

Bruce Wayne stood on the balcony of Wayne Manor, contemplating the upcoming evening. Tonight was different; it wasn't about business, crime-fighting, or any other distraction. Tonight was about Diana Prince. He stalled her enough for months. With Darkseid coming for Earth in a few years, he wanted to give her the attention she always wanted, which he couldn't do before.

He sent a little old-style letter to Diana...



Diana was sitting in the base's arena, meditating as usual. The last few days have been busy with politics and all those things that she always hated, then the lessons she had to take from her mother as the future queen of Themyscira. Then, there was Aquawoman, who was after Bruce and wanted to tie him up in a political marriage, just to make her jealous. It worked since Diana attacked her at every chance she got.

Today, she wanted to clear all her tensions and calm down.

So, there she was meditating in peace.

A little bot flew over her with a letter. Diana opened one eye to look at the thing. She saw an envelope attached to its body, and when she took it, the bot flew away.

She opened the letter. It had been a simple gesture, yet it carried a weight of significance. A handwritten note, elegant in its simplicity:


Join me for dinner tonight.


Diana had smiled upon receiving it, a sense of anticipation bubbling within her. Bruce never asked her out for a date. But now...

"YAY!" She jumped up like a teenager in love, getting her first love letter in 90s style. Diana danced around like crazy. Her face turned red. "Oh my gods, oh my gods... Bruce invited me for dinner... Finally... AH!"

Diana stopped as her eyes fell on Harley who was looking at her with a large grin. She was so happy that she forgot Harley was also in the base. And instead of training, she was watching a cartoon and munching on chips. Harley took a chip and threw it into her mouth.

"Congrats Di Di. I didn't know ya had it in ya. So, Bruce finally wants you for dinner? Took him long enough... Too bad Wonder Woman doesn't wear sexy lingerie under that suit anymore," Harley said while munching on chips.

"Wait a minute! I only bought a single lingerie and only wore it once in my room. So, how the heck do you know?" Diana glared at Harley, who started whistling and looking everywhere but at her.

"Umm... Ya know Di, I did something I ain't proud of..." Harley tried to avoid eye contact as she smiled with an awkward expression.

"No you didn't," Diana growled at Harley as she cracked her knuckles.

"I was bored! Okay? I was very bored!" Harley yelled as she ran away from Diana as fast as possible, leaving a trail of chips behind her. "And I just had to wear the famous Wonder Woman costume at least once in ma life!!" She screamed while running away from Diana. "And I might have tried on that lingerie..."

Diana's eyes widened as she heard what Harley just said. "You WHAT?" She activated her lasso and threw it towards Harley.

"EEKK!" Harley dodged the rope by diving behind some tables. She looked at Diana who was onto her. This time the lasso didn't miss. "EEEKKK!" she screamed as the golden rope caught her leg and dragged her towards Diana.

"Di Di!! Have mercy!!!!" Harley screamed as she was dragged towards Diana. She knew that if Diana used that lasso on her, she would spill everything she ever did wrong. And there are too many things she did wrong, especially related to Wonder Woman costumes and lingerie. "AAAHHH!!!! HELP ME!!!" She screamed louder as she tried to dig through the floor using her nails.

After wrapping up Harley with the lasso, Diana made her kneel before her as she looked down on her with a glare and arms crossed. Harley avoided her gaze. The lasso was glowing with a golden hue.

"So, clown, what exactly did you do with my armor?" Diana asked with an evil grin.

Harley squirmed under the lasso's grip. "Di, can't we talk about this like civilized folks? Ya know, over a cup of coffee or somethin'?"

Diana's glare intensified. "Harley, speak."

Harley sighed, realizing there was no escaping this. "Okay, okay! I'll spill! Just don't hurt me, alright?"

Diana remained silent, waiting.

"Alright, so ya know how I get bored sometimes, right? And when I'm bored, I get these ideas... crazy ideas..."

"Get to the point," Diana interrupted, her patience wearing thin.

"Okay! So, one day, I was just hangin' around the base, mindin' my own business, and I saw your armor. It was just sittin' there, all shiny and powerful. And I thought to myself, 'Harley, what would it be like to be Wonder Woman for a day?'"

Diana raised an eyebrow. "And?"

"And I mighta... kinda... borrowed it. Just for a little while!" Harley admitted, cringing as she awaited Diana's reaction.

Diana took a deep breath. "Go on."

"So, I put it on, and lemme tell ya, it felt amazing! I felt invincible, like I could take on the world! I even took a few selfies," Harley said, trying to lighten the mood with a nervous laugh.

Diana's expression remained stern. "Selfies?"

"Yeah, but that's not the worst part," Harley continued quickly. "I, uh, went out for a little stroll. Just around the base, ya know? But then I got this idea... what if I did a little crime-fighting? Just to see what it felt like."

Diana's eyes narrowed. "You went out in public in my armor?"

Harley nodded sheepishly before replying, "Yeah, but don't worry! I didn't do anything too crazy. Just stopped a few muggers, saved a kitten from a tree... the usual superhero stuff."

Diana closed her eyes for a moment, trying to maintain her composure. "And the lingerie?"

Harley's face turned red. "Oh, that. Well, I was curious, okay? I wanted to see if it was as comfy as it looked. And, um, I mighta done a little... fashion show. In my room. By myself."

Diana's eyes shot open, her glare piercing. "You did a fashion show in my lingerie?"

"Just once! I swear! And I didn't tell anyone about it. Well, except for Pam. And Selina. And maybe a few others, like Maggie and Elana and maybe a little bit to Mrs. Martha when she gave me a big-sized pudding," Harley said quickly, seeing Diana's expression darken further. "But they promised to keep it a secret!"

Diana took a deep breath, trying to keep her temper in check, "Harley, do you have any idea how disrespectful and invasive that is?"

Harley nodded vigorously. "I know, I know! I'm sorry, Di. Really, I am. I just get these impulses, and sometimes I don't think things through." She made puppy eyes and looked at the big woman before her.

"You didn't tell Bruce or show him anything, right?" Diana asked her.

"Of course n..." Harley was about to lie, but the lasso glowed brightly, forcing her to tell the truth. "Yes."

Diana pinched the bridge of her nose. "Harley..."

"I'm really sorry," She apologized again.

Diana released the lasso's hold on Harley, and she immediately scooted away. Diana sighed and shook her head.

"It's fine, Harley. Just... please don't do it again. Unless you want me to throw you in the ocean full of sharks. But for what you have done, some punishments are in order," Diana said with a large happy smile that made Harley shiver in fear.

"What punishment Di Di? I told ya everythin' ya wanted!" Harley shivered in fear as Diana walked closer to her.

"Don't worry Harley. I won't ask you to do anything that will damage your beautiful body," Diana said as she grabbed Harley by her shirt and took her to the isolated training room, gently placing her down on the floor. "Now, you see that big screen there..."

She pointed at the large flat screen with a training regiment on the wall.

"Over the next 4 days, you are to follow that routine exactly. No complaining, no slacking off. Do you understand? And Miss Elana will be training you after 4 days for another 4 days. Oh, once I close that door, it will open only after you have completed all of it after 4 days. Food and water are in that little kitchen, limited amount, so be careful of what you eat. Welcome to hell, Harley Quinn. Now, let the training begin. Good luck."

Diana turned around and started walking out.

"Wait Di Di, can I just apologize once more? Please! Ya know I'm bad at following routines, right?" Harley pleaded.

Diana turned her head to look at Harley one last time, and she said, "I know, that's why I am going to leave you here for 4 days. Then Elana will take over. Enjoy." She walked out, locking the door behind her.

"DI DI!! WAIT! COME BACK!" Harley banged on the door and begged Diana to come back, but she was already gone. "Damn it... What da fuck did I do to deserve this?! Ah! I shouldn't have done that."