
DBZ: Another Monkey

Jin was given a chance to start over in a new life after he had "unfortunately" lost his past life. He suddenly finds himself in a universe where there are aliens with monkey tails and overgrown house cats that could destroy him with one flick. He decided to live once again and to do that he needed to adapt. At least he has his past knowledge to give him that edge. Disclaimer: I don't claim the characters from DBZ or GOH as my own.

hoonie423 · Anime und Comics
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8 Chs

Chapter 6

Amidst the vast expanse of space, far from the familiar confines of Planet Vegeta, Jin found himself on a desolate world known only as Planet VII. It was a harsh and unforgiving planet, its surface marred by towering cliffs, deep ravines, and swirling dust storms that obscured the sky.

Alone, save for his own thoughts and the distant memories of his fallen comrades, Jin had come to Planet VII seeking one thing: strength. Strength to protect what remained of his people, strength to avenge those who had been lost, and strength to forge a new destiny for the Saiyan race.

With a determined glint in his eye, Jin set about his training regimen. Each day dawned with the rising sun, and each night fell with Jin bathed in sweat and exhaustion. He pushed himself to the limit, honing his body and mind with a single-minded focus that bordered on obsession.

In the shadow of the towering cliffs, Jin sparred with imaginary foes, his fists a blur as he unleashed a flurry of devastating blows. He practiced his ki control, molding the energy around him into intricate shapes and forms. And under the watchful gaze of the twin moons, he meditated, seeking inner peace amidst the chaos of his thoughts.

But Planet VII was not a planet content to let its visitors train in peace. As Jin pushed himself to greater heights, the planet itself seemed to push back. Dust storms whipped through the canyons, threatening to engulf him in their fury. Fierce predators prowled the shadows, their hungry eyes watching his every move.

Yet Jin welcomed the challenges, for he knew that it was only through adversity that true strength was forged. With each obstacle overcome, he grew stronger, more resilient, and more determined than ever to achieve his goals.

Weeks turned into months, and still, Jin remained on Planet VII, his training showing no signs of slowing. He had long since lost track of time, his only measure of progress the ever-growing mastery of his abilities.

But as the days stretched into eternity, Jin began to sense a change within himself. The anger and despair that had once consumed him began to wane, replaced by a newfound sense of purpose and clarity. He no longer fought out of hatred or vengeance, but out of a deep-seated desire to protect and preserve the legacy of the Saiyan race.

And so, as the twin suns dipped below the horizon and the stars twinkled in the night sky, Jin stood on the precipice of a new dawn. 


The harsh Planet VII sun beat down on Jin's back as he weaved through a grove of gnarled, purple trees. Sweat beaded on his brow, stinging his eyes, but he ignored it. Focus. Every muscle in his body burned, a testament to the grueling training session he'd just finished.He stopped at a clearing, his chest heaving. This was it. Time to test his limits. Taking a deep breath, he channeled his ki, feeling the familiar surge of power course through him. He let the ki flow through him and his body crackled with raw energy.

With a guttural yell, he unleashed a "3rd stance Hwechook", a signature Mori Style maneuver. The air itself seemed to crackle as his foot connected with a nearby boulder. The rock exploded, sending shrapnel flying in a satisfying shower.A triumphant grin spread across Jin's face. He was stronger, faster. His movements flowed with a new level of precision, his control over ki honed to a razor's edge. But a sliver of doubt wormed its way into his mind. Was it enough?He thought back to the fiery destruction of Planet Vegeta, the memory still raw and painful. His parents, gone. Pellet, his closest friend, reduced to dust. His rage, once a roaring fire, simmered now, a bed of hot coals threatening to erupt at the slightest provocation.

The guilt gnawed at him too. He had lived, while so many others had perished. Did he deserve this newfound power? Did it make him responsible for avenging his fallen people? The weight of expectation threatened to crush him.Suddenly, a high-pitched screech pierced the air. A small, winged creature with razor-sharp teeth emerged from the purple foliage, its beady eyes fixated on him. It was a Tarsis screecher, a vicious predator known for its swift attacks and paralyzing venom.

Instinct took over. Years of Saiyan combat training kicked in. Jin sidestepped the creature's initial lunge, his movements fluid and precise. He channeled his ki into his palm, forming a crackling ball of energy.

The screecher screeched again, launching itself at him with surprising speed. But Jin was ready. He unleashed his ki blast, a miniature sun that slammed into the creature mid-flight. The screecher dissolved into a puff of ash, leaving behind an ominous silence.

Jin stood panting, the adrenaline slowly dissipating. He had faced a threat and emerged victorious. But the victory felt hollow. This wasn't just about raw strength or fancy techniques. He needed to master his emotions, channel his rage and guilt into a focused determination. He needed a purpose, a reason to fight beyond vengeance. He remembered the transformations that would could in the future with enough training. He needed to control the first one of many which would be the Great Ape transformation. 

Looking up at the twin suns blazing in the crimson sky, Jin knew his journey had only just begun. He had to become more than just a strong warrior. He tightened his grip on his fists, a renewed determination settling in his eyes. He would find his family. He would honor his parent's sacrifice. And he would find a way to fight for a future where Saiyans weren't slaves to Frieza's tyranny. The fight for freedom had just been reignited.


Days bled into weeks as Jin delved deeper into the forbidden knowledge of the Oozaru transformation. The ancient Saiyan text, scavenged from the wreckage of a long-lost library on Planet Vegeta, spoke of a primal power unlocked under the light of the full moon. It was a power both magnificent and terrifying, a double-edged sword that could either elevate one to unimaginable heights or consume them in a frenzy of destruction.

Jin's heart pounded with a mix of excitement and trepidation. Mastering the Oozaru transformation felt like a necessity, a means to bridge the widening gap between him and Frieza's elite forces. But the text also warned of the dangers, of losing control and succumbing to the beast's savage instincts.

He trained in a secluded valley far from any settlements. Under the watchful eye of a craggy, snow-capped mountain, he practiced harnessing his ki, focusing it into a single point within his body – the tail he had lost when he was just a babe. He spent hours meditating, visualizing the transformation, channeling his will to maintain control over the raw power that would soon surge through him.

One night, as the crimson suns dipped below the horizon, a luminous orb peeked from behind the mountain ridge. The full moon, a giant pearl in the inky black sky, bathed the valley in an ethereal glow. This was it. The moment of truth.

Jin stood in the center of a clearing, his back straight, his eyes closed. He focused on the moon, picturing its energy coursing through him. He felt a warmth bloom in his lower back, a tingling sensation that quickly intensified into a burning ache. His muscles screamed in protest, his bones felt like they were being stretched to their breaking point.

A guttural growl escaped his lips as the transformation began. His body grew at an alarming rate, his clothes ripping apart in a shower of fabric. Fur sprouted from his skin, turning him into a hulking ape with razor-sharp teeth and glowing red eyes.

The Oozaru – a monstrous reflection of the warrior within.Jin, or what remained of him, roared, a sound that echoed through the valley, shaking the very mountain itself. Primal instincts surged through him, an overwhelming desire to rampage and destroy. He clawed at the ground, ripping up trees with his immense strength.But amidst the chaos, a sliver of consciousness remained. The years of training, the burning desire for control, flickered like a tiny flame threatened to be extinguished by a raging inferno.

He focused on the moon, on the ancient Saiyan text etched in his mind. "Control the ki… control the transformation…" he chanted, a mantra against the howling beast within.Slowly, ever so slowly, the primal rage began to recede. The destructive urges were replaced by a sense of raw power, a heightened awareness of his surroundings. He moved with a newfound grace, despite his enormous size. He unleashed a mighty roar, this time not one of mindless fury but a declaration of dominance, a testament to his will.

As the night wore on, the moon began its descent. With its waning light, the transformation began to reverse. Jin felt himself shrinking, the burning ache receding. He collapsed onto the valley floor, exhausted but exhilarated. He had achieved the seemingly impossible – control over the Oozaru.

Lying there, bathed in the soft glow of the morning sun, Jin reviewed his experience. The power was immense, almost intoxicating. But it was a power that demanded respect, a power that required unwavering mental fortitude. He knew that future transformations would be easier, but the danger of losing control would always be present.

As he rose to his feet, a determined glint sparked in his eye. He would not succumb to the beast within. He would become the master of the Oozaru, harnessing its power to fight for freedom, to honor his fallen comrades, and to pave the way for a better future for his scattered Saiyan race. The full moon had revealed a terrifying potential, but it had also ignited a beacon of hope within him. The path to defeating Frieza and his tyranny might be fraught with danger, but Jin was no longer just a Saiyan warrior. He was the Oozaru who defied its nature, a symbol of resilience and unwavering will.

Chapter 6 done. Gonna go through a training arc

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