
Daytime Star

Yura Hwang, an actress that only gets to act as extras for all seven years since she has started her career. She got betrayed by her boyfriend that got married to another person. But in all of that mess, she met again with the famous senior actor for the second time in her newest movie! Will her path to becoming a star come true? Star in the daytime

Kristysworld · Urban
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11 Chs

Back Home...

Yura was very embarrassed when Kang Seung Hyun suddenly asked her if she ever kissed someone...

"Ki... Kiss? Ah... That's... I've never done it, But probably now think you will..." She said while looking in his eyes...

Kang Seung Hyun was stunned by her reply she was looking so pretty and innocent in his eyes... He felt like they were the only people in this world...

Yura was staring in his eyes... he smiled and brought his lips near hers and raised her chin while holding her face...

She was screaming inside but suddenly he kissed her forehead instead her lips making her surprised...

" Can't wait to go up to Seoul. Don't cry too much... "Kang Seung Hyun whispered in her ears...

She was still dazed and dreaming about what happened earlier her whole face was flushed when she heard Jin Kyung asking her if she packed everything... while loading all the things in their car...

Yura heard her voice and came out instantly form her dream world...

"Oh Yeah... Originally It was a day trip, So I didn't bring anything" She replied while turning around...

But she asked Yura to look back there while pointing in a direction... where the interview was going to be held...

Jin Kyung- They mush have come to interview the main actors in entertainment news.

Yura- Oh yes... Sister, When will I ever be able to sit on that chair?

Jin Kyung saw that Yura was feeling very sad when she saw some chairs for the main actors...

Jin Kyung- Why are you envious?

Yura- No, Now my enviable stage is over. It's just a little bit frustrating. Why can't I get off the treadmill no matter how much I run?

Jin Kyung hugged her and said "we'll run harder... Don't you try to come down form the treadmill Come down?

Yura- Aren't you so tired that you can't even stand still?

Jin Kyung- Nope. Let's drink a glass of cold water and go to marathon"

Yura- I've been training hard on a treadmill for 7 years, So the first place is bona mana!

They both were trying to cheer each other but suddenly Jin Kyung noticed Jeong Woo Kim going for interview...

Jin Kyung- Ugh I saw something I didn't want to see before I went back. What a cheap guy he is, Super cheap cheap guy. Let's go, Yura! If I looked at that face for one more minute, My eyes would rot...

Yura nodded and turned back to saw Kang Seung Hyun joining the interview with other main actors...

"That's weird The person who was standing right next to me up until an hour ago... Why do I feel so far away... No, I just forgot about it for a while because he was so generous with me. He's actually a distant person. That's why he's a celebrity. " She thought. The smile on her face immediately faded.

"Maybe my senior and my life will never intersect again... Well it was a very natural reality until yesterday, why so..." She thought and she remembered the moment he kissed her forehead... and her face became red...

Her friend called her as she was running late...

For her this feelings were very weird. She was feeling so regretful she thought maybe there was still a lingering impression of Suzy...

When the interview ended Kang Seung Hyun started looking around for Yura. He asked the crew and they informed that she already left...

After a while...

" I will come to woke up at 9 O' clock tomorrow. You've worked hard, You've worked hard, Seung Hyun" his manager said while leaving...

Kang Seung Hyun went inside his room and started taking off his clothes...

He was filming all night until morning and then continuing to 11 PM the next day and was very much tired he noticed the bed which Yura cleaned before she left...

He was missing her smile and her... Next day he got hurt while shooting his arm had a cut and all his arm was covered with blood...

His manager asked if he was fine and he replied that he was fine but when he removed his hand his whole hand was covered with blood which scared his manager and even the director...

And they asked him to go to his hospital

In car...

Kang Seung Hyun was looking out of window while his manager was driving... His manager noticed that he was lost in thoughts so he asked him...

Manager- Did you send it home to Seoul?

Kang Seung Hyun- What?

Manager- Your sober mind...

Kang Seung Hyun didn't said anything but juts smiled a bit which made his manager annoyed...

Manager- It's not something to laugh at. You've been strange theses past few days. You've never confused your lines, got tired, and couldn't sleep at night... Look at your shoulder now! You've practiced that scene so many times and still get hit?

Kang Seung Hyun- I've taken a close look into that...

He stopped the car to ask him but he steeped out and said that he'll go by himself...

His manager was talking with him but he ignored him...

Manager- Ah No, To be precise Since Hwang Yura, who accompanied Jin Kyung, Left Busan. This is it. What to do you think right?

Kang Seung Hyun was staring him without saying anything and said that he just reveal your weak point." Why do you keep Miss Jin Kyung Just like that name is always in your head...."

His face became red and he started giving explanation and mentioned Yura which made Kang Seung Hyun thinking about her too...

To be continued...

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