious kidnappers have chosen to conceal their victims."

As the broadcast on the television screen concluded, it flickered off. An elderly man, the viewer of this disconcerting news, calmly returned the remote control to its designated place. Rising from his seat, he steadily made his way towards the door, which led to a basement concealed in the shadows.

With a deliberate creak, he swung the door open upon his entry, ensuring it securely clicked shut behind him, sealing off all entry to his secretive destination. Slowly, he descended the dimly lit staircase leading into the ominous depths of the basement. As he descended, the faint, haunting sounds of girls' lamentations reached his ears, eliciting a chilling smile that played across his lips.

Finally, he arrived at the imposing metal door, which guarded the entrance to the hidden chamber. With a practiced hand, he deftly unlocked it, revealing the ominous abyss beyond. As he crossed the threshold and firmly secured the metal door behind him and his eyes surveyed the captives – every single girl confined within these cells hailed from the infamous Gotham High.

In a malevolent grin that stretched from ear to ear, the elderly man's toothless mouth parted, dribbling saliva that cascaded from his trembling lips. He swiftly manipulated the locks on the cell doors, the metallic clicks resounding through the dim, oppressive chamber. With terrifying haste, he selected one of the trembling girls, snatching her from the clutches of the encroaching darkness, before deftly resealing the door. Desperation filled the air as the other captives made desperate attempts to free their companions, but the old man's physical power was an insurmountable barrier, akin to a monstrous force, driven by a sinister obsession for women.

His once ordinary eyes underwent a grotesque transformation, turning to inky pools of abyssal blackness as he stretched his grin even wider, casting a malevolent aura that sent shivers down the girl's spine. Overwhelmed by the sheer terror, she was driven to a primal reaction, her fear manifesting as an involuntary release, staining her pants in a humiliating display.

As if possessed by an eldritch force, the old man's body underwent a grotesque metamorphosis, expanding into an even more formidable and grotesque form. His arms stretched into elongated appendages, fingers sprouting into razor-sharp talons, all of it resembling a monstrous manifestation of his dark desires.

"Do not fret, my dear. This process will be swift," he chortled as he endeavored to disrobe her, and despite her fervent attempts to escape, she found herself unable to do so. In due time, she surrendered, for his grasp was overpoweringly robust.

Tears streamed down her face as she wept, desperately calling out for assistance, longing for someone to aid her and her companions. "PLEASE, SOMEBODY, ANYONE, HELP US!!!" she shrieked vehemently, yet her pleas went unanswered. Gradually, the malevolent creature disrobed her, accompanied by sinister laughter, while his saliva dripped onto her trembling form. Meanwhile, the other girls squeezed their eyes shut, unwilling to bear witness to the horrific ordeal.

"I wouldn't recommend doing that if I were you," a sudden voice snapped at the monster. He abruptly halted his actions and, in his monstrous form, scanned the area in an attempt to spot the mysterious speaker. Meanwhile, the girl managed to escape from him and was frantically trying to open a cell door, only to find it locked. The key was attached to the monster's pants.

"SHOW YOURSELF!!!" the monster roared in anger as he desperately searched for the person, but the surroundings remained shrouded in darkness.

A man clad in a black outfit with a black cape, bearing a bat symbol on his chest and a mask resembling a bat, materialized behind the monstrous pervert. "Right behind you," he declared before delivering a powerful punch to the back of the monster's head. The blows from the mysterious figure in the bat-like costume continued, leaving the monster stunned and swinging his arms wildly as he attempted to strike the elusive assailant who effortlessly dodged each attack.

The figure in the bat outfit seized the monster's head and forcefully slammed it onto the ground, pinning the monstrous old man. As the old man struggled to escape, he began to feel a peculiar sensation in his body. Slowly but surely, his form started to revert to normal, instilling fear in him as he contemplated the consequences of the stranger's actions.

The individual in the bat costume retrieved a syringe, which they had previously injected, and then delivered another forceful blow to the old man's head, rendering him unconscious.

Without wasting any time, the individual retrieved the key from the old man's trousers and made his way to the cell door. The girl moved aside, allowing him to unlock it. As the door creaked open, he began to inquire, "Where's the last one?" His voice had taken on a deeper, more ominous tone.

The group of high school girls exchanged sorrowful glances. "She died," they choked out, their tears flowing. One of the girls pointed towards a large freezer box. The man nodded and cautiously approached it. Upon opening the freezer, he was met with an unexpected sight. The last girl's body had been dismembered and placed inside a plastic bag, a gruesome sight that made him feel sick. He immediately called the GCPD and provided them with the location where the girls had been held.

After making the call, the man signaled for the group of girls to follow him and escape from that place, a proposition they accepted. They arrived in front of the building just as night had fallen, knowing that criminals would soon emerge. They waited for the police to arrive, and their arrival was perfectly timed.

Police vehicles came to a stop, and officers emerged with their guns aimed at the man in the bat costume. However, their captain, Jim Gordon, intervened, instructing them to lower their weapons. Jim then approached the man. "We'll take it from here. You've done well," he commended.

The stranger nodded, his voice still resonating with a deep tone. "That man deserves the death penalty," he declared. Jim nodded in understanding without further inquiry.

As the man in the bat costume prepared to leave, one of the girls approached him. She expressed her gratitude, saying, "Mister, thank you... Thank you so much for saving us." Her voice trembled, and she had to wipe away her tears with her arm. "Before you go, we didn't catch your name. Who are you?"

He turned to the girl, and with a mysterious air, he responded,

"I'm Batman"



Let me know what you think about this chapter!