

" as night falls with darkness, light shines with the luster of moon. wherever is darkness the light finds its way"-H.E.S.H


"uah , ha, ha , ha", heavy breaths escaped from my lungs, my vision started to become more and more blurry.i cannot see anything and a certain small valley was at the ride side. I was running from straight 10 minutes. I just ran and took the right turn and what I saw was a small passage between 2 buildings.

I saw the lane and sat with the support of wall.blood started finding its way through my forehead and through my eyes it crawled through my chin and started escaping and dropped on the floor.

I looked at my surrounding it was all the ruins of building with over growngrass around everywhere.every where grass and new species of plants were grown everywhere.the rode on which I was running was no more of concrete , veins of grass escaped the concrete and covered the whole floor.

Where I am sitting right now is also the vegetation beneath my butt. the whole lane looked like a web of spiders covered it, but the veins were hanging in the air, the whole wall was now green.

I felt like it cushioned the wall, but the vegetation provided me soft feeling.

" ahhh", a lot of blood was coming out of my stomach and I felt a huge pain inside my stomach.

Now I stared at the sky which was now getting covered with more and more darkness and through the darkness some light started shining and that light felt like hope.

Now everything was coming in front of my eyes. Some short clips started in front of my eyes and I could only enjoy that scene with my cushion death bed.

"run Arthur, run , Arthur , don't look back, runn away from here, never stop




Gun fires.

"uahh. Haha. Hah", I ran as fast as I could .

"hah", the scene that I saw and my eyes felt numb, tears started crawling through my eyes and got mixed with the blood, both started moving on the same path.

"mom, dad , I ran , I rannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn",some words escaped my mouth and my pain washed away......…

20 minutes ago-


"Honey its now not ok to stay here , we have to go outside to find some food", I said looking straight at the eyes of Kelly.

She knew that why I am saying this and what this means, it was going to be dangerous situation . cause going out was like a wish for dying.

"No, no , is there no other way , find or do something else , no no



No you cannot go outside", said my wife grabbing my hands and hugged me tightly and still crying and I can feel what she said was heavy thing to accept.

"listen without food and water we can live only one day, and think about our boy Arthur , he is also hungry and I know you are also , so let me do something", I said and tried to relax her.

* after the bomb blast that happened 2 years ago, that bomb which snatched lives from every unlucky human. With a sense to rule over earth , an organization built a secret missile with a size of 5 story building and at the night of Sunday 15th of may,2025. The missile was dropped on the white house and the impact just took away a part of earth , amarica was no more on map , not only America but in the 100km radius and 5 km inside the earth vanished from earth.

That organization came infront and made themselves clear that they have 1000 more of this missiles , so every human shall know the consequence and shall worship the leader GARRY BLAKE and after that the humans who apposed were not seeing anyother day.they cleared around 1/6th of earth, continuously dropping each bomb one after the other and they revealed their name as "SAVIOR".

The member of the organization started controlling each of their province and only 3% of humans remained alive as the mass eradication was on-------------*

"james,james , what happened tell me that you found a way to not go outside.", as Kelly said and started shaking me and the sudden movements got me back to the reality from this thoughts of the event that happened.

"If you are going , then I am also coming ", said Kelly with increasing the strength and hugging me more thightly.

"me too, I will also come",said Arthur coming by my side and he also hugged me.

My wife also agreed that it might be dangerous but if we are all together we can find a way.

" ok, lets leave at night and we will see if there is any food or water near by . we will Take it and we will come back here right inside this basement", I said as I thought of every thing that can happen and how we can come back safely without any dangerous encounter with anyone.

"ok guys lets live , I want you to listen to me as we are not going for picnic , we are going outside where people with guns and ready to kill intention are outside from the outside of this door",I said as I was at the main door and grabbing the knob I pulled and opened the door.

We saw that it was not almost dark , but there was time for night.

I was walking first and Kelly with Arthur were walking with me , we took each step carefully and walked from building to building.

Suddenly a sound of car , which was coming to our side , with the voice of some mens laughing.

"you shit, I have not seen any walking bone with meat from so many days", said a person in the car as the approached more and more near to us, I pulled both Kelly and Arthur inside the store and I put my hand s tightly over their mouth and layed on the ground.

" wait , wait , there are footsteps", said a person who was hanging outside from the window and they stopped car, four man , with guns in their hand got out.

" you piece of shits, come here you dumbbbbbb",without thinking I moved outside from the store and started shouting and I ran away from them store as fast as I could,


"NO, Arthur , no", as I was still distressed with the sudden actions of james I knew he wanted to save us , I put my one hand and closed my own mouth and I bite my own lips, and I stopped Arthur from screeming.

Taste of blood now , mixed with my sudden emotionsss--------



I heard sound of guns firing

"shitty, meeat and bone", I heard a men said and at the next second----

"noooooooooooooooooooooo--------", I heard james voice.

" aaaaaaaaaaaa", screamed Arthur and I knew where the situation was going to be.

I ran outside with tightly grabbing Arthurs hand, and ran outside , I gave Arthur a big push......

" run Arthur , run ......................................................................................................................................

This is my first work, I hope you have enjoyed it.

for more stay tuned moreoverplease give your review.

Author: H.E.S.H

HESHcreators' thoughts