
DBZ: Another Monkey

Jin was given a chance to start over in a new life after he had "unfortunately" lost his past life. He suddenly finds himself in a universe where there are aliens with monkey tails and overgrown house cats that could destroy him with one flick. He decided to live once again and to do that he needed to adapt. At least he has his past knowledge to give him that edge. Disclaimer: I don't claim the characters from DBZ or GOH as my own.

hoonie423 · Anime und Comics
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8 Chs

Chapter 2

The first thing that hit Jin wasn't Frieza's oppressive rule, nor the constant rumble of spaceships departing for conquest. It was gravity. Ten times Earth's normal pull pressed down on him, turning a simple crawl into a Herculean effort. Frustration enveloped him. Back on Earth, he'd been a prodigy, a martial arts champion at a young age. Here, on Planet Vegeta, he was a fumbling toddler with a power level barely registering on a scouter.

"Crying already, runt?" a gruff voice boomed.

Jin looked up to see Bardock, his father, towering over him. Bardock wasn't the most expressive Saiyan, but there was a hint of amusement in his black eyes.

Jin gritted his teeth, wiping away tears with a clenched fist. "I'm not crying," he insisted, his voice almost betraying him. "This gravity's just...heavy."

Bardock scoffed. "Heavy is for the weak. This is Vegeta. Adapt or get left behind."Jin swallowed the lump in his throat. He wasn't weak. He wouldn't be left behind. Drawing on a reservoir of determination he hadn't known he possessed, he pushed himself up on trembling arms. The world tilted, his vision blurring. He wobbled, then fell flat on his face.

Bardock watched with a stoic expression, but a flicker of pride sparked in his eye unseen by Jin. He knelt beside his son, not offering a hand, but a challenge. "Try again," he said simply.

And Jin did. Again and again, he pushed himself to his limits. Each failed attempt felt like a small death, but each successful crawl, each shaky step, was a victory. By the time the twin suns dipped below the horizon, casting the landscape in an orange glow, Jin could stumble around at a slow walk. It wasn't much, but it was a start.

The next morning came a new challenge: basic combat training. Bardock stood before him, his black armor gleaming, a training remote clutched in his hand. "Fighting is in our blood," he growled. "Don't dishonor the Saiyan name by flailing around like a lost hatchling."

With a flick of his wrist, Bardock activated the remote. A searing pain erupted in Jin's back, a low-level energy blast forcing him forward. He stumbled, instinctively throwing up his arms to protect himself. Pain lanced through his shoulder as Bardock struck, the force sending him sprawling.

Jin tasted dirt. Shame burned hotter than the energy blasts. He was supposed to be the firstborn, the strongest warrior of his generation. Instead, he was a punching bag.

But this wasn't Earth. Here, weakness meant death. He wouldn't die. Not today, not ever.Fueled by anger and a deep desire to prove himself, Jin scrambled to his feet. This time, when the energy blast came, he anticipated it. He rolled to the side, the blast singeing the earth where his head had been. Bardock's eyes widened slightly.

"Not bad, runt," he grunted, a hint of surprise creeping into his voice. "But anticipation won't save you forever. Learn to fight back."

And so began the brutal Saiyan training. Days bled into weeks, weeks into months. Each session left Jin bruised, battered, and utterly exhausted. He trained until his muscles screamed, until his vision blurred with sweat and exertion. Slowly, the alien gravity became less of a burden and more of a conditioning tool.

One afternoon, during a particularly grueling sparring session, something shifted. Dodging a blow from Bardock, Jin felt a surge of energy surge through him. He countered with a punch, not of Earthly strength, but something raw and powerful. It connected with Bardock's chest, sending a shockwave through the training ground.

Bardock stumbled back in surprise, a rare smile splitting his face. "There it is," he boomed, his voice filled with pride. "The Saiyan spirit. Keep pushing, Jin. You've got the potential to be a force to be reckoned with."Jin looked at his fist, his heart pounding. He might not have been born on Vegeta, but he was adapting. He was growing stronger. And in the harsh world of Saiyan warriors, that was all that mattered.

The red suns dipped low on the horizon, painting the sky in crimson hues. As Jin collapsed onto the training ground, gasping for breath, a new feeling blossomed in his chest. It wasn't just exhaustion, but a sense of belonging. He was a Saiyan, son of Bardock and Gine. He was going to survive and become powerful enough so history wouldn't repeat itself again. 


The crimson suns of Vegeta had barely breached the horizon when Jin woke up. His muscles ached from yesterday's training, but a newfound determination thrummed through him. He wouldn't let Bardock down.

He found his father already up, preparing for a mission. The air crackled with anticipation - a new assignment always held the promise of a good fight."You're early," Bardock grunted, not looking up from his armor.Jin puffed out his chest, trying to hide the tremor in his voice. "I'm ready to train."

Bardock raised an eyebrow. "Ready? Or eager?"Jin met his gaze. "Both."

Bardock grunted again, a sound that could be interpreted as either approval or dismissal. "Fine. But skip the basics today. We'll head to the training grounds."

The training grounds were a sprawling complex, teeming with young Saiyan children sparring and honing their skills. The air vibrated with the sounds of grunts, clashes, and the occasional frustrated yell. Jin felt a thrill of excitement. He was no longer a helpless hatchling, he was part of this warrior society.

Bardock led him to a group of children slightly older than Jin, their bodies already hardened by years of training. "Pellet," Bardock called out, addressing a boy with a mop of wild black hair. "Spar with my runt."

Pellet, who had been pummeling another boy into the dirt, turned with a sneer. "Your runt, huh? Don't waste my time, old man."

Before Jin could retort, Bardock tossed him a device that looked like a small, high-tech eye patch. "Put this on," he commanded.

Jin strapped the device onto his eye, unsure of what to expect. Bardock then adjusted a dial on a similar device he wore on his own eye. A series of numbers flickered into view on the lens of Jin's scouter.

"That's your power level," Bardock explained gruffly. "A basic measurement of fighting strength. Yours is currently at 352. Pathetic, but not surprising for your age."

Jin winced at the insult, but the scouter held a strange fascination. To be able to quantify power, to see it as a tangible number, was a new concept for him. He looked at Jin's scouter, which displayed a much higher number - 708."

Don't worry about the numbers," Pellet scoffed. "Just focus on not being a complete waste of space."

Jin gritted his teeth. He wouldn't be underestimated. He lunged at Pellet, channeling the months of training into his attack. Pellet, caught off guard by the unexpected aggression, barely managed to block the blow.

The fight was a blur of punches, kicks, and grunts. Jin, fueled by a desire to prove himself, fought with a ferocity that surprised everyone, including himself. His punches, though still weaker than Pellet's, carried a surprising amount of force.

Pellet, used to dominating younger children, grew frustrated. He unleashed a powerful energy blast, a small fireball that screamed towards Jin.

Instinct took over. Remembering Bardock's lessons on basic energy manipulation, Jin focused his own ki. A small, shaky ball of energy formed in his hand. He launched it at the incoming blast, a desperate gamble.

The two attacks met with a pop, cancelling each other out. It wasn't a victory, but it wasn't a defeat either. It was a sign of progress, a testament to Jin's determination.

The other children watching stopped sparring, their attention drawn to the unlikely match. Even Bardock, a stoic figure on the sidelines, showed a hint of approval eyes.

As the fight ended, both boys panting for breath, Jin met Pellet's gaze. It wasn't a look of contempt anymore, but one of grudging respect."

You're alright for a runt," Pellet conceded with a smirk.

Jin grinned, feeling a surge of accomplishment. He might be an Earthling soul trapped in a Saiyan body, but he was starting to fit in. He was getting stronger. And in this harsh world, that was all that truly mattered.

"Let's go again," Jin responded with a wide grin, his battlelust emerging as he entered his stance.

"This time I'm going to send you into the next planet." Pellet only smirked in response as they both shot off the ground at each other. 

Second chapter done. Hope it was decent.

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