
Dc as a demon bet!

A young boy that was abused by his girlfriend is then teleported to a universe more dangerous than his girlfriend could ever be the boys and God for wishes from a Demi god and his only mission is to live his life how he wants . . . . By the way if you want to know how the characters gonna look he’s going to look kind of like a mix between the Lil loaded and A little bit of polo g features by the way if you do not like this please do not click on this book and also if you do not like how I do things don’t be mean just say that I could’ve done it a different way because I do not feel like all of that hate also inside of very serious situations he might or might not say but I get hoes though also skip to second chapter if it is there first is just how he died

Sutadasuto · TV
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23 Chs

The cat and Palma are mad at me!

Harley POV

Harley:" so yeah that's what happened I got fucked by a virgin and came multiple times." I said with a shrug.

Selena:" so you got abandoned, tortured, raped liked it and it took all of this to realize that you were being played with by the joker." She said with a blank face.

Harley:" yeah you're getting it."

I said with a smile.

Palma:" I'm gonna kill him." She said with an angry face.

Selena:" yeah technically he did still sexually assaulted you so I also think you should kill him." She says with her cat claws out.

Harley:" awww, you Guys are good friends but no. I like fucking him so no but thanks for caring." I says with a smile.

Selena:" we at least need to meet him so we know he is a okay enough person that can take care you." She says with a I'm gonna do this look.

Palma:"….yeah um let's…. see him." She says quietly as Selena frowns.

Harley:" what's wrong palmy." I says in a low voice.

Palma:" I'm just happy you're back." She said crying while hugging her.

Selena:" Harley you idiot." She says while staring at the crying Palma knowing the real reason she was crying.

25 minutes later.

I then teleport them to Sullivan's house as I open the door I see a 12 year old girl with blood on her neck on the table as I hear a song playing.

A/N: "it is the middle of GNF by polo g."

Harley:" Sullivan what the fuck why is there a dead little girl on the table this is a bad for first impression." I say pointing at Palma and Selena as I turn around and say I can explain.



" the girl was homeless and dying by the time I got home she was dead so I grabbed her soul bit her and made her my daughter technically, by changing her Physiology and changed her blood to that of a vampire with some of my powers and I put her soul back in her body." I say as I change the song to paper planes.

Selena:" wait Sullivan." She said in shock.

" oh hey Selena." I say with a wave.

Harley:" how do you know Selena." She says with a confused look on her face.

" oh we did Oral sex in the 69 position after she said she "wanted" me because I looked "delicious" to her." I said as I quoted her exactly.

As I say that They look at her in a questioning look as she then says.

Selena:" what he looks hot." She says in a questioning tone.

Harley:" so he's 17 and immortal he will always be under aged I thought you were supposed to be the more since able of the trio." She says with a what the fuck look.

Palma:" you fucked an underaged teenager, this is a new type of low for you." She says as she rolls her eyes.

Selena:" wait you're underaged how old are you again?" She says as she looks worried.

" 17." I say with a shrug.

Selena:" and when is your birthday." She says with a twitching face.

" July 31."

Selena:" and what month is it." She asks.

Harley:" December." She says.

Selena:" my morals." She says with tears welling up in her eyes as she walls to the floor realizing that she had committed Statutory r#pe.

15 minutes later.

Selena:" *sniff sniff*."

Palma:" okay she's calm now, but why didn't you tell her your age?" She asks.

" I tried to but she was to busy pulling me behind a corner and throating me, btw Harley is better at blowjobs then you no offense it just felt better." I say with a shrug.

Selena:" not only did I fuck a miner It was also a bad blowjob *sniff*."

" no it wasn't bad I technically came faster then when anyone but Harley does it." I say trying to make her feel better.

Selena:" *sniff* thank you." She says in tears.

Palma:" anyway Harley said you were immortal what are you exactly." She said in confusion.

" oh um okay I'll break it down, I'm 25% demon ,25% angel, 25% incubus, and 25% vampire so that is why I'm good at sex and giving head while a virgin." I said with a smile.

Palma:" did you just say a angel as in the ones made by god." She asked in shock.

" yeah did you think the angels are virgins there are a little bit that are virgins."

Palma:" but she said you were immoral so you won't ever die but Harley will so why no just hook up then leave instead of dating her?" She asked.

" well for one if you did not know there are a lot of ways for humans to become immortal, and for two I'm a vampire I can just make her one no one would notice because of her bleached skin." I said as I show my fangs.

" and non of you are going to heaven anyway, 1 because of the stuff you did and 2 for you feel bad for what you did and hell feeds on guilt." I say as I see the light drain out of there eyes.

Harley:" wow you could have just lied to us." She said with a frown.

" don't worry I won't let you die I will make you immortal if that's what you want." I say with a smile.

Harley:" yeah but what about my girls, they will still die of old age."

" Well I could give them the bite or I could give them a blood transfusion if they or u are not comfortable with me biting. Them but it will still hurts a lot like lava entering there veins." I say not trying to lie to them.

Selena:" wait you've felt lava on your skin." She asks even though it was a stupid ass question to ask a DEMON.

" in… were I come from we build up our immunity to fire,lava or plasma by torture we have a slight immunity so it is safe as long as they don't go straight to lava. From what I've Experienced with my ex girlfriend that was not traumatizing." I say getting a shiver.

Harley:" has anyone told you it is rude to talk about your ex in front of the person you're talking to." She said with a scowl.

" sorry, but I've been seeing more trouble so I'm gonna go summon my sword. So you can follow me if you want but I'm gonna be opening a doorway to hell so know this is a holy weapon given to me by my…. Father." I said with a disgusted face.

As I say this Harley asked me why I was looking like that when talking about my father but I kept walking. As I get to a room with a wooden floor which is the same place I tortured Harley as I stand in the middle of the room as I ask Harley to get my knife.

" okay I just want to say unless I'm using my own magic my blood evaporates once it hits anything. This does includes if it's held up by telekinesis I have to be willing to let my blood be a liquid."

As I say this I carve what looks like a women and man on the ground as I cut my wrist which to the surprise of everyone it was I mix of white, black, red, and purple until it hits the ground and turns scarlet red as I say.

" Father I call upon the pit, the endless void god bless whoever must be trapped because of there mistakes in hell. I call upon a weapon that may strike down Zeus, that can seal the gods and let all know my domain is that of loneliness and the crying of souls that have been cast out." I say as the ground starts to shake and a red sword comes out the middle of the chest of the man and women as Harley Palma and Selena can hear the crying and screams of help that gives them a a uncomfortable feeling.

Harley:" There are places worse than hell." She asks.

" There is only one feeling worse then being tortured and that is being alone. Every time you think you get closer to a person you are pushed farther in the pit." I said while I grab my katana that is cold for some reason.


I just started checking my books I thought 1100 was long I hope this one was longer next chapter I will tell the readers why Sullivan revealed his face to the justice league but for those who did trust me thank you for not abandoning this book I will make Harley main wifey I might in the future make Harley pregnant or. Not I probably won’t but this is the only hint I’ll give you.

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