

thrusted into a world full of alien, gods and metahumans, is a soul without any of its prevoius lifes memories, reborn in a body that hides a terrifying secret, follow the journey of ted as he explores the wonderful uses of runes and how he overcame challenges with his new found ability as he learns the consequences and price that all powers have, so follow along as he tries to create the perfect rune that can grant him eternal life, and lets hope that he finds happiness along his journey. **WARNING** this would contain some multiverse travel and no THERE IS NO HEREM, just the main love interest, the mistress of magic, ZATANNA (slightly overused girl...not in that way), but she wont be introduced until later on as i need him to be strong enough. also there would multiverse travel into some of your favourite supernatural world such as: D&D (the legends of vox machine) CastleVania

Lythan_Page · Anime und Comics
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25 Chs

conspiracy (chapter 20)

Navigating through the heart of a dense forest, Ted trudged forward, the weight of a large, blood-soaked wolf draped over his shoulders. The creature, with its dark blue fur, four eyes, and formidable teeth, bore the marks of a recent battle—a gaping wound across its abdomen, its innards conspicuously absent. Ted couldn't help but admire the creature's distinctive features. 

The softness of its fur under his fingertips sparked thoughts of a potential fur coat, and the prospect of incorporating a temperature-regulating rune only heightened his satisfaction. With each step on the dirt road, he envisaged the garment, its warmth providing both comfort and a touch of luxury in the unpredictable wilderness.

Amidst Ted's musings, a distant sound caught his attention—a carriage rapidly approaching. The carriage, propelled by a swift beast, whizzed past him, momentarily revealing its driver. An older gentleman, distinguished by a graying beard and hair, wore a suit and tie that hinted at nobility. As the carriage zipped by, the man shot Ted a glare for even daring to look at him, as if ted was beneath him, an ant daring to gaze at his magnificent beard, before smiling, revealing a set of large canine teeth. The brief encounter left Ted intrigued, as a blood circle appeared on his forehead which then dissolved, causing a subtle vibration from his blood ruby signaling a reaction.

Curiosity piqued, Ted pulled out the ruby, its gleam pulsating with an unseen force. "Interesting indeed," he mused before returning to his path, the wolf's blood marking his trail.

—scene change—

Before the colossal gates of Iman, the kingdom that had greeted Ted upon his arrival, he stood clad in a fur coat. Hints of a beard adorned his face as he entered the bustling city, a landscape adorned with various establishments. From the butcher shop to the local tavern, Ted sought both sustenance and the latest news.

Learning that the Vox Machine had slain a dragon, Ted couldn't help but raise an eyebrow in surprise. "The dysfunctional group, who fought other mercs... interesting," he pondered, sipping from a honeyed beverage. However, the surprises didn't end there. The news of their subsequent house arrest for clashing with distinguished guests left Ted contemplating the intricacies of unfolding events, as the descriptions of the guest that the vox machina fought sounded very familiar.

As the darkness settled in, he felt an ache in his forehead and the familiar vibration of the blood ruby. Retrieving the pulsating gem, Ted acknowledged, "Never a dull moment. Looks like I'll have to seek them out myself." With a determined nod, he exited the tavern, ready to embark on a new adventure.

"And I am still far away from repairing my sea of consciousness," he thought, reflecting on his progress with a hint of frustration. The air around him felt heavy, the ambient sounds of the city creating a backdrop to his contemplation. A distant scream pierced through the atmosphere, prompting Ted to look up, his hand instinctively reaching for his belongings. "The Pyroblast ring is below 50 in durability, and the Nature's Embrace pendant is in its 30s. The only ring that I can freely use right now is the Sonic Blast ring, which is in its 60s," he assessed, preparing himself for potential threats. A sudden realization hit him, and he questioned his own oversight, "I should have bought a gun. Why am I not using guns?" His exasperation with himself was palpable.

Walking along the streets of Iman, Ted cautiously tested the tip of his void ring, the texture of the metal under his touch grounding him. The empty dirt road stretched out before him, and as he traversed, a haunting wail echoed nearby. "Hmm," he groaned, stowing away his belongings to feign disarmament, a tactical move to lure out any potential ambushers.

With a speed that eluded Ted's reaction time, his force field surged to life, deflecting some unseen attack. Swiftly turning around, he caught sight of two misty trails disappearing into a nearby building. "That is fast," he noted, his alertness heightened as his shield sustained another hit, revealing a visible crack. "And it's strong," he added, acknowledging the increasing vulnerability of his defenses.

"This is too fast, come on, Ted, think," he muttered to himself, his mind racing to devise a strategy. A sudden recollection crossed his thoughts. "Alright," he decided, his force field now down to one last hit, "hopefully, you work." With determination, he retrieved a gold ring and squeezed it tightly, its durability ticking down from 90 to 89 as his shield shattered. "Now!" he yelled in his mind, aiming his Sonic Blast ring and firing.

As if choreographed by destiny, the creature leaving behind misty trails found itself in the path of the Sonic Blast. Tumbling backward, it collided with the side of a building, revealing its grotesque appearance—a humanoid zombie with glowing white eyes, a decaying face, and black trails of blood running through its forearms.

The creature squirmed, Ted keeping it in place with successive blasts. He observed as the creature dissipated into smoke, only to reappear and pierce his stomach with its sharp claws. Ted's eyes whitened as he spewed black blood, a sight that had become almost routine. In pain, he clung to the gold ring, manipulating luck in his favor.

Reacting on instinct, he retrieved his belongings and unleashed a barrage of fire, exploiting the creature's apparent weakness. "Fucking damned!" Ted exclaimed, the black blood still staining him. Pyro blasts continued until the creature was reduced to nothing, and he collapsed, the healing touch of Nature's Embrace mending his wounds. A bright light emanated in the distance, catching his attention. "Fuck," he cursed under his breath, watching it dissolve into black liquid.