
DC:Amazonian Prince

Dont be too harsh this is my first and this is heavily insired by DC:The male amazon and kind of inspired by Survival of a loner so check those out too. And the picture on the front isnt mine if you want me to take it down I will thankyou...

tdk_lastking1910 · Anime und Comics
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The rise of The Ghost Knight

I shall be the Ghost Knight the bringer of justice, the phantom of the night, the protector of gotham. But first I needed to get the tools needed to do all the things he claimed he would do. After making the suit I had some money left to buy tools for my crusade. I bought a glock 17 and customized it to take lethal and non-lethal rounds just in case. It was black with grey and white accents and had a ghost logo on the handle. I bought an LHR knife for cheap and spray painted it black and white. I also bought some rope as I would be needing it. My suit was black, white and grey with a ghost logo in the middle. I have a half mask only covering my mouth. Last but not least I had a black jacket with white accents and a hood covering the rest of my body.

Today I start my charge as gotham's new protector. Batman has been too busy with the justice league and his apprentices haven't been doing enough as Gotham's crime rate is too high. It's for Gotham to have a new protector.

Meanwhile in the Batcave

"Alfred keep tabs on this guy", he sais as he passed Alfred a picture of Michael. "Master Bruce, are you planning on bringing him to your line of work", he looked at Bruce with an expecting face but didn't get a reply so Alfred left and did as he was told.

Somewhere on the streets

I was looking for a new base of operations. Right now I was stuck between an abandoned warehouse or the underground of an abandoned building but, I was leaning towards the abandoned warehouse as it was easier to set up especially with my budget. But the underground base would be harder to find if, I were ever caught as it is more secluded. The choice is quite obvious considering my low budget I decided for the more suitable option and chose the abandoned warehouse.

I arrived at the warehouse after I made sure online that there are no plans to renovate or do anything with this building. I cleaned it out the place and threw everything that couldn't be used away and in the end I two damaged laptops that probably could be fixed, 2 tables, a couple of shelves and a dusty carpet. I also had some metal and wood peices which could be useful.

I ran to a store down the block and bought what I needed to set up. I organized the room brought a carpet in, swept it and with the scrap parts made tools for training such as weights and pull up bars. I bought a mattress and with the remaining scrap wood made a bed in a separate area. I also stashed my clothes and equipment from the hostel here. I was happy with what I had accomplished and started training. I did 100 push ups, pull ups, sit ups and did some lifting with my makeshift barbells. I created a room with makeshift soundproofing and put a target so I could get used to my guns and started shooting. Once I was finished I ran for an hour outside at and when I came back was exhausted so I went straight to sleep.

So my day was: train, work, train, lessons, eat, sleep, repeat.

On the third day of training after before I ate food I decided to patrol as ghost knight. On my first night jumping from rooftop to rooftop I witnessed a robbery down in an alley. "Please I don't have much money."She said with a shaky voice."shut up and gimme that purse!" he replied as he trained his gun at her. There were two more of them behind him but it seems that they were only armed with knives. I knew I couldn't let it escalate any further so I dropped down on their so called leader and landed on him. Let me just say looking back at that it probably wasn't the best option as they pushed their boss out of the way and I landed and rolled through but not without hitting my knee on the way down. They wasted no time and the leader shot at me. I attempted to dodge but the bullet grazed me and another rushed at me with a knife in hand. I shot him in the ankle with a non-lethal round and he fell down and clutched his knee as I proceeded to knock him unconscious with my fist. The leader preceeded to shoot again this time agitated and I completely doged this time and began closing down while the other robber ran at me. He swung his knife and I just caught it and stabbed him in the arm with my knife and pulled it out held his arm and socked him across the face knocking a few teeth loose. The leader was now afraid thinking 'how did this guy injure my crew like that'. I was ready to end it but then I saw her recording everything as she said "Have anything to say", I just stared at the camera menacingly and looked away but unfortunately it gave the leader enough time to run. I cursed as I started chasing him until I finally caught up to him. I tackled him and started beating him until his face turned red. I carried him back and tied them up and left them for the cops as I disappeared.

The next morning

On the news

'The masked vigilante that people are calling the

"Shadow" was seen beating up and brutalizing a robber in a downtown alleyway which was recorded by the person who was getting robbed. This video is graphic sone viewers may find this footage disturbing.' It then cut to a video of me beating the street thugs up. Once it ended sone people had their opinions. 'I think that all these vigilantes should not be allowed and thus video just proved that. People in costumes are afraid to cone and face the world and by my book they are as guilty as the next criminal in Arkham or Black gate', a news anchor said. 'Yes I heard police are in hot pursuit of these vigilantes as we speak. The next topic for today is


They continued but I didn't bother listening. 'Really they're calling me "The Shadow" what a lame name' I thought as I made my way home.