(That's right...this is a remake.) A tired soul is chosen by God to become his warrior. R18 - If you see * in the chapter title, that means lemon. Disclaimer: - If you are mentally weak, don't read this story. It's very dark, and the mc is NOT a good person. - There's no release schedule. I drop chaps when I feel like it, which can vary from 1-3 times a week.
Now that preparations had been put in place, the young Lockhart could finally think about other things. The news had been covering the oceans for the last month. It was unknown if this meant the next phase in the wheel of fate, or if it was just something stirring up trouble.
If it WAS the wheel of fate, then he'd take care of it. There was no guarantee that these major events would be settled by the Justice League. They barely win in the animated films. Who's to say it would work in this universe? Each of these major scale invasions put the world at stake.
No matter what side a human was on, they wouldn't want to lose the planet. Who would the supervillains be able to rule if it was destroyed? How would the heroes cope with their failure? Sora wasn't going to find out.
These incidents were on the coast of Manhattan. This meant it was near the Titans Tower. The sleepy man would make a quick visit. He had yet to see Raven. So he took a step.
The little bundle of darkness was meditating. Her legs were crossed as she floated above the bed. It was something she always did in order to strengthen the mind.
"Azarath Metrion Zinthos. Azarath Metrion Zinthos." She chanted quietly.
Sora flashed onto the bed and sat below her. Once she stopped floating, she'd be right in his lap. Almost ten minutes went by before Rachel finished her chant. Her body descended to the bed, only to feel a comfortable warmth for a seat.
Raven leaned her head back, resting it on the young Lockhart's chest. No words were spoken. Sora wrapped his arms around her with his chin on top of her head. A very comfortable position it was. The comfortable silence went on for about 15 minutes. Only then did he speak up.
"...Do you still feel his influence?" He asked.
There was no small talk. They didn't need any of that. Their connection was the small talk. It did all of that for them. Raven closed her eyes to search for Trigon. It wasn't something she ever did willingly. She found nothing. With wide eyes, she turned to Sora.
"It's gone…It's gone! You…..actually won. I can't believe it. Do you know how long I'd been planning to escape him?! Do you know how hard it was to deal with the random episodes of pain?! All of that…is just over?"
She released all of her pent up emotions. Tears streamed down her face as unloaded on Sora. A slight smile adorned his lips as he wiped her tears.
"It's over. He won't harm you anymore, but don't get too relaxed. I'm taking his place after all." He joked. It wasn't really a joke though. Raven couldn't help but roll her teary eyes.
"Shut up. I'd much rather it be you than him."
"Oh? Then I'm glad."
"Tell me. In his last moments…did he show remorse?"
"...He did not."
The gloomy girl clenched her fists. Even though her expression had only changed a bit, he could feel the sorrow within. His hands covered hers.
"How about we get out of here?" He suggested. Sora knew it would take a while for her to get used to the freedom.
"And do what exactly?" She responded in her signature apathetic tone. It was raining cats and dogs outside.
"I'm planning to check around the ocean. Haven't you seen the news?" He quipped. Rachel raised an eyebrow.
"At this time of night, you want me to go with you into the rain and fly over the ocean. The same ocean with the biggest storm in recent history?"
"...Aww come on. Don't be like that. I promise to keep you warm and dry. No rain will touch you."
She glared at him while seemingly considering the offer. It caused Sora to stifle a chuckle, since he knew that she would probably agree either way. It was him who was asking after all. As if feeling his narcissism, she punched him in the stomach.
"Ooooof!" He grunted.
"Hmph. Fine."
After leaving his comfortable lap, she walked over to the closet. She immediately froze before opening the closet door. Her look was filled with apprehension. Sora remained silent. Eventually, she opened it.
The sleepy man immediately suppressed another chuckle. He wasn't good at hiding it. All of her clothes were either black or dark blue. So dark that it could be black.
"What?!" She growled at him.
She already knew why he was laughing. Her face was already turning a bit red. Their connection made subtle things much more easy to grasp.
"Nothing, nothing. I just thought about how cute you are."
"Shut up. You can go now. I have to change."
"On the contrary…" Sora got up and walked to the closet. "...I'm going to choose your clothes."
"Hmmm. This black hoodie should work. Hmmmm. And these." The young Lockhart showed her an extremely thin and tight piece of yoga shorts. Raven frowned.
"Why would I wear that in the rain?"
"Because there won't be any rain for you. Besides…I'll have something nice to grab on."
"Perv." She pushed him away while snatching the yoga shorts.
Realizing that he wasn't going to leave, she just changed into the clothes right there. Sora watched with a lustful gaze. Her body was incredibly beautiful.
Around ten minutes later, they were already over the ocean. Raven was perched on his back. The sleepy man held her delicious thighs, enjoying the extremely thin material. Sometimes he played with her soft peaches. Her round bottom was perfectly sculpted through the shorts.
"Perv." She muttered again.
"And still you do as I say. You can only blame yourself." He quipped.
"Since you took over my father's position, obviously I would do as you say." She commented before kissing his cheek. A slight smile adorned her face.
The storm was right ahead. Sora had already used the darklight to disguise himself. As he entered the storm, the waves grew fierce. It only got worse as he went deeper.
Lightning crackled in the clouds above. In a far corner of the storm, a massive whirlpool could be found. A newly made fortress could be seen on the right side. It looked technologically advanced. Rachel's eyes widened upon seeing them.
"...Alright, my dark little servant. Which way? Left or right?" He quipped.
His words were extremely slow. It made her roll her eyes. After getting over his cheekiness, she grabbed his face and shifted his gaze to the left.
"Onwards, my steed!"
Sora chuckled before blasting toward the whirlpool. There seemed to be something huge under it. A massive shadow could be seen under the violent waters. It gave an ominous feeling.
At that moment, a huge tentacle shot out of the water. Realization dawned on the sleepy man's face as he slashed it with a wave of his hand. He knew what it was.
'Wasn't this creature supposed to be guarding the Trident of Atlan? It looks like my assumption was correct.' Sora thought.
A loud inhuman screech permeated the ocean as the whirlpool grew more chaotic. After much buildup - which made the young Lockhart yawn in boredom - a colossal figure rose from the water.
It was a kraken. An aquatic beast that resembled something between a squid and octopus. There were hundreds of tentacles. Raven's eyes were wide with excitement. Things like this would get her interest. She wasn't a fan of girly things.
He couldn't help but slap her bubble butt. Realizing that he was trying to get her attention, she locked eyes with him. A happy smile could be seen on both of their faces.
"Sushi?" He asked. Her head nodded up and down multiple times. Stars could be seen in her eyes.